
The past really existed

22 posts in this topic

The past is truth.

I Dont agree with Leo saying "you are imagining there was a past" or "you are imagining you went to School".

Of course i did. Other thing is that the School building, my childhood Friends, and my parents Cars were imagined by me. But they really existed (i did imagined them).

Of course they existed in the NOW, But they did existed. So the past is truth.

This is a different story from the "does the city exist when you are at your home mountain retreat? No because the present moment is all that exists. The present moment is God and IS me. If right now Im seeing a chair and a mountain, thats all that The universe is right now. There is no city right now existing anywhere.

But on the other Hand there was at one point a city. Because the past existed.


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The you which agree’s or not is imaged as the imagining there is that which you agrees or not, with. An image taken to be real, on the back of the subtle believing of, two. There is never that which thoughts point to. Just a hijacking of your own efforts, again, and again, and again. 



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There is no such thing as anything. You are literally imagining there was something in the past. What Leo is pointing to is not your interpretation of what Leo is pointing to. 

If we look at a rock, we think “there’s an enduring, consistent, static object there.” Actually though, when we train our minds to examine direct experience at microscopic resolutions of time, ie moment by moment arising and passing at the smallest possible scale, we can directly observe that there is no such thing as an object called a “rock.” The “rock” is expanding and contracting out of reality moment by moment, the form of this apparent object is going through a rapid death rebirth process which gives the illusion of continuity, consistency, and static objectivity. Truly, there is only a rapid flux of anicca, impermanence, happening at literally un-imaginable speeds. There was never such a thing as a rock, only the mind projecting the illusion of objectivity, consistency, and continuity over this dancing,  effervescent, morphing coagulation of form through the existential assumptions of time and space as well as the super imposition of memory on-top of perceptive experience. In fact, even creating the distinction within perception “rock” is attention creating an illusory separation from the whole of our direct experience. There is and only ever was one unified field. The rock is imaginary on ALL accounts. 

Like the rock, so to is this past. It is a complex matrix of mind imposing itself into and onto direct experience, which then shapes our present experience of life and the many beliefs, behaviors, and emotions we unconsciously create. The past is no more real than a child’s imagination. The past, future, life, death, self are all pure imagination in action. Tapping into this imaginative quality begins to open one up to the intrinsically beautiful and magical qualities of reality. 

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we cannot see the past except for within our minds. There is no physical past or future that we can touch and/or interact with so it doesn't exist. In the present, be it silently or consciously consider all 3. It is a way we make a picture of the world. They exist as reflections of the present as the past is what composed the present. The present can only be in existence with this contradictory thing that is the past. I call it contradictory, as it is not physically there, yet it is the only way the present can exist. So this thing that used to exist is the past. This means that the past is the present, only that the present is the manifestation of the combination of 'pasts' which each in and of themselves are in the billions upon trillions upon quadrillions of frames in each millisecond. We could go into how anything can move in a moment at all though I would rather not.

The future is the present since the future is composed of the present. We live in what forms it and also, the future is undetermined by the human mind. It is determined to happen by a preset number of causes, but we do not know exactly what will happen. Nonetheless, despite it being unknown, the future doesn't exist. It will exist, although it doesn't, as it has yet to occur. This means that it can only exist in the present as a figment of our imagination. 

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the past is a construction of your mind, since .... the present is another construction of your mind, unless you are in a mindless state, pure empty consciousness, then it will not be past since it will be all the same. To remember something, you have to give it meaning, and that is what the mind does. it shapes, limits, encapsulates the present moment, and thus can be classified in memory. and so you create the world. the whole world is a mental creation

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

If right now Im seeing a chair and a mountain, thats all that The universe is right now.

that is exacly the point of saying "past is emagined", meaning that the "past" is simply a present experience thought to have happened in a "before".

I have the feeling that you enjoy too much getting lost in mental masturbation, bewere.

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@Javfly33 The past is truth, but what we know of it comes only through artifacts that exist in the present. Our view on the past is continuously updated and revised, as new knowledge about the past is revealed. But ultimately it is looking at clues in the here and now which tell us. The past is not a certainty, it is just a shadow. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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Funny thread, the past is not.

The past was.

The word "was" indicates an existent property in something which itself can not contain nor be contained in.

Therefore the word does not satisfy itself, and is ultimately ideal.

If you think it satisfy itself for there can be no other thing satisfying it and some entity MUST do it then you think it is real.


Both are absurd, and amounts to the very silly assumptions our minds are not 'meant' to surpass, as belief in the one can only be negated by the other and only as such followed by the other whereby the first once more can be believed meaning you will only truly grasp one at present though believing you synthesized them by holding both at independent times.

If there were a pandemic going on in certain circles, well that would be it. The only thing there is is now, does not mean the past weren't neither does it mean the past were. Uncertainty, deal with it. 

