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Dreams of "girlfriend" almost every night

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Usually I don't remember my dreams very often.

But for the past week, I have noticed that I must have dreamed 4 to 5 times with memories when I woke up.

Each time I dreamed that I had a girlfriend but there was always something special in each dream, sometimes she wanted to kill me or there was something wrong. I also had 3 nights of nocturnal ejaculation (orgasm while sleeping) during that week. It's not even nightmares, it's quite enjoyable..

I wondered if the dreams had meanings, significance or not. I am not familiar with this area and am intrigued that this has been happening to me for +- 7 days straight.

PS: I don't think it comes from a need cause I'm less needy than the past year and I'm really happy alone. I'm talking with girls when I do my street interviews for youtube but I don't feel the need to ask them out like I used to before. So I think finding a good girlfriend is like the icing on the cake.

Edited by Gabith

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Maybe you want a girlfriend with a real connection and are so tired of waiting that you're willing to hurt yourself to make it happen?

Her wanting to kill you might be because you decided you didn't need her and slowed down your search. 

These girlfriends you project would just be you taking other forms to try and get yourself in touch with your deeper life goals.

hahhahaa - This projection is entirely influenced by movies and all that oddness. If you're looking for concrete answers on this... Be careful who you get your facts from.

Edited by SourceCodo


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Dreams are just weird, man.  Last night I dreamt I accidentally chopped off most of my thumb and half of 1 finger in a lawnmower, and had them sewn back on.. what could it possibly mean?!!?!?!?!?!?  xD

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Before falling asleep tonight, self affirm ‘there is nothing wrong with me’ for a few minutes. Feel how good that focus feels. You’ll get a better nights sleep & wake up more refreshed and with more clarity.




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9 minutes ago, Gabith said:

Interesting !

This pulls in the idea that your character is multi-fractal and you don't actually know all of your deep desires. It's how I see myself. The more consciously fluid dream state brings that stuff to the foreground because it doesn't have the fear we carry in day to day experience. Not knowing ourselves is a way of preserving the surprise and excitement that comes with novel discoveries about our identities. Just messing about. Enjoy.

Edited by SourceCodo


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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Before falling asleep tonight, self affirm ‘there is nothing wrong with me’ for a few minutes. Feel how good that focus feels. You’ll get a better nights sleep & wake up more refreshed and with more clarity.


Thanks I'll do that for a month and see what it changes

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