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Does law of attraction works ?

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I've seen some videos of Aaron Doughty and it sounds too good to be true.

He's basically seing that love will flows in abundance if we create it in us and stop seeking for it from another people.

So let's say, I do a meditation of love / positive affirmation (I am Love, I attract love in my life etc...) everyday for months and I work on myself to become non-needy and more authentic.

If I do all this for months to the point I become authentic, non-needy and grounded, I will see love pretty much everywhere I go and I'll attract easily womens ?
He's saying a lot of things like  "the less needy we are, the more people will be attracted to us"  "the more we love ourself / become authentic" the more we will attract good people, love, sex etc..


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Yes it's true but it's more complicated than that. Action should follow otherwise you are just a dreamer. This also doesn't mean that you will be safe from harm. You may work in a bank and a bank robber comes and shoots you. This love doesn't really saves you in this case. Also you can't really wait to rain women just because you feel more love. Certainly not if you are homeless for example. But if you combine this with the right actions it will certainly help. 

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