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Can we get rid of the whole, "please wait 180 seconds before posting" thing?

37 posts in this topic


It's teaching you patience. Self-control. Mindfulness.

I too find myself being a bit too neurotic with my posts here and there. And that thingy is stopping me from burning my mind off.

It reminds me to take a deep breath.

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3 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


It's teaching you patience. Self-control. Mindfulness.

Don´t make me laugh! What do you need the patience and self-control for? You waste them mindlessly on animalistic drives. 

So Leo, don´t listen to him. 

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@Hulia And this is exactly what I'm talking about. Unconscious shitposting.

You clearly lack discipline. I could teach you some manners, but I think Zero already volunteered for that. 

Let's hope he knows a thing or two.

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I wonder if a setting can be done user-specific? Let @ivankiss train patience and self-control for his non-relationship with J. And give me and @Gianna the freedom to express ourselves!

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41 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


It's teaching you patience. Self-control. Mindfulness.

I too find myself being a bit too neurotic with my posts here and there. And that thingy is stopping me from burning my mind off.

It reminds me to take a deep breath.

That's a very enlightened approach. Beats my preferred approach of wanting to weep bitter tears of frustration that I'm not able to do exactly what I want, when I want, and then reflecting that, boy, talk about first-world problems.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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It's a tool applied to prevent spambots and key bots from overflowing the page with nonsense before they can be caught. 

Maybe you can use those 3 minutes to reground yourself and reconnect with your breath Alternatively see it as a tool teaching you patience ;)

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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It's a forum not a chat messenger

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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It teaches you patience, isn't that a good thing? 

And no one likes a spammer

Edited by QandC

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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How about ten posts a week? Now that would be fun. The forum quality would skyrocket.

Things to do in three minutes while you wait:

Make a cup of tea/coffee

Complete a Rubiks Cube

Masturbate (physically)

Listen to your favourite song


Count to 180 breathing deeply

Quick game of blitz chess online

Watch an Actualized clips video

Text a friend for a beer and then actually go out for a beer

Think about what you're going to write in your next comment

57% paranoid

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12 hours ago, RickyFitts said:

Good grief, you have to wait three whole minutes before posting again? I thought it was ninety seconds, that's what I've seen on other forums.

Edit: I just tried it now, told me I only had to wait twelve seconds?

If you accidentally click 'submit' early (before 90 seconds or whatever it is) it will add another 90 seconds (or however many seconds it is) to your time. So unless you are sitting there counting, you're better off waiting a full 2 minutes for each post regardless. 

Edit: okay perfect example. I just went from 28 seconds to 108 seconds!!! Because I didn't count and I thought the 28 seconds was over with and it wasn't so it added another 80 seconds!!! I guess I really do need the patience guys. haha 


On 7/12/2021 at 1:03 PM, Opo said:

If it was only for the first let's say 100 posts it would stop trolls and it wouldn't annoy us. 

I think this is a great idea/thinking but bots may be able to bulldoze right on through 100 posts, easy. 

Edited by Gianna

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10 hours ago, ivankiss said:


It's teaching you patience. Self-control. Mindfulness.

9 hours ago, RickyFitts said:

That's a very enlightened approach.

A very enlightened approach!!! Love it.

Okay then guys! Looks like we have to painfully meditate through our passion. Haha. But no, self-control and mindfulness is always good. 

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2 hours ago, LastThursday said:

How about ten posts a week? Now that would be fun. The forum quality would skyrocket

Don't give Leo any ideas!!! 


2 hours ago, QandC said:

It teaches you patience, isn't that a good thing? 

It's a good thing but doesn't really work... I just open up a new tab and start going through other areas of the forum anyway. haha. Guys, do I have a problem!!? 

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1 minute ago, Gianna said:

It's a good thing but doesn't really work... I just open up a new tab and start going through other areas of the forum anyway. haha. Guys, do I have a problem!!? 

I do the same. 

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So here's the scene: 

You're waiting your 28 seconds or whatever, no big deal. And then you think your 28 seconds is done (because who sits there and counts? you don't count when you meditate ;) haha) so then you click submit and then BAM– you're an idiot, the 28 seconds was not over yet, and so here's another 180 more seconds for you. 

Then you think the 180 seconds is over with... NOPE. Here another 320 more seconds!! Okay, goodbye to what you were going to say. The forum has moved on and your comment is irrelevant now. LOL. 

I'm just teasing you guys. 

Edited by Gianna

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3 minutes ago, Gianna said:

So here's the scene: 

You're waiting your 28 seconds or whatever, no big deal. And then you think your 28 seconds is done (because who sits there and counts? you don't count when you meditate ;) haha) so then you click submit and then BAM– you're an idiot, the 28 seconds was not over yet, and so here's another 180 more seconds for you. 

Then you think the 180 seconds is over with... NOPE. Here another 320 more seconds!! Okay, goodbye to what you were going to say. The forum has moved on and your comment is irrelevant now. LOL. 

I'm just teasing you guys. 

Yeeees! This is how it is! @Zeroguy you will never know what I wrote to you but never submitted ?

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2 hours ago, Gianna said:

If you accidentally click 'submit' early (before 90 seconds or whatever it is) it will add another 90 seconds (or however many seconds it is) to your time. So unless you are sitting there counting, you're better off waiting a full 2 minutes for each post regardless. 

Edit: okay perfect example. I just went from 28 seconds to 108 seconds!!! Because I didn't count and I thought the 28 seconds was over with and it wasn't so it added another 80 seconds!!! I guess I really do need the patience guys. haha 

Ahh right okay, I'll have to bear that in mind. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm perfectly impassive when I see that red text telling me I have to wait however long to post again, it makes me want to introduce my laptop to the sharp end of a baseball bat xD

2 hours ago, Gianna said:

A very enlightened approach!!! Love it.

Okay then guys! Looks like we have to painfully meditate through our passion. Haha. But no, self-control and mindfulness is always good. 

Absolutely :) Doesn't mean it's always easy, mind, and I for one wouldn't judge you if you felt frustrated or annoyed (heck, I'd be a giant hypocrite if I did). And hey, at least you can have a sense of humour about it, which is great :)

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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