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The impossibility of a universe without a perceiver...

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All realities can only manifest into existence by way of consciousness.

When discussing a universe devoid of consciousness, but with floating chairs, that is not possible, because a chair is a perception. A chair is made of seeing, feeling, etc. And seeing and feeling can only be done by a perceiver.

Everything is fundamentally nothing, and presents as something via perception alone. To say that an unconscious universe of floating chairs exists, is like saying that the world of your dreams exists when you wake up. The dream vanishes when not perceived. Because it is nothing.

All things are nothing. Consciousness itself is absolute total sheer nothing. It isn't ANY kind of something. It is literal nothingness in the truest sense of the word.

It is just that perception does not exist without perceiver. So wherevee there is perception, there is an illusory "perceiver" that exists because it comes WITH the perception. But the perceiver is nothingness. As is all somethings when robbed of perception.

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