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Schrödinger's Cat Manifestation Tricks

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Schrödinger's Cat Manifestation Tricks

NOTE: if you're a manifestation-skeptic, then you might want to give this post a wide berth.

So I've been working on a couple of experiments where I fuse together the premise of Schrödinger's Cat with classic manifestation theory. The result is entry-level miracle work based on some fleshed out principles.

To understand this fully we first need to understand some of the problems that pertain to advanced-level manifestation work. Or in other words:-

The Problem with Walking On Water

At every present moment in duality, the subject/object relationship is characterized by a belief/reality complex that symbiotically negotiates with one another to create the illusion of the dream world.

Belief informs reality, while reality simultaneously informs belief.


The result is a perpetual tug of war between belief and reality with both vying for dominance.

If the incoming reality is stronger than the outgoing belief, then belief has no choice but to capitulate to reality, thereafter creating a vicious circle at the expense of manifestation.

The opposite is also true. If the outgoing belief is stronger than the incoming reality, then reality has no choice but to capitulate to belief, thereafter creating strong self-supporting bonds in favor of manifestation.

The problem is that from the perspective of a junior-level manifestor, reality is a significantly more pernicious beast than the seemingly benign naivety of its subject.

To demonstrate this, we can now attempt to conjure up a bowl of strawberry ice-cream out of thin air through the power of belief alone. Classic manifestation theory has it that just by reconstituting your belief along the lines of:-

"There is a bowl of strawberry ice-cream here in my hands."

...would be sufficient. The problem is that for every feeble thought you have in this direction, reality has already pinged you a million times harder and faster in the opposite direction:-

"There is NOT a bowl of strawberry ice-cream here in my hands."

...which ends up becoming the dominant partner, thus winning the battle of who informs who. Reality thereafter informs belief, contrary to your desires, and the bowl of strawberry ice-cream fails to materialize. The feeble sperm of conviction is out competed by the intensity of the defacto state, and thus fails to fertilize.

This is also true when it comes to walking on water.

Schrödinger's Cat 

Until we reach advanced-level manifestation where the strength of our belief outperforms incoming reality, we can still practice entry-level manifestation via techniques that take advantage of Schrödinger's Cat.

In such scenarios, the defacto state of reality is unknown and therefore has a diminished influence within the belief/reality complex.


Examples of this might be Instant-Win Lottery Scratchcards, or medical syringes that claim to contain biological agents such as vaccines and so forth. There are many examples that are worthy of experimentation.

The basic premise, is that in such scenarios, reality is not pinging you in an opposite direction. In fact, it is not pinging you in any direction at all. In the absence of a contrapuntal antagonist, the junior manifestor has an optimal sandbox for maximizing their beliefs unto reality.

For example, when one holds an unscratched Instant-Win Lottery Scratchcard in their hands, as with Schrödinger's Cat, the quantum wave has yet to collapse. Ahead of us are two timelines that have yet to solidify: A timeline on which the scratchcard is a winning scratchcard. and a timeline on which the scratchcard is a losing scratchcard.

At this point, reality is basically mute. Thus, therein lies the opportunity to instigate the belief:-

"This is a winning scratchcard." which reality has no counter-response whatsoever. The sperm of the belief has no competitors, and if successfully potent enough (without skepticism nor doubt) has the potential to collapse the quantum wave in favor of the manifestor, bringing about a genesis of the defacto state which thereafter supports the initial belief symbiotically. Or in other words, the now scratched scratchcard confirms the conviction.

As usual, manifestation always works best when manifesting on behalf of the Universal-Self rather than just the finite-self. So you might want to practice giving unscratched scratchcards to homeless people. 

Good luck!



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Okay, I would love this to be true. However, for now I haven't been able to consciously do this once!

I tried, but I have yet to experience it.


When I was "trapped" into the nothingness, I had that worldview. I don't know what exactly I tried to manifest, but I haven't had the "wow"-moment it happend. At least I couldn't consciously create it.

However I already dreamt about something very specific and absurd, that happened in real life the following day.

On the other hand, I also dreamt about stuff, which I feared would happen, that fortunately didn't happen at all (Car crash).

Do you have anectodal evidence for your method? I would love to hear it in details.

I am actually more afraid of it working than it not working, that would terrify me. I fear it being selling my soul to the devil lol.

Do you have other easy methods I could try? I'm going to buy a lottery ticket and meditate on the numbers, but I am afraid of karma backlash.

