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Why did God create psychedelics?

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I mean it's a genuine question. Anyone got a solid, concrete answer?

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who the hell are you asking? ;D Why did God create YOU would be a more essential question.

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Cause god felt like it 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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@Rigel not the answer I was looking for, but probably the most accurate one I will get.

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God (some other thingy) didn’t. You (God) did (still are), effortlessly, and without noticing, simply via focus. If focus of unobstructed desire were on being an astronaut, you’d be asking why God created the moon, perhaps not noticing you actually did (are right now) ‘along the way’ so to speak. Exactly like you’re creating that there is a nahm right now. Or not maybe. Dunno. Either way really, what a trip. 



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@Godishere There is nothing special about psychedelics. You might as well ask "why did god create the tree in your neighbor's garden?" 

The answer is: for no reason.

Creation (i.e. reality) is spontaneous and unpremeditated. There is no reason to anything, but equally, nothing is random. 

There cannot be a "reason" to anything, because reality is groundless. It is itself. It's own ground/existence. 


The notion of "reason/cause" bears with it so many assumptions that by the time you've tackled all those, your question will have revealed itself to be meaningless. 

Edited by Tim R

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@Tim R ahh yes, this actually makes more sense ? of course, it's nothingness

There is still something very peculiar about transitioning from relative to Absolute. 

@Nahm I guess a better question would be, why does a psychedelic disrupt the flow of consciousness? If it's just enhanced neurotransmitters in the imaginary brain .. that means I imagined the psychedelic and I imagined the psychedelic wearing off. So basically I have zero free will. But relatively speaking it feels like l have choices as a human? Like to take the imaginary psychedelic or to not, for example. So therefore God chooses when to reconnect with the Absolute?

Edited by Godishere

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It’s not a disruption. It is ‘still’ the flow. There is no more a you imagining than there is a you taking or not taking a psychedelic, having or not having free will, making or not making choices. The sneakiness is smoother & deeper than Barry White, more circumventive than OJ’s dream team, and more cohesive than the Manitowoc County judicial system. God=Absolute. Is. 



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He was trying to make pancakes but somehow fucked up and made that instead.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Here is what I think, even though I'm talking to myself lol:

"Psychedelics" are part of the cosmic joke. All of these chemicals are completely imaginary, and really what happens when "you" consume them - you as God then imagine what that psychedelic state of consciousness would be like.

You then imagine having a psychedelic trip, but it's really just infinite imagination at play - sounds, colours, feelings - all synced together to create a dualistic adventure.

Psychedelics also give you a chance to stay in the materialist paradigm, because God can always choose to forget the experience and brush it off as "just a mere hallucination". Psychedelics are just another toy for God to play with, and also a way to "wake up". 

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It's the same reason you set an alarm clock.. to wake yourself up!

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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