
Trip Report - Mushrooms At A Party Leading To Strange Synchronicities

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This all took place yesterday on Sunday. I had been feeling more depressed/unmotivated than usual and was sitting in my living room listening to music with a good friend and having a few beers. My roommate ended up organizing a party with some girls and other friends that we know and invited us. We debated on going because we both felt down but decided to go open ourselves to the experience and party with our friends. 

We get there and everyone is drinking and having a good time. I know most people there with only a couple of girls that I've never seen before. The host randomly pulls out a bag of shrooms and starts offering some to everyone. I have done plenty of psychedelics in the past(shrooms, acid, DMT) but I had been taking a break for the last few months and didn't think doing them at a party after having drank a few beers was a particularly great idea. 

A girl sitting next to me told me she'd never done them before but she's down to try and asks me to take some with her. I let the thought sit in my head and for some reason, my intuition tells me it's actually a good idea so I end up agreeing. We end up taking only half a gram each although I get the heads and she gets the stem part. 

The trip ended up being really intense and ridiculously deep for only having taken half a gram. I've taken around 3-4g before and it felt relatively close in intensity, not sure if it was because of the alcohol or just my state of mind but it hit strong. 

The first little while was relatively mild, just tripping and vibing to the music. Then the shrooms really started talking to me. I started to notice the social nuances at play in the room, like a guy hitting on some girls and them not being into it and their body language was really easy for me to read while tripping.

This is where I start to mentally talk to the shrooms or my ego, hard to tell which. I feel like the world is melting together and individual human beings are merged into just visual and audio output basically. The music starts speaking to me and everything starts getting very synchronized. I start thinking about my bad habits(drinking and vaping) and then the song Toxic by Britney Spears comes on. Then I go back and forth between feeling like the shrooms are judging me for my toxic behaviors and being really happy and feeling like I'm making progress in life and the universe is with me. 

It feels like the people around me are responding to the thoughts I'm having. As I start to wonder if I look normal, people make eye contact with me and ask me how I'm doing. As I'm thinking about a girl and how nice she looks, she walks over and stands right in front of me. As I'm hesitating to talk to her it feels like the shrooms are pushing me to do it but I'm overwhelmed and decided mentally not to and she immediately walks away and starts talking to another guy. 

A bit later in the night, a girl starts to look a bit distraught, she's part of the ones that took shrooms. The voice in my head tells me to go over and take care of her. Immediately as I walk up to her she asks me if I can help her get an uber home and find her friend. That seems like a lot of responsibility at the time(still high as balls) but the voice in my head tells me to reassure and tell her that her friend's fine. I start overthinking and wondering how I could possibly know where and if her friend was fine and what to do about this situation. Literally, two seconds after her friend comes back walking through the front door but a random guy started talking to the original girl but I could tell that she really just wanted to find her friend and go home so I tap her on the shoulder, say "hey I found your friend!", bring her away from the guy and to her friend and just as I do she starts kinda freaking out and being overwhelmed so it was the perfect timing. 

I'm really curious if you guys have also experienced something similar while on psychedelics or if I'm tripping out. It literally feels like my thoughts and the world become one and the world can read my thoughts and responds to them. Both really comforting and really creepy. I have to stop myself from fully believing it and kinda fact-checking it because it's very overwhelming and feels like a psychotic break almost; like everything is a pattern that speaks to me. The messages are usually really profound but perhaps sometimes corrupted by my ego and that's where it leads to strange conclusions. What do you guys make of this and have you guys had similar experiences? Also am I the only one that feels like shrooms are both really good but aggressive, almost like they tease you?

Anyway, weird but really amazing experience. Glad I ended up taking them, just was really confused and overwhelmed afterward and still processing it but nothing to complain about and I definitely had blasts of bliss that felt shockingly beautiful but also confusing and overwhelming haha 


Owner of creatives community all around Canada

 Instagram is @Kylegfall

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I am naturally highly sensitive and perceptive regarding human behavior, however I can honestly and surely confirm that they help you perceive a lot more of the entire social act human beings are putting on. This is because the entire social world - whether pick up, sports, walking in nature, networking - is invented by mind and Psilocybin unravels the mind. This way, tripping on shrooms can easily lead to much more clarity in perception of human acting out social patterns and manipulations. In other words, you forgot that you are submerged and immersed in so much mind activities that you can't even "perceive" other minds.

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I experienced similar synchronicities and strange patterns, while tripping. For example right after i had a huge insight during a heavy LSD trip, the music box on my wall formed into a friendly face which smiled to me and said something like: "yeah you got it! congrats!" and vanished directly after. However, be aware that your mind has an incredible capacity to interpret reality and make meaning out of it. Especially on psychedelics this "interpreting muscle" gets on steroids, if the dose is not too high or too low. 

Do you know about the "Rorschach Test"? Its this test, where random patterns of ink are splashed over paper and people tell what they see. They recognize animals, faces, plants and even their own family or friends. But guess what never happened? That people actually found no interpretation. Because the mind hates to "not interpret" reality. That is his function. Thats why it has been made. 

To a certain point psychedelics charge up this interpreting mechanism, and after a "critical dose" your mind will lose its job. Which is also known as ego death. And if you crank up that dose even more, you will eventually enter the infinite mind, which doesn't judge if something is good or bad, threatening or pleasant, which just is. In its pure infinity. 

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Yes. These small synchronicities start to skyrocket while on psychedelics, even at small amounts. In my experience, this is particularly the case with mushrooms. They are wild teachers, to the point where the “external” world starts to be used as a teaching tool.

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Yes this is a normal thing.

But thinking about it, I had as much crazy synchronizites being completely sober.

If you look into the world with a woke mind, you'll see that everything is connected, so in a way everything is in synchronicity.

E.g. when you thought about looking normal, people get those clues by your micromimic, especially being on psychedelics.

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I was almost going to make a thread on this.  I have strange synchronicites happening on a regular basis in my everyday life after my two mushroom ceremonies.   

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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