
Accepting my biggest fear

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I'm reasoning in circles and can't find my way out of this logic. My biggest fear is hell, how can i accept it if the definition of hell is that you can't accept it (when you are in it). If you could accept it, it wouldn't be hell. 

Please help me understand this.


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@Ecocotton There is no hell. All heaven and hell is on earth. Heaven and hell is a state of mind. 

Heaven and hell is a religious concept.  


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Remember that the bad news is, nothing last forever.. the good news is, nothing lasts forever.  

What you are asking is tantamount to asking, 'how can I enjoy flavors of ice cream I dislike, if the definition of 'dislike' means I don't enjoy them?'. 

"If you are going through hell, keep going." 

Perhaps consider that if you could accept everything as it is, then ''Hell' has no definition. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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If I discover that my dog chewed my favorite shoes, "I" can't accept it. But my eyes see plainly, my shoes are on the floor in pieces. I have already accepted it, but "I" have not accepted that I have accepted it, "I'm" in the past, thinking about what should have been or what "I" want to be. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, Ecocotton said:

I'm reasoning in circles and can't find my way out of this logic. My biggest fear is hell, how can i accept it if the definition of hell is that you can't accept it (when you are in it). If you could accept it, it wouldn't be hell. 

Please help me understand this.

That you are separate, or that there is a separate you or any thing is an assumption. You’re believing you are in thoughts, missing you are aware of thoughts. 

“I’m reasoning in circles”, you’re the awareness of that thought. You’re not actually in anything. 

“Can’t find my way out”, you’re the awareness of that thought. You’re not actually in anything. 

this logic”, you’re the awareness of one apparent finite thought at a time. That is one thought, not this ‘other thing’, ‘logic’. There is not you and logic. 

“My biggest fear”, there is not a you and a fear. That’s why the Vatican calls it “possession”. (You don’t possess anything). That’s why they call it “exorcism”… you exercise discordant beliefs via expression. You empty out the garbage, the beliefs you acquired and are carrying the weight of (no offense I hope). You are what “now” actually is. Love is pure magic, purely mystical, and absolutely free. Love can believe in whatever ‘it’ wants to. Love is so free in fact, love can believe in fear in spite of how astoundingly horrible love feels when creating this emotion / experience. Similar to how you could proceed to slowly cut each one of your fingers off, while asking about this “pain”. A good friend might say “hey! Since you don’t like how it feels… stop cutting your fingers off! Pick something you actually want, like carrots, and cut those up!”. That ‘good friend’ might be the ‘hurt’. 

I mean this is the nicest & hopefully most helpful way possible - call yourself out. Literally just say out loud “I’m totally lying! That’s why it feels so terrible to The Truth which I am! LOVE!”. 

And there is always, meditation / focusing on what does resonate with The Truth that you are. If you’re into truth, peace, love, happiness, nirvana, what is actual, etc. 

If there is much momentum of this believing of thoughts, there is much tension and contraction experienced. Either way helps; relinquishing your belief, and or relaxing the body mind deeply. The change in orientation is immediately felt as relief, the continuation of focus on the relief is the momentum of feeling better & better. 

Adopt daily meditation, exercise, a clean diet & much laughter for the easy win. Don’t look to “accept” cutting your fingers off, focus on what actually feels good to you. That’s totally allowable. :) No one’s even checking or keeping track. 



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1 hour ago, Ecocotton said:

I'm reasoning in circles and can't find my way out of this logic. My biggest fear is hell, how can i accept it if the definition of hell is that you can't accept it (when you are in it). If you could accept it, it wouldn't be hell. 

Please help me understand this.


Don't worry there isn't any "you" to go to hell. There's no such thing as a "you". In total ego death nothing of you remains.

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The way out of fear is to see for what it is. Is it something other than thinking? You can see 'the cup of tea' in the direct experience for example but do you see imagined 'hell' lol? If you see imagined 'hell' can you touch it? Stop identifying yourself with thinking that doesn't feel good. You don't need to accept anything, whatever you see around in the direct experience is already perfectly accepted. Daily meditation. ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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In addition to relaxation, there is also exposure therapy. Since fear is a belief which keeps looping, as it is not ‘finding’ the truth... it is always projected into or onto something, someone, some activity, some desire, etc. The projection is in accordance with, perfectly parallel to, the intensity of the belief. Whatever that thing or action is which is presently debilitated by the holding of the belief, can be experienced in small increments, rehabilitating, discovering there wasn’t really that monster under the bed. 

Don’t be the drummer that delays the song (life) by asking what key it’s in. 



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Read up on the history of hell in Christian literature. It’s a real eye-opener, in the Bible there is very little mention of it, it was basically invented in the Middle Ages by various writers and poets whose visions were declared as accepted by the church after their publication. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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I can't... is a belief. Believing that you can't might feel like hopelessness/resignation. Impossible..

Can you question your belief of "I can't"? Maybe you can turn the I can't to I am not willing? Maybe you haven't been able to accept the fear earlier but maybe it will be possible to meet it now or in the future?

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By accepting that you can't accept it is a good start. Instead of you reaching out for acceptance, invite acceptance to come to you on it's own terms.

You can come to know acceptance when you don't try to force it through the will of thought.


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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

In addition to relaxation, there is also exposure therapy. Since fear is a belief which keeps looping, as it is not ‘finding’ the truth... it is always projected into or onto something, someone, some activity, some desire, etc. The projection is in accordance with, perfectly parallel to, the intensity of the belief. Whatever that thing or action is which is presently debilitated by the holding of the belief, can be experienced in small increments, rehabilitating, discovering there wasn’t really that monster under the bed. 

Don’t be the drummer that delays the song (life) by asking what key it’s in. 

so in a way, fear or a belief that is fear-based causes chain reactions.. yes quite like a loop..

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Ask for forgiveness and for guidance.  Give Love and thanks.  Have Faith.

Edited by Loba

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Allegedly, when the Buddha was asked if he’d rather be in heaven or hell, he said hell. When asked why, he said there’d be nothing for him to do in heaven. 

(The point there is not that the Buddha believed in nonsense, the enlightened one is well aware there is no hell. The point is to bring the love that you are into this life, this world, this experience.) 

When asked about the actuality of fear, the Buddha spoke of the distinction between pain & suffering. 



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