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2 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Do you have other easy methods I could try?


I'm reluctant to quote Yoda but there's certainly a kernel of truth in the understanding: "Do, or do not. There is no try,"  :)

The original post is mainly targeted at those who already understand that manifestation is real, but could do with some fleshed-out exploration of the limitations and challenges. I think @Leo Gura has also some experience with such questions.

Manifesting accidentally is very easy when you cannot tell the difference between telepathy and manifestation. For example, someone might have received strong urges in 2013 to buy bitcoin, simply because they just knew that the price was going to spend the next 10 years going up. When it inevitably does exactly as predicted, one has to question whether they were receiving telepathic wisdom prior to the fact, or whether the strength of their conviction gave rise to the fact. In any event, it's precisely this kind of convictional belief that has any hope of influencing manifestation.

More broadly, from my experience manifestation works best in conjunction with three forces: Love, Sovereignty and Self-Confidence. If you get those into alignment then you can expect to see better results. This is also why manifesting on behalf of the Universal Self is easier than on behalf of the finite-self, although technically both are achievable.

What you might want to try is something simple at first to open up a connection. For example, try manifesting a red party balloon coming into your life at some point. Know that it will appear eventually, it's merely just a question of when. 

Keep an eye out for it, and when it comes, don't deny it. Embrace it and respect the connection. Then you will have an understanding from which you can build upon.


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@cookiemonster I like this. I've had too many instances where I've wished for something and it became reality. It's good to have a model for it, even if just to clearly see what might be going on and get a handle on it.
I should journal about it, but I'm going to put my own thoughts about manifestation here instead. Don't take this to be either for or against your ideas, they're just my own ideas:

Reality is a leaky abstraction. 

It seems like reality is a solid thing with rigid rules with no room for magick and manifestation at all. A pendulum swings dependably because the falling weight imparts energy to the clock's system. But quantum physics is pure probability, there is hardly any certainty at all for very small particles of matter.

When you drive a car for example, you're mostly unaware of the machinery that makes it work, you simply press the pedals, change gear and swing the steering wheel around. This is reality, you're mostly unaware of the machinery of reality. It's worth being aware that belief is also part of reality. 

Sometimes your car breaks down and you become very aware of its innards, and that the abstraction of "car" has many layers to it. Sometimes the mechanics of the car intrude into reality: the lower level abstraction leaks into the higher level abstraction.

So the everyday notion of reality - all the normal stuff that happens - is just one layer of abstraction. But stuff leaks: light behaves weirdly in certain situations, static electricity deflects water and so on. So scientists build up elaborate models and stories to explain the leaky abstractions. But scientists are only interested in certain aspects of reality and manifestation isn't one of them.

To understand manifestation you have to look at the source of reality and belief. Firstly, belief is part of reality, it's not separate from it. So the source of belief is the same source as for reality. Seen this way it doesn't seem unusual that belief is linked or correlated with reality because they both came from exactly the same source. It's like twins having the same tastes, it's not that twin A is in telepathic communication with twin B, it's that they both have the same parents and upbringing. Belief and reality are siblings.

Reality leaks abstractions constantly. I'd go so far as to say that reality probably has an infinite level of abstractions. Another phrase for leaky abstractions is: weird shit happens. Reality seems mostly normal because we're only ever looking for or expecting normal things (pressing pedals and changing gears). But as soon as we really pay closer attention we realise that weird shit happens all the time and that strangely it's linked to what's going on inside our heads.

The real question is, is are we in control and can we learn to control it? Or is it up to source what happens and we're helpless automatons?

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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11 hours ago, cookiemonster said:


I'm reluctant to quote Yoda but there's certainly a kernel of truth in the understanding: "Do, or do not. There is no try,"  :)


Yoda was close..

"Be. There is no do." - Me

Consider, what are you 'doing' right now?  Well, you're 'being yourself' aren't you? and you're not 'trying' to 'do it'.   Notice that any attempt to 'change what is occurring (trying to manifest) is something that is already 'occurring'.. what manifested 'the attempt'?   Where did that come from?  Do we have to 'attempt' to 'try' before we can try?   How do we 'try to make an attempt' without trying to do that?  Does this mean we have to try to try to try?  How, by trying to?   

