Tim R

Hanlon's Razor

11 posts in this topic

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Interesting philosophical tool I just came across. It's kinda like Ockhams Razor. I think it's quite useful, because plain ignorance, stupidity and unconsciousness are much more abundant in human beings than actual malice... 

Philosophical Razors are pretty useful anyway, so here you go:



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Mason's Razor - Any attempt to interfere with what is occurring, is just more 'what is occurring'.

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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11 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

Mason's Razor - Any attempt to interfere with what is occurring, is just more 'what is occurring'.

This is why time travel would not work like in movies.

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Leo's Razor: It's all just gradations of Love ;)


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Today, I almost ran my moms car into the garage door because I accidently pressed the gas pedal instead of the break. I'm sure Hanlon's Razor applies here xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Jacob Morres said:

@Mason Riggle is that legit?? I tried to find more info and I couldn't find anything 

He is joking.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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How about Homer' Razor : Never attribute to malice that which can adequately attributed to laziness.


I'm writing a philosophy book! Check it out at : https://7provtruths.org/

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18 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Today, I almost ran my moms car into the garage door because I accidently pressed the gas pedal instead of the break. I'm sure Hanlon's Razor applies here xD

close shave, man

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