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We Hate Things We Can't Understand

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We hate things we can't understand. Like poems. I used to fucking hate poems. It felt like middle English to me– I hear you, I follow, but what are you saying? What is the need for all of this poetic jargon? Well, I just wrote my first poem because I get it now. I get that some things can't be communicated. But they can be understood.

I read once online that, "the truth is like poetry– and most people fucking hate poetry." I laughed. Because I get it. I see it. I feel it. I feel that we hate things we can't understand. But why can't we understand the Truth? Why would someone hate Truth? Maybe it's because they never really understood it. 

People love the truth in name but what happens when it doesn't serve you? It goes out the window that's what. When the shit hits the fan people fleet towards lies, falsehood, selfishness, and deceit because that's what serves them. It's all in the name of love really. Survival, I mean. Procreation. Love. Happiness. 

It's funny because you never really care about the Truth until you realize what it is. Then, you'll never stop caring about it. But how can you realize what the Truth is if you don't care enough about it in the first place? If you never face it? By fate I guess. Or just feel a little deeper [or a lot deeper], you'll get it.

Edited by Gianna

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