The White Belt

True Purpose? No Purpose?

11 posts in this topic

Hello folks!

So about 10 minutes ago I was skimming the comments section on a random 'The Diamond Net' Video (Hello Emerald, if you see this thread), and I saw a comment saying 'We don't have to believe our thoughts', which of course I already knew is true, but it really got me thinking in relation to my life.

My 'purpose' or vision for myself seems to keep changing lately, and I believe this is down to my thoughts. One week I want to be an actor, the next a musician, then an artist, then a film director. Obviously these all have one thing in common, that being they are all in the arts, but are constantly fleeting, and are just thoughts.

So I conclude my thoughts are screwing me over. 

Would it be unfavorable to awakening just to attempt to control my thoughts by asserting that I want THIS and not THAT to be my life's work or will that just bury me further into the illusion even if I do this with detachment E.G Read my work values every morning whilst still realising I am not this thoughts? Osho Said there is no purpose so surely I can just play the game and tunnel vision myself intentionally down one path?





“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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At the end its all illusion, and where living in it. So we might as well enjoy it. If you like doing something and it makes you happy, does it really matter if its a illusion?

I realize that im not this person typing this message, but im not resisting.

Without the restrictions of the mind (or at least less restrictions) you have so much more freedom to do what you want. Just let your ego lose on that idea and you will feel great. Will be a illusion do.
Or go live in a cave :S.

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18 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

Would it be unfavorable to awakening just to attempt to control my thoughts by asserting that I want THIS and not THAT to be my life's work or will that just bury me further into the illusion even if I do this with detachment E.G Read my work values every morning whilst still realising I am not this thoughts?

I see a lot of people struggling with that paradox. How can you seriously have a purpose and go after something when at the same time you want to find out that it's all a dream. It's the same with culture, your whole life really.

The thing is this: I can tell you from experience that even when you find out who you are (and that is the most relieving thing you can do in your life) you still have this great thing called mind and thoughts. You now know what it really is and what it can do, so use it to express your authentic passions. Also use your spiritual recognition and insights not to be like "Oh, I'm better then all of these hypnotized people around here" but to help them out of their ruts and problems.

You can have a great time being enlightened and still involve yourself to a degree in this world.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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19 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

Would it be unfavorable to awakening just to attempt to control my thoughts by asserting that I want THIS and not THAT to be my life's work or will that just bury me further into the illusion even if I do this with detachment E.G Read my work values every morning whilst still realising I am not this thoughts? 

Somehow, I see this question being repeated in one way or the other by different ppl here. Since we are living in a non-duel reality, the opposite is also true (paradoxes). For example, there's no up or down in space. We don't just have sad emotions; there's also happiness and vice versa. This is to balance things out.

Having said that, yes, you could say that life is meaningless, but the paradox is also true - it's meaningful. This allows us to balance things out. If something doesn't work out, then we try something else. I would say, it gets out of balance if we dwell on it and not take it as a lesson and move on.

I'm glad that you realized that you are art inclined. That's a big step - keep going with that. How will you make that marketable? Maybe make something and try selling it? (That's what I tried. Btw, I'm also an artist.) Try different things.

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Life purpose is basically whatever you prefer to do. We have unique personalities, unique preferences. It's not "purpose" in the sense that it ultimately means anything.

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@BeginnerActualizer Life purpose is a construction. That's all. It's something you decide to create, in the same way that a child decides to create a sandcastle at the beach to entertain herself.

You can be enlightened and build a sandcastle. The only difference is, you will be aware of what you're doing, unlike other people who become identified with their sand castles, only to cry when the tide washes them away.

If you took my course, you should remember that I specifically talked about how life purpose is a CONSTRUCTION and mustn't be taken too seriously. And yet, at the same time, you must take it very seriously ;)

What you're struggling with here is the notion of detachment. It's very paradoxical. You haven't reconciled in your mind yet how it's possible to be super-passionate about something, and yet fully detached from it. This ability requires massive development of awareness. It's an advanced fruit of spiritual purification. So if you're doing the consciousness work alongside your life purpose work, one day you will reconcile the paradox of detachment. And when you do, your ability to execute on your purpose will skyrocket.

Or it's also possible that you realize your purpose was inauthentic, requiring a big re-alignment. Either way, it's a great thing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura but if I THINK I want to do something with my life, how do I know I actually, really, in reality, want to do that, baring in mind thought is so damn unreliable?

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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@Leo Gura What about making a video on this topic. I see many people here having this paradox in their minds, myself included.

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15 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

@Leo Gura but if I THINK I want to do something with my life, how do I know I actually, really, in reality, want to do that, baring in mind thought is so damn unreliable?

How do you know you wont change your mind and opinion about set thing?
Whats the weather going to be here at 4 pm in 48 years?
You see why these questions are identical?

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22 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

@Leo Gura but if I THINK I want to do something with my life, how do I know I actually, really, in reality, want to do that, baring in mind thought is so damn unreliable?

When you want sex, do you stop and ask yourself: "But how do I know I REALLY want sex? What if I stop wanting it just as I'm pulling my dick out?"

Desire is FELT. Desire is passion. It's a deep yearning.

If you have no desire for anything, then good. Just sit there and be satisfied without desire. You don't need anything more. Or do you?

For people who have no other yearning, I recommend pursuing consciousness and Truth. Your desires will materialize as you shed layers of fake self in that process.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I see what you mean. Thanks Leo!

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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