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Fluency DIsorder

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I struggle to speak in complete sentences without pausing and forgetting what I'm trying to say. I guess it's a form of stuttering. I've been recording myself on video to practice public speaking and cannot speak more than a couple sentences without losing my train of thought (without reading off a page). I need to overcome this to actualize my life purpose. I have only just looked this issue up and realized that it's a condition and not just me being lazy. It also affects my relationships as I come off as uncertain or shy but I just literally cannot speak fluently. I'm pretty sure It's an emotional problem. Anyone have any experience with this or know anyone who has dealt with it? 
Update: It may be aphasia or some other speech pathology. I’m going to see a speech pathologist.

Edited by Logan

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The speech pathologist should really help, good for you going to a professional.

Out of curiosity do you listen to a lot of lectures or podcasts? Sometimes just hearing different people talk a lot to learn new vocabulary and ways of expression can help a lot. It certainty helped me.


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Yeah I listen to lots of lectures. Leo’s being one of them obviously lol. I’ll study speakers I admire and see if I can find a way to take their methods and build up my own consciously rather than just passively listening. Thanks

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This may be an underlying cause. I'll look into it. The anxiety is very subtle, I only notice that my breathing becomes shallow and my throat becomes tense, along with brain fog.

I’m going to do some somatic breathing cause I think it’s an emotional issue. I’ll do it consistently and see how it works.

Edited by Logan

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