Striving for more

This week - I swallowed the Black pill ... I'm not sure if I can go back

63 posts in this topic

I became extremely "red pill" this year ...

  • Self improvement 
  • Gradual growth - levelling up 
  • Be "high value", "High status" & women will "chase you", "come easy"
  • Learn Pick up > because There will be linear .. or exponential progress ... "as game improves X attractiveness improves proportionately Y"
  • "Increase your IQ with diet, Andy cutler and  nootropics" 
  • "You're brain fog is not due to genetics or permanent environmental factors, you can mould your brain in your mid 20's & increase your IQ & EQ By like 40 points bro, keep reading & you'll become smart"

The principle belief I held was that women care about looks less than men. 

I think the truth is  women care about looks as much or more than men, it's just they also want the other stuff, whereas men don't care.

Height. big dick, Face. 

Face, small dick short = OUT 

Face, Height small dick = PROBABLY FINE 

Face big dick, short = MAYBE 

Face short small dick = DONE 

No face, Height = MAYBE 

On top of this, women have undeniably limitless options for the Tall, good looking + cool, popular men just a swipe away ... So why would I even give this 6/10 5'8 stranger the time of day?

...  I think it's just obvious. You CAN RAISE YOUR VALUE A BIT ... but the lower your looks, the harder you have to compensate & in some cases it still won't cut it. 

+ Online dating, covid & society is only making things worse & worse over time. 

In 10 years time, I will probably just resort to prostitutes, it will be over for me and most people

. And I'm not even that ugly! I'm actually a 5 - 6.5, perhaps a 6.5 - 7 if i'm your type, and I'm funny ect... 

But still, even the average looking women have so many better options, They even won't go for me. 

Then I'm left with the 3's, 4's and 5's .... In this case I'd rather masturbate thanks. 

But in the big picture, it's game over. 

Change my opinion, I swallowed the black pill ... I am very open minded, my mind changes easily, I am not holding this as dogma or truth, this is the perspective I am internalising because It lines up with all the evidence.

But change my mind, or delete this post @Leo Gura if you want > it's your forum and I don't intend to put others down, but I am very fluid mind & OCD too so I easily take on different positions


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Again, I feel that I have mis represented myself here in this post. 

My main dilemna is : 

  1. Be red pill > do pick up & improve myself & constantly get rejected due to women's impossible standards
  3.  Have some pride > completely cut myself out the dating game and focus on building good deep friendsships with guys, because this is gauranteed to bring happiness and will not be dependent on my looks or status but is very realistic, ignore attractive women, act like I don't care, completely filter them out, focus on purpose and becoming rich and then hire high quality hookers if I need those needs sorted
  • Right now I need to clear my head from this and forget that women and dating exist ... I think I need to travel and find some friends, because yes reality making me miserable and it's getting boring. Maybe take some psychedelics to escape reality to, because reality overall just sucks. 


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There's an even bigger picture you're not looking at. To put it succinctly:

Economy <--->>> Culture <--->>> intersexual dynamics. 

With automation, AI, and more profits being able to be made via speculation that production, less people are needed. 

I cover this in my "Critique of the Rational Male and Red Pill Ideology."

Essentially, the Red Pill is trying to address the symptom, and it's being less and less effective as time goes on for more people. 

Blackpill is a "solution". But not for you.

The issue is that people are now decontextualized individuals that are incapable of cooperating to effect material change that's beneficial to them. They at right into the hand of big munmunz. 

The fact that the blackpill exists is telling as to who won the class war. 

Another issue is that most ppl are incapable of looking at the bug picture. 

Like even in your post, you're still stuck at the individual level, and your solutions are also stuck there. 

Here's a solution: find a way to get location independent income and move to a place where there's a lot of attractive women. The high supply makes them easier (supply and demand). 


^ this solution is literally outside the box, and is also super challenging and can even be scary. 


Or, you can stick with Blackpill, in which case, you've lost, and are just stuck with coping. 

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@Striving for more  read Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

It is mindblowing, you'll drop a lot of your ideas / ideology on women and attraction

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@Striving for more No more pills for you sir, you've had quite enough ;)

And we all know mixing is dangerous.

Good on you for not clinging to disempowering worldviews.


I could give you some input on your latest pill, but that would cause you to overthink even more about "what is true".

This is a fundamental mistake.

Adopt a paradigm and it will become true. Because of confirmation bias, RAS (Reticular Activating System) and Law Of Attraction, how you decide to see the world is what you will see more and more evidence of, and what your subconscious will then move you towards so you take actions that make it more and more true, without you even knowing it. (Example: if you believe there's something wrong with your face, then you will unconsciously send signals with your body language and vocal tonality that make her believe that something's wrong with you)


  • Be aware that you can choose any paradigm that you can (learn to) believe, and it will dramatically shape your life and alter its course
  • Choose wisely


I hope that wasn't too abstract for you.

