Leo Gura

CRT Paranoia & Foolishness

99 posts in this topic

13 hours ago, FoolsGold said:

Remember, Leo said a few weeks ago, that if Osho was a pragmatic person, he would've never allowed such a stupid cult to be formed around him?

Yo, I had a simple misunderstanding of the concept. It's not that big of a deal. 

Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my 15+ years of personal spiritual exploration using psychedelics, meditation, mindfulness, personal development and somatics. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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1. We are ALL racists. It's human nature, deal with it.

2. I am 100% against CRT



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3 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

1. We are ALL racists. It's human nature,

Does crt say the same thing or am I thinking of something else? 

That we all have unconscious prejudices. 

5 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

 deal with it.

We are dealing with. Crt is part of the process. 

9 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

I am 100% against CRT 

Your resistance is futile. 

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Personally, I think it’s fucking hilarious NPC/dogmatic people are diaping out about a graduate school theory lmfao.  It makes me feel good idiots are against it—it really makes them easy to spot intellectually.  It’s like a big bright red MAGA hat worn on their smooth brains.  This is all akin to the pandemic situation:

“It’s fake!”

*jobs and society shuts down*

“ohh uhh… this is all for control!!”

*relatives and close friends get sick and die*  

“this mask is taking my freedom!! ?”

*introduces vaccines to hastily provide freedom on the horizon*

“uhhhmm…. I don’t know what’s in the vaccine myself!  It’s too rushed!!  I don’t trust it”

*millions and millions of people get it*

“the risks are too high!!”

*points to total deaths of COVID-19 being higher than any vaccine side effect*

But honestly, what’s so scary?  That a young mind might realize their racist dumbass parents are actually wrong and that the cool black kid next to him actually has to work much harder and jump through many hoops to get where he could potentially be at?  


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11 hours ago, Peter-Andre said:

@StarfoxEpiphany Do you know why some people consider the history of American marijuana and drug laws to be racist? This is not a rhetorical question btw.

If I wanted to, I could connect weed laws to anything.   The fact is that weed is/was illegal in almost every country, and you can't use racism to explain that away.

You're race hustling, but Im not saying weed should be illegal or anything.

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany

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1 minute ago, StarfoxEpiphany said:

If I wanted to, I could connect weed laws to anything.   The fact is that weed is/was illegal in almost every country, and you can't use racism to explain that away.

You're race hustling.  Im not saying weed should be illegal or anything.

Basically idn wtf I'm talking about but ill pretend like I do. 

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Is “critical race theory” a way of understanding how American racism has shaped public policy, or a divisive discourse that pits people of color against white people?

Answer: a divisive discourse that pits people of color against white people.


Does critical race theory say all white people are racist? Isn’t that racist, too?

The theory says that racism is part of everyday life, so people—white or nonwhite—who don’t intend to be racist can nevertheless make choices that fuel racism.

Does critical race theory say all white people are racist? Isn’t that racist, too?

Better answer: YES! All white people are racist, and guess what? All the POC are racist too! Big time.


This the fucking problem man! If we are not gonna accept the simple fact that every single human being is a racist. We can't have a logical conversation.



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8 minutes ago, Opo said:

Basically idn wtf I'm talking about but ill pretend like I do. 

Last time you got owned, you put pictures of a monkey to a black woman. 

You never make any sense wheny you're angry.  Oh wait, I thought we deicided you're subconsciously racsit?

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15 minutes ago, hoodrow trillson said:

It makes me feel good idiots are against it—it really makes them easy to spot intellectually. 


Full stop, namecalling usually means you are not very intellectual. 

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1 hour ago, Arcangelo said:

Better answer: YES! All white people are racist, and guess what? All the POC are racist too! Big time.

Yes you are right, all humans are racist to some degree, but the problem is how that racism affects others. For example in 60s up until even the 90s red lining was a common thing, meaning that black people literally couldn't by properties as they wouldn't be given loans or they would drive the house prices down of certain areas. If you think on this for a second it would mean that the generational wealth and equity built up for the last 60 years just by owning a house is non-existent. This is obviously a racist practice that had a massive affect on black families and incorporated future consequences. 

Now if black people are racist, let's even say they are as racist as white people were or are, what practice or policy could they implement that would affect white people in the same way as red lining? 


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47 minutes ago, Consept said:

All humans are racist

What races are you racist towards?

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany

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@Consept You're a self-proclaimed racist.  Not fun anymore, is it?

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany

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28 minutes ago, StarfoxEpiphany said:

@Consept You're a self-proclaimed racist.  Not fun anymore, is it?

1 hour ago, StarfoxEpiphany said:

What races are you racist towards?

As I said its not about who's racist, if we say everyone's racist that acknowledges a flaw that we all have as humans to favour our own group to varying degrees. Racism is more of a perception of your race as superior to other races, that's the dictionary definition. 

So if that's the case it would stand to reason that if you have a society that generally favours white people, then of course those that are not favoured will not be happy about it and want to point it out or redress the balance. This isn't necessarily exclusive to white people it would happen in any society, it just so happens white people have had the most power in an age where the consciousness level of humans has risen sufficiently enough to become aware of this bias that we have on a wider scale. 

But let's take my original point of red lining, I assume this is taught in crt. Now this is an actual thing that actually happened and had actual social and economic effects on black people to this day. So there are two options in terms of how to handle this one of many racially dark instances of American history. One is to teach it to young people in an effort that they don't repeat it and have an understanding of why it was done and why it will not lead to a fair and just society. The other option is to ignore it, pretend it never happened and label anyone that mentions it as 'race hustlers' or people with 'victim complexes'. Essentially do we want to deny reality and history and all its implications or do we want to embrace and learn from it? 

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8 minutes ago, Consept said:

everyone's racist

So who are you racist towards?

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17 minutes ago, StarfoxEpiphany said:

So who are you racist towards?

It is hard to actually face the points that I've laid out, which says a lot on how crt is seen by certain people, 'you're just calling us racist, we're not racist, you're racist'. 

Anyway I'll leave this here, if anyone else wants to comment on the actual points raised and discuss further than deciding who's more racist, I'm open 


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45 minutes ago, Consept said:

It is hard to actually face the points that I've laid out, which says a lot on how crt is seen by certain people, 'you're just calling us racist, we're not racist, you're racist'. 

Are children able to make these distinctions? 

I'm afraid if they get exposed to this too soon they might react childishly, like this person. 

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