
Having equal vision

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For the past couple of days I have felt very little sense of difference between anything. Even the economic system with it's hierarchical structures feel smoothed out in some way. I might see the president of a country on tv, and I can tell he thinks he's important, but I don't sense any more power there than in a plant growing in the garden. I'm pretty sure that if a tiger came for me I would probably notice some sense of difference and shit myself. But somehow everything just feels like "equal" beingness at the moment. I'm guessing this is just a phase ? 

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@Wilhelm44 Everything is "equal" only ego mind gives importance to stuff..and you give the importance or whatever to stuff... if you dont then its equal....its a game basically ..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf  Thank you, so by a game you mean we are in charge of the importance we give to things, and thus also in control of the amount of suffering or bliss we experience, is that the extent of our freedom in this life ?  

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@Wilhelm44 you're in charge of nothing.  There is no freedom, in the sense that 'in any moment, reality could 'be' other than how it is being'.  The freedom comes in the form of a realization that there nothing to to.. no doing.. only 'being'. 

Consider the following scenario..

A man wakes up in the morning, gets ready for his day, and on his way out the door he spills his coffee, causing him to go back inside, change his shirt, and leave the house 5 minutes later than originally planned.  On his way to work, he is in a fatal car accident that he might have avoided had he left home at the usual time.

We might ask ourselves, 'what was the 'cause' of the accident?' (who was in charge?) The spilled coffee? The man waking up? The carelessness of the other driver? The decision to change his shirt?   We can recognize that all of these things 'caused' the accident.. it's 'the playing out of the entire Universe' that causes 'how the Universe is playing out'. 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Mason Riggle  Aha, so whatever this body appears to be doing is still actually only a beingness, because that's all there is.

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@Wilhelm44 yep. Everything is happening (being), and no one's 'doing it'. ;) 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Wilhelm44 depends on how you define 'God'.   If a puppet is pulling it's own strings, who's doing what? Are the strings moving the puppet or is the puppet moving the strings?  

"Am I doing all of this, or is all of this doing me?"

The illusion is that there is separation between 'the doer' and 'what's being done'.  It's all you.  It's all God. This is why, when religious people are asked to provide 'proof of God's existence' they gesture around broadly.. look around.. here it is.

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Mason Riggle Cool, thanks man. So it's simply our insistence on being a separate doer, ie trying to play God in a way, which prevents us from knowing that we have been God all along. 

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@Wilhelm44 pretty much :) 

God (the Oneness) likes to pretend (dream, imagine, create) that it is separate from itself (Manyness) so it can know (experience, be) itself. 

Everything/Nothing is Infinite (unlimited).. it's without form.. it's indescribable.. so it imposes imaginary limits (duality- this vs that) on itself so it can 'seem like' (here we are pretending, imagining, creating) Something.


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Wilhelm44 Yes thats freedom with lover case f...you choose what to give importance to, so be careful what you give importance to ,if you have some goals in life to apsire to...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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