Notice that a tree 'manifests' apples without ever trying to.  How?  Simple. By just 'being a tree'.   The 'tree' never has to try to do what it's already doing, which is 'being a tree'.  If the tree 'tried to grow oranges instead of apples'.. that would still be exactly what the tree is doing, which is still 'being how it is being'.  'Trying to grow oranges' would be something the tree is doing 'without trying to', or rather, the tree is always just 'being itself', and not really 'doing' anything else. 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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11 hours ago, LastThursday said:

To understand manifestation you have to look at the source of reality and belief. Firstly, belief is part of reality, it's not separate from it. So the source of belief is the same source as for reality. Seen this way it doesn't seem unusual that belief is linked or correlated with reality because they both came from exactly the same source. It's like twins having the same tastes, it's not that twin A is in telepathic communication with twin B, it's that they both have the same parents and upbringing. Belief and reality are siblings.


Great perspective and brilliant metaphor,

The default seems to process belief and reality as cold strangers, but they are most surely cut from the same cloth. 

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9 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

Yoda was close..

"Be. There is no do." - Me

Consider, what are you 'doing' right now?  Well, you're 'being yourself' aren't you? and you're not 'trying' to 'do it'.   Notice that any attempt to 'change what is occurring (trying to manifest) is something that is already 'occurring'.. what manifested 'the attempt'?   Where did that come from?  Do we have to 'attempt' to 'try' before we can try?   How do we 'try to make an attempt' without trying to do that?  Does this mean we have to try to try to try?  How, by trying to?   

Notice that a tree 'manifests' apples without ever trying to.  How?  Simple. By just 'being a tree'.   The 'tree' never has to try to do what it's already doing, which is 'being a tree'.  If the tree 'tried to grow oranges instead of apples'.. that would still be exactly what the tree is doing, which is still 'being how it is being'.  'Trying to grow oranges' would be something the tree is doing 'without trying to', or rather, the tree is always just 'being itself', and not really 'doing' anything else. 


Brilliant observation on an fundamental level. Very Zen.

Maybe Nike can learn from this: Just Be.


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I like to consider 'the path' to getting from 'here' to where what I want to manifest is. For example, if I want to manifest 'a glass of Pepsi' (this is an easy one, because it's super plausible).. I can invision the path where I go to the store, buy some Pepsi, return home, pour it in a glass.. and then I follow the path.  Voila.. Glass of Pepsi. 

The point is, if I had no idea how to get from not having a glass of Pepsi to having a glass of Pepsi, it would seem impossible!! 

Really think about what it takes..  the path that gets you there, and take that path. 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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1 hour ago, Mason Riggle said:

I like to consider 'the path' to getting from 'here' to where what I want to manifest is. For example, if I want to manifest 'a glass of Pepsi' (this is an easy one, because it's super plausible).. I can invision the path where I go to the store, buy some Pepsi, return home, pour it in a glass.. and then I follow the path.  Voila.. Glass of Pepsi. 

The point is, if I had no idea how to get from not having a glass of Pepsi to having a glass of Pepsi, it would seem impossible!! 

Really think about what it takes..  the path that gets you there, and take that path. 



Hmm. Does that method scale though?

How would you use the path technique to walk on water for example?

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@cookiemonster your belief that you can't do it is blocking the path. 

Beliefs are hard to change. You are convinced you can't until you're not, and what constitutes as 'sufficent evidence' to cause this shift is not really up to you.

Maybe you can and just don't know how, and you have no evidence suggesting you can, so you believe you can't, and so you can't.


Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@cookiemonster I also don't necessarily think manifesting works quite like that (maybe it does). I see it more like.. 

The 'superconsciousness' has desires, namely, survival, so part of satisfying this desire is pollinating fruit plants, and feeding mammals, and fertilizing the soil, etc.. and humans are part of that system, and so the superconciousness influences our consciousness (causes our desires to eat and survive etc.) so that we behave in a way that satisfies it's desires. It doesn't end there tho.. once humans 'discover' what they want, the superconciousness 'helps them' fulfil those desires. The creepy feeling before something bad happens. The 'random encounter' with your old school mate who happens to be a stock investor the day after you were thinking about maybe trying your hand at day trading.  (I'll borrow the phrase, once you know what you want, the Universe conspires to make it happen) Humans seems to have lost touch with their ability to pay attention to help, or they confuse their desires with other desires, and so we manifest a lot of things out of alignment with the 'superconscious desires'. 

Thats just my model. 

Addendum: (there really is no separation between the 'superconsciouness' and our consciousness any more than there is separation between our subconscious and our conscious. It all 'flows together'.) 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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