
How come that girls can be ruthless against nice guys?

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You are basically posting a video from a woman who is getting attention and view for serving men with content confirming their own bias.

She's not particularly self-aware. 

The key is a balance. Not a doormat (that's danger), but not a psychopath either (that's obviously danger too).

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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19 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

This is the kind of self awareness and honesty i would expect from females in this group. Not the garbage that females respond with to rationalize their fantasies.

Spot on.

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@Etherial Cat Perhaps i should post a video made by Leo who we all tend to respect. 5000 approaches and 2 years of trying to get better with girls, interacting with a lot of successful guys with girls and this is the wisdom he shares with us. 

I would reccomend to watch with an open mind, and for once be truly honest with yourself about what you desire. No one will judge you for it.

Edited by Karmadhi

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@StarStruck It's not that they are ruthless. Is that they are just not interested. And your behaviour when you are interested/attracted when you are not, differs a lot in how you treat people.

Actually contemplate how you behave with girls you are attracted to Vs girls you aren't.

Notice you do NOT behave in the same way!

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20 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

I've read a lot of your post and threads. You don't seem particularly "nice". 

Men who are genuinely nice do not post video like that:


That's not being nice. In fact, that's even the contrary. You are literally advocating for treating them like crap.

Girls made me like this. Why do you think most nice guys are looking for answers? They are frustrated. I'm just a little bit over the top at the moment. It is a phase. After I get the lifestyle I want.. I will integrate and be more well-rounded.

Trust me. I wish I could stay a nice guy but nice guys finish last. If you want to be angry at anybody be angry at girls/women who reward the opposite of a nice guy. This is the game and we guys are just rolling with it.


I also remember reading that you like to fuck girls like you want to punish them or something. 

That is because of porn. That is why I'm doing nofap.


You can't seriously think that these posts are genuinely loving toward females, and are not symptomatic to a deeper problem? If you'd work on this, and really get to the bottom of your emotions toward women, you could certainly see huge improvement.

It's very likely that your intense crave for women stem from the fact that you are missing your own feminine side. So you look for it outwards. But it might come off as needy due to the intense suffering hiding behind.

If you'd feel more relaxed thanks to your own feminine side being reintegrated, you would likely no longer send a vibe of expectations, anger and neediness towards girls.

Girls already call me "nice guy" all the time.. in my freaking face.. and you tell me to be more feminine? My problem is that I care too much, that I'm too needy and probably also hurt. I don't know if those will be solved by being more feminine. Anyway, I will look into it. Thanks for the heads up.


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I've watched probably up to 90 % of Leo's videos. I surely appreciate the immense majority of his content and perspectives in general, but when it comes to dating I find him lagging behind.

And that could be explained by the fact that he didn't start dating until he was 25. And at least one of his LTR(s) seems to have been the source of a lot of pain. I'm uncomfortable about talking about someone's romantic life but since you're mentioning him I don't get how I could express my view otherwise

When he talks about girls it's mostly about hook up and sex. He surely has a lot of experience with pick up, but pick up is only one aspect of relationships. Handling a functional relationship over the long term is a different story. If Leo had a LTR like let's say Annie Lalla and Eben Pagan, my opinion would be different. But he doesn't (yet). 

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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You have a shame problem. I understand you want female love, it's only justified. Women can behave in their own way abusive.

Don't take it too much to heart.

Edited by Windappreciator

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56 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

I've read a lot of your post and threads. You don't seem particularly "nice". 

Men who are genuinely nice do not post video like that:


That's not being nice. In fact, that's even the contrary. You are literally advocating for treating them like crap.

I also remember reading that you like to fuck girls like you want to punish them or something. 

You can't seriously think that these posts are genuinely loving toward females, and are not symptomatic to a deeper problem? If you'd work on this, and really get to the bottom of your emotions toward women, you could certainly see huge improvement.

It's very likely that your intense crave for women stem from the fact that you are missing your own feminine side. So you look for it outwards. But it might come off as needy due to the intense suffering hiding behind.

If you'd feel more relaxed thanks to your own feminine side being reintegrated, you would likely no longer send a vibe of expectations, anger and neediness towards girls. really dont get it do you. 

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32 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Girls already call me "nice guy" all the time.. in my freaking face.. and you tell me to be more feminine? My problem is that I care too much, that I'm too needy and probably also hurt. I don't know if those will be solved by being more feminine. Anyway, I will look into it. Thanks for the heads up.


@StarStruckYeah bro. It's super counterintuitive. I always thought that when people said I should be more feminine that they talked bullshit becuase I already felt to feminine and that girl's didn't want me becuase of that... but trust me bro

There is something very very important to the idea of integrating and loving your feminie side that could potentially change your entire life and get you what you want, Sex and girls. Big fucking cheers to you for being open minded enough to atleast investigate it for yourself. That's a very mature approach.

If you want a leeway to do this:

Search for and investigate " anima possession/ repression" and reap the benefits from it. It will change your life if you grasp that dynamic.

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Girls made me like this. Why do you think most nice guys are looking for answers? They are frustrated. I'm just a little bit over the top at the moment. It is a phase. After I get the lifestyle I want.. I will integrate and be more well-rounded.

No, girls didn't make you like this.

You've communicated with yourself in a certain way instead of another, and you ended up resenting women because your mind only see what you want to see and you're trapped in a loop.

I know a lot of actual nice men, and they had wonderful relationship with women. And they are not particularly frustrated nor resentful even after it ends.

Just keep my advice in the back of your head. It's the other way around. Your problem is not women, it is how you distort reality. Hoping to integrate and be well-rounded in the future is not aligned with the causality-effect chain. You've got to do it the other way around. This resistance is exactly your problem.