This is my recommendation: take back control

  1. Get off youtube or reddit or wherever you find your "pills". Unsubscribe
  2. Roll your own. What do you want to become true? Ex: "Women love me", "I am handsome", "I have an abundance of hot girls waiting for me to talk to them", "I am naturally attractive", et cetera et cetera
  3. Write between 3 and 10 affirmations and read them to yourself every day and night.
    Phrase them in a way where they feel somewhere between believable and unbelievable. This limit will stretch.
    If the "I am" form feels too inauthentic, use "I'm becoming". That is powerful stuff.
  4. Don't get sucked into other people's views if they don't make you feel relaxed. Many people are unconsciously addicted to feeling anxious, and they will spread anxiety-provoking worldviews. Don't even give these the time of day. All conclusions that can be expressed in words are ultimately false, anyway.
  5. Watch what happens after a couple months of doing this...

This is the basics of Psycho-Cybernetics, a book you might want to check out

Edited by flowboy

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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@Striving for more 

2 hours ago, Lucas-fgm said:
  3 hours ago, Striving for more said:


I think the truth is  women care about looks as much or more than men, it's just they also want the other stuff, whereas men don't care.



Screenshot 2021-07-09 at 18.39.50.png

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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Posting outliers as examples doesn’t help the OPs dilemma btw that just confirms it even more 

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@Striving for more

I would cut out whatever “black pill” sources of info you are consuming. Your perspective is not “lining up with the evidence” at all. It’s lining up with cherry picked evidence and confirmation bias, which you don’t see how you’re doing.

I would challenge you to find as many examples as you can which refute the statements you just made.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Forum guys: girls have way too high standards, they don’t care about incels/ unattractive/nice/low value guys, how can they be so evil and ruthless.

also forum guys:  I would never stoop so low as to hit on a girl lower than a 6, no thanks, I have standards to keep up, I would rather masturbate than date anyone that low. 

??? the hypocrisy is painful. 

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14 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

@Tangerinedream sometimes it is enjoyable to be an asshole, sometimes the shadow side is tasty. 


look at the mirror and help yourself

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10 hours ago, Striving for more said:

And I'm not even that ugly! I'm actually a 5 - 6.5, perhaps a 6.5 - 7 if i'm your type, and I'm funny ect... 

I think most of the issue stems from this. Work on building up your self-esteem would be a great start. You should be high value to yourself and others. This "looks scale" is pointless. 

I would start out by reading the 6 pillars of self-esteem. This would likely help your results a lot if you apply the stuff said. 

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15 hours ago, Striving for more said:

I became extremely "red pill" this year ...

  • Self improvement 
  • Gradual growth - levelling up 
  • Be "high value", "High status" & women will "chase you", "come easy"
  • Learn Pick up > because There will be linear .. or exponential progress ... "as game improves X attractiveness improves proportionately Y"
  • "Increase your IQ with diet, Andy cutler and  nootropics" 
  • "You're brain fog is not due to genetics or permanent environmental factors, you can mould your brain in your mid 20's & increase your IQ & EQ By like 40 points bro, keep reading & you'll become smart"

The principle belief I held was that women care about looks less than men. 

I think the truth is  women care about looks as much or more than men, it's just they also want the other stuff, whereas men don't care.

Height. big dick, Face. 

Face, small dick short = OUT 

Face, Height small dick = PROBABLY FINE 

Face big dick, short = MAYBE 

Face short small dick = DONE 

No face, Height = MAYBE 

On top of this, women have undeniably limitless options for the Tall, good looking + cool, popular men just a swipe away ... So why would I even give this 6/10 5'8 stranger the time of day?

...  I think it's just obvious. You CAN RAISE YOUR VALUE A BIT ... but the lower your looks, the harder you have to compensate & in some cases it still won't cut it. 

+ Online dating, covid & society is only making things worse & worse over time. 

In 10 years time, I will probably just resort to prostitutes, it will be over for me and most people

. And I'm not even that ugly! I'm actually a 5 - 6.5, perhaps a 6.5 - 7 if i'm your type, and I'm funny ect... 

But still, even the average looking women have so many better options, They even won't go for me. 

Then I'm left with the 3's, 4's and 5's .... In this case I'd rather masturbate thanks. 

But in the big picture, it's game over. 

Change my opinion, I swallowed the black pill


Enjoy wallowing in your own bullshit. More hot women for me.

It occurs to me now, black pill is just evolution's way of culling out the dumb people. If you are gonna use your mind so improperly, perhaps it's best you don't reproduce because the future needs construct-aware individuals.

Why would a woman want to fuck someone so mentally weak? I would think less of her if she did.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why are you people so negative? The only thing women care about is the dude's confidence. That's the truth. Men are designed to be predators. 

Edited by diamondpenguin

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Enjoy wallowing in your own bullshit. More hot women for me.

It occurs to me now, black pill is just evolution's way of culling out the dumb people. If you are gonna use your mind so improperly, perhaps it's best you don't reproduce because the future needs construct-aware individuals.

Why would a woman want to fuck someone so mentally weak? I would think less of her if she did.


It's Love.

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