The idea is that there is a higher truth, a metaphysics which accounts for the past. You can not know there is such a thing, you can believe in "it".


I would suggest focusing on what can be known and what can be inferred from there by faculties concerning necessity as opposed to conclusions on assumed premises. It is actually possible to tear away most if not all of these assumptions, detoxication. Focus on stripping yourself of what is harmful before you listen to content after content reflecting NOTHING MORE then what you assume to be valuable.

edit: And don't assume this either, if the maxim is not immediately present or contingent on necessity alone, it is assumed.

Edited by Reciprocality

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I am sitting on my bed and whatever that exist infront of me now is real. all other thing is imagination. 5 mins later I am in my kitchen whatever that exist infront of me is real everything else is imagined from this now, that includes all things i saw when i was on bed 5 mins ago.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Believing the past is real could build us a time machine. Just a random thought. 

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20 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

The past is truth.

I Dont agree with Leo saying "you are imagining there was a past" or "you are imagining you went to School".

Of course i did. Other thing is that the School building, my childhood Friends, and my parents Cars were imagined by me. But they really existed (i did imagined them).

Of course they existed in the NOW, But they did existed. So the past is truth.

This is a different story from the "does the city exist when you are at your home mountain retreat? No because the present moment is all that exists. The present moment is God and IS me. If right now Im seeing a chair and a mountain, thats all that The universe is right now. There is no city right now existing anywhere.

But on the other Hand there was at one point a city. Because the past existed.

There's no such thing as a past or a future. When you read a book, do you assume the prior pages cease to exist or that the future ones do not yet exist? See, all time is, is the experiencing of an already-written book in linear fashion.

Past pages is only a reality from the point of view of the reader going through the book linearly. If all pages are superimposed on top of each other into one single page, there's no such thing.

See going to school isn't something that existeD, it's something that existS. NOW. It is right now. It is the finite mind that sees it as a past etc because the finite mind is localized inside spacetime.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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@nuwu It's not pedantry. The past is only a thing from the perspective of the finite self. If you are talking about the Absolute, there is no such thing as linear time from that PoV, which is what Leo means.

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@Javfly33 'real' and 'imagined' are the same thing.   The past 'really exists' now, because it imaginarily exists now. 

real/imaginary is a duality that can be transcended to Real, with a capital R.  (or Imaginary, with a capital I, but it's the same as Real) 

Is this forum 'real' or 'imaginary'?   This is like asking if you want 6 donuts, or half a dozen.  

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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On 7/13/2021 at 5:57 AM, Javfly33 said:

The past is truth.

I Dont agree with Leo saying "you are imagining there was a past" or "you are imagining you went to School".

Of course i did. Other thing is that the School building, my childhood Friends, and my parents Cars were imagined by me. But they really existed (i did imagined them).

Of course they existed in the NOW, But they did existed. So the past is truth.

This is a different story from the "does the city exist when you are at your home mountain retreat? No because the present moment is all that exists. The present moment is God and IS me. If right now Im seeing a chair and a mountain, thats all that The universe is right now. There is no city right now existing anywhere.

But on the other Hand there was at one point a city. Because the past existed.



Existence is a semantically tricky word. Everyone here just want's to make sure you see it from their point of view... Because they have it totally figured out and decided themselves qualified to teach. 

But the fact is, their point of view means nothing and is nothing. It's just a point that is viewing something and wanting to be seen. An incomplete summation. Every post here is from the past. Even this one. Traveling through time to meet you... Even if that illusory word is only a construct... It's how we communicate certain phenomenon. Even when they use absolute statements to protect their gentle psychosis, they can't escape what is. 

Life exists in identity as well as without. Distinction was created with a purpose. Try as they may, they won't explain away what you're saying. Maybe they just want to protect you from the attachments that come with the past. 


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Try think of it this way. For there to have been a past. There also needed to be the now prior to that past event in where it all took place. If the past is the picture you remembered. The now was the and is the canvas onto where the past exist.

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

If existence existed, what’s existence?

@Nahm ??

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On 13/07/2021 at 7:30 PM, Harikrishnan said:

I am sitting on my bed and whatever that exist infront of me now is real. all other thing is imagination. 5 mins later I am in my kitchen whatever that exist infront of me is real everything else is imagined from this now, that includes all things i saw when i was on bed 5 mins ago.

so does this imply that you, me, We are real? And everything is an illusion or distortion? Is our current life a story that is being dreamed by the One. I AM. Idk :|

Clarification please.

Edited by sara373
making sense of it all while type

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1 hour ago, sara373 said:

so does this imply that you, me, We are real? And everything is an illusion or distortion? Is our current life a story that is being dreamed by the One. I AM. Idk :|

Clarification please.

Yes, very good.

We are One

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@Javfly33 this means you are me. In a different life story expressing itself, yourself?


wow.. interconnectedness is surreal.... Hi there 9_9

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