1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

That is because of porn. That is why I'm doing nofap.

People are into porn that appeal to their psyche.

1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Girls already call me "nice guy" all the time.. in my freaking face.. and you tell me to be more feminine? My problem is that I care too much, that I'm too needy and probably also hurt. I don't know if those will be solved by being more feminine. Anyway, I will look into it. Thanks for the heads up.

In what context are these girls calling you nice? Nice is compliment that is often hidden as something to soften the blow before a rejection.  A bit like a recruiter will tell people that they have a great profile before telling them they won't get the job. 

But it could also be because you are doing stuff in order to gain their favor and get their attention as part as an ulterior motive. And they come of with "nice" to describe you.

Edited by Etherial Cat

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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3 hours ago, StarStruck said:

It is so hard to understand this perspective. How come they treat nice guys as trash and dick heads as kings?

With girls treating guys nice I mean answering their text, being polite and having the dignity to say they are not interested. Instead they just ghost you and just leave you out to dry.

I talked to some female friends about this and they subscribe to what I said. Guys are much nicer towards girls in this regard.

My theory is this: girls have more power because they chose, and nice guys who don't have power get treated as trash; there is no reason to treat nice guys with respect and dignity.

Survival. If she chooses a weak, nice guy and has a child then she is potentially screwed. 

Weak men aren't good at surviving.

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13 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Survival. If she chooses a weak, nice guy and has a child then she is potentially screwed. 

Weak men aren't good at surviving.

What is required to survive in this world has changed and will change over time. 

When green comes online don't expect most women to be into orange and red types then still.

There will be new game with green.

Edited by Windappreciator

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Because they are confusing kindness for weakness. 

Simply put; they're not conscious enough.

I dated chicks like this... it was hell. So much toxicity. So much nastiness. The sex was good... but overall not worth it. Now I don't go anywhere near bitchy girls. Now I recognize the mask for the fear and weakness that it really is. It's kinda sad.

That being said; look around.

We live in a world dominated by toxic masculine energy. No wonder our beautiful, tender, kind, warm and loving women are turning into dudes. A lot of women are actually men with boobs and vagina. Little to nothing feminine about them. They were robbed of that right. Her lights were extinguished through years and years of abuse, torture, rape, enslavement. In short; the feminine energy has been silenced and suppressed for the longest time now.

Again... I find it very sad. But what can ya do? It's a mad world. I try to roll with it.

In conclusion; the imbalance is obvious. Both men and women are scared to death of one another. Men do their stupid shit because of it. And women do their's.

Both sides seemingly unaware of what's actually going on.

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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

How come they treat nice guys as trash and dick heads as kings?

For exactly the same reason you treat fat ugly girls as trash.

People are selfish and only respond to those who serve their survival agenda.

A nice guy does not serve the survival agenda of hot women. Women don't need a second pussy.

Rather than blaming women, stop being a pussy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The first step is obvious..

The Heavenly Masculine owes a massive apology to The Divine Feminine.

We're in massive debt, guys. No wonder women are serving us shit. It's our final wake up call.

Man up, and make it up.

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1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:



Very solid vid, sums up perfectly why women secretly love their scumbags and then allege they never liked them in the first place when they turn 30 +. It's the definition of self-deception, incredible to behold. 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

It is so hard to understand this perspective. How come they treat nice guys as trash and dick heads as kings?

With girls treating guys nice I mean answering their text, being polite and having the dignity to say they are not interested. Instead they just ghost you and just leave you out to dry.

I talked to some female friends about this and they subscribe to what I said. Guys are much nicer towards girls in this regard.

My theory is this: girls have more power because they chose, and nice guys who don't have power get treated as trash; there is no reason to treat nice guys with respect and dignity.

This is a massive strawman.

People in general tend to respond to authenticity, freedom, confidence and good vibes. The last one is not a buzz word, it's a true energetic component. You could have seen millions of girls loving Justin Bieber when he was still girly and soft. Where's the ruthless and brutal masculinity now? Same goes for 60's rock idols and other soft men like Russel Brand.

Girls in low SD stages, like stage red, are attracted to brute force and domination. 
More evolved girls tend to gravitate more towards authenticity, freedom, masculine wisdom and self expression.

Stop caring about masculine power. That's makinh you more weak. 

Are you a feminine guy? WHO THE FUCK CARES! Embrace it.

I am a 45% feminine guy, but I have developed confidence and more authenticity and girls have appreciated it. Of course not stage red girls.

Be unapologetic about being feminine or soft or lighthearted. The less you care about being attractive to them, the more you become attractive.

Be your own hero.

Masculine power is liking your own authenticity without caring about others.


Girls fall in love with lots and lots of gay men.

Guess why?

Maybe because they DON'T CARE about being attractive to women? They embrace their femininity and women can fuck off. (not in the red pill meaning xD )

Edited by billiesimon

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30 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

What is required to survive in this world has changed and will change over time. 

When green comes online don't expect most women to be into orange and red types then still.

There will be new game with green.

Yes, the process is gradual. :)

Women will always like strong men. But a woman's definition of strong evolves with development.

Basically the ideal man should have both the ability for aggression and affection. The use of force should be proportional to what is needed to remove a threat. A Man in his Divine Masculine should consider the world as his whole Self and dislike violence when it is not necessary. But not hesitate to act if it's for the greater good.

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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2 minutes ago, Lucas-fgm said:

Being strong men= being authentic, and stop caring what others think.

Being strong doesn't mean being a gym rat that never laughs or something.

And women love high-status guys. Independently of his personality, a big percentage of women will want him.


You are so clueless, man.

What you believe you attract :) watch your beliefs as they get mirrored in reality. Attraction is far below Mind in the hyerarchy.

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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