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Kalki Avatar

Dangers of spiritual work

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This is specially for the new ones that might get easily lost in this path. 

I experienced mostly everything in the post, except for #5. 

Persay, these aspects are not negative in themselves. Its just that they might seem as if they are in comparison to a different perspective. Specially the egoic one from society. Many of these, simply mean progress, healing and evolution. Its part of the process. When going through them, they wont seem as such, because the truth of the matter will be revealed, which is very different to the truth you think about truth. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and is not always dark. The spiritual path is like a rollercoaster, not a straight line. You will always end up winning by doing spiritual work. Except for blowing yourself up with bad kundalini practice or too many psychedelics. 

So, I just wanted to let you know a couple of things that if you are not aware or unwilling to deal with due to personal duties, lifestyle, responsabilites or goals. You might want to stop or do easier meditation, not hardcore. Remember, in meditation you are eliminating your present life/world/mind/illusions, which includes the positive and negative in exchange for that which is beyond both. The destruction of your mind, doesnt necesarily mean everything in your life will go. You have to be aware and distinguish everything in your personal experience by yourself. And dont make beliefs out of this that are not true and unnecesary. Verify everything by yourself. These are just warning pointers. Even if they are bound to occur, dont look for them since they are a consequence, not a cause. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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