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What would be a healthier goal in life ?

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when I have deep experiences, right after it, I find myself saying "but there is nothing to do" ...
And that resonates negatively with me, I feel that nothing matters and that there is no purpose.

But sometimes I say to myself "well, there is nothing to do, so I might as well love, do good and help others as much as possible, since the "others" are me".

Would this be the most appropriate goal to apply? In order not to fall into depression and continue to say to oneself that there is nothing to do, everything is a dream

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@Gabith Cool bro.


And that resonates negatively with me, 

That's the key, if the thinking resonates negatively there is choice to let it go by switching the focus (attention). Follow the best feeling thought and see where life takes you. ;) 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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2 hours ago, Gabith said:


when I have deep experiences, right after it, I find myself saying "but there is nothing to do" ...
And that resonates negatively with me, I feel that nothing matters and that there is no purpose.

Respectfully, you don’t, won’t, and can not ‘find yourself’, you already are yourself. ‘That there is nothing to do’ isn’t what resonates negatively with you, the thought of the separate you resonates ‘negatively’ with, you, goodness, awareness, no thing, the creator of purpose, which is whole. 


But sometimes I say to myself "well, there is nothing to do, so I might as well love, do good and help others as much as possible, since the "others" are me".

Respectfully love, never do you say to yourself. No one has ever experienced that. That is what feels ‘off’, because there are not two of you. There are not others which are you. There are not / is not others and a you. 

How about loving, being the goodness you are, and helping others, and focusing on your goal(s), or that which you desire to create & experience? 

The prison of the mind is the believing of the thoughts… this way or that way… should I have my cake or should I eat it.


Would this be the most appropriate goal to apply? In order not to fall into depression and continue to say to oneself that there is nothing to do, everything is a dream

Of course not. Applying goodness is a goal like believing a you could become enlightenment, or attain or achieve it. It = you already. Goodness as a goal is the belief you are not it, are separate, the “separate self”, who’ goal is goodness. If you want to conduct goodness, conduct goodness. If you don’t want to, don’t. If you want to be kind, because of how you feel, be kind. If you don’t want to, don’t. 

A goal is not avoidance (so I don’t… x, y or z). Avoidance just is avoidance. 

The motive of ‘not falling into depression’… is focus upon depression. 

The inspiration of creating the life you actually desire… is focus upon the life you actually desire. The first step is complete acceptance with what is. Letting all conditions upon this moment go. The more you do, so to speak, the more it is realized there is only ever this same ‘moment’. Pure magic! ‘This M’F’ing “moment” literally becomes what you focus upon’. “This Moment” is Unconditional! You can have, do, be and create - ANYTHING! 

Avoiding depression…? Is that the experience you desire? Avoiding depression!? 


That slap was so good she slapped the ‘R’ ‘E’ right off the wall! Slapped the re-producing the same shit right outta that lady!



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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Avoiding depression…? Is that the experience you desire? Avoiding depression!? 


Lol :D 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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