
Having trouble falling asleep? Try this...

3 posts in this topic

Do the Wim Hof method / holotropic breathing when you go to bed tonight. Put more emphasis on the out breath, not the in breath. It doesn't have to be long, 5-10 min should do it. 

This technique has helped me tremendously to improve sleep latency. I discovered this by accident after having alot of trouble with sleep this year.

Just happy to share this because I think it might help someone out there.

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Thank you salty meatballs O.o

This actually helped, I'm sick right now and struggled falling asleep, read your post, tried it and fell asleep a few minutes later, even if just for an hour or so. I'd really like to know why this works, if it regulates hormone excretion or something like that o.O

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Listening to the sound of raindrops in the forest can also help. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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