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Passion over Profit

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I think doing something you love is more important than the money. I would rather make 70k a year doing something I love than 170k doing something I hate. One of My friend's uncles offered me a job to work for 200k a year in the oil fields, but I turned it down, because I'm training to be a 3d artist to make 80k a year. I will have less money BUT, More HEALTH, and HAPPINESS.  What do you think of this philosophy? 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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   It's better than a typical 9-5, that's for sure. Are you planning on being a free lance too?

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If you had to decide between doing what you love for $20k a year and needing a roommate, basically living in poverty and barely getting by, or working a $100k job, it'd be a much harder decision.

For perspective, median income in the US is $31,000. That means half of people make less than that. In most of the world, people have it even worse.

Doing what you love for $70k is a no-brainer. That's upper-middle-class, especially if you've got a partner who makes the same. Most people go to school for 4 years just to work a job they hate and won't ever end up making that much.

Like honestly, what are you really going to spend an extra $100k/year on?

Making $70k a year sitting in an air-conditioned room, doing what you love, living a comfortable life, waking up excited every day. VS earning $200k year working your ass off in the heat of summer and covered in bugs in the bush, or freezing in winter, exposing yourself to cancer-causing chemicals every day, being away from loved ones for weeks or months at a time. It's an obvious choice.

Edited by Yarco

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Passion and profit. 

Imagine helping out and being nanny for bunch if INFPs and INTPs + not getting payed for that and not enjoying it. 

Checked this forum section and there is literally nothing of any real value or help. Nothing to really learn because audience here is the one of those needing help so.... what can you expect. 


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Passion- go play guitar like an idiot. 

Profit - open music studio and listen those mofos playing it while collecting their money while being passionate. 

Option 2.

Annoying kindergarten. 

Edited by Zeroguy

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