
Questions about consciousness, past life, clueless

4 posts in this topic

Hi, I found this forum via googling spirituality. While the questions are sparking in my mind before it goes blank I would like to know what's self-actualization- is it consciousness? I have been reading up on the 7 densities, that we are in the 3rd/4th and is this related to self-actualization? 

Is yoga and meditation necessary for higher consciousness?

Of recent I want to eat clean and possibly go vegan, now when I think about it wondering if this choice is to do with a state of conscious expansion or merely out of practicality and reasoning. It's not like my intentions to change in life only out of wish for spiritual ascension. Sometimes I want self-improvement, because it's sensible thing to do.

Some other questions..

Our past lives and future lives are intertwined with this current incarnation? Would like clarification on how best to understand this.

Thank you



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Welcome to the forum.

From Google: Self-actualization is the complete realization of one's potential, and the full development of one's abilities and appreciation for life. This concept is at the top of the Maslow hierarchy of needs, so not every human being reaches it.

Here is another definition from Wikipedia: Self-actualization, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is the highest level of psychological development, where personal potential is fully realized after basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled.

  On 7/14/2021 at 4:50 PM, sara373 said:

I have been reading up on the 7 densities, that we are in the 3rd/4th and is this related to self-actualization? 

I personally haven't read the book so I can't help you there, but it seems to be related.

  On 7/14/2021 at 4:50 PM, sara373 said:

Is yoga and meditation necessary for higher consciousness?

It is useful in quieting the mind and realizing your true nature. Being "more conscious" simply means to be more accurate in your perception of reality, and meditation and yoga can certainly help with that.

  On 7/14/2021 at 4:50 PM, sara373 said:

Of recent I want to eat clean and possibly go vegan, now when I think about it wondering if this choice is to do with a state of conscious expansion or merely out of practicality and reasoning. It's not like my intentions to change in life only out of wish for spiritual ascension. Sometimes I want self-improvement, because it's sensible thing to do.

I think you will find that self-improvement and spirituality can overlap sometimes, if not, at all times. It is good to be practical and get basic needs met, and I don't think it is contradictory to spirituality. Although, at the higher level, there are spiritual practices which are not very helpful with the more down-to-earth survival things, such as accumulating money, gaining popularity, etc.

For example, I generally wouldn't say meditating on a mountain somewhere is good for financial safety (although it potentially could be), but it is useful for realizing your true nature. So, it's important to get basic needs met first, for sure.

As to the specific conundrum of eating meat or not eating meat, I don't really have an answer for you on what the correct thing to do is, it is a very nuanced topic.

  On 7/14/2021 at 4:50 PM, sara373 said:

Our past lives and future lives are intertwined with this current incarnation? Would like clarification on how best to understand this.

Maybe, I'm personally not aware of any such thing existing. Maybe look into the Akashic Records, I heard it is related.

There is a Youtube channel related to the forum called, I highly recommend you watch the videos, starting from the older ones and working your way up to the new ones. The newer ones can be confusing and hard to understand for people who are just starting out. I personally think this one is a good foundational video, along with many others you can probably find.

There is also an Actualized Clips channel with shorter clips taken from the long videos, if you happen to be low on time, although they are not as thorough because they are shorter.

Anyways, good luck, I hope this post helps you

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  On 7/14/2021 at 4:50 PM, sara373 said:

what is self-actualization- is it consciousness?

Self-actualization as in consciousness, is undefinable and incommunicable. ‘It’ is consciousness doesn’t help much, as there is only consciousness. Like a thought about a drink of water isn’t a drink of water. 

Self actualization as in psychology is a term coined by Maslow


I have been reading up on the 7 densities, that we are in the 3rd/4th and is this related to self-actualization? 

It’s a model. A way of explaining. 


Is yoga and meditation necessary for higher consciousness?

For a clear mind. 


Of recent I want to eat clean and possibly go vegan, now when I think about it wondering if this choice is to do with a state of conscious expansion or merely out of practicality and reasoning. It's not like my intentions to change in life only out of wish for spiritual ascension. Sometimes I want self-improvement, because it's sensible thing to do.

The want is ample in & of itself, and change is easier without adding thoughts about consciousness, etc, etc. 


Our past lives and future lives are intertwined with this current incarnation? Would like clarification on how best to understand this.

Not meant sarcastically, but the only answer is your own (so to speak) self realization. 



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