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cheng chi man

Quit Smoking Is So Hard

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@cheng chi man

Smoking Meditation

Do one thing. When you take the packet out of your pocket, for a moment go slowly. When you are taking the packet of cigarettes out of your pocket move slowly. Enjoy it, there is no hurry. Be conscious, alert, aware; take it out slowly, with full awareness. Then take the cigarette out of the packet with full awareness, slowly -- not in the old hurried way, unconscious way, mechanical way. Then start tapping the cigarette on your packet -- but very alertly. Listen to the sound, just as Zen people do when the samovar starts singing and the tea starts boiling, and the aroma. Then smell the cigarette and the beauty of it.

Then put it in your mouth, with full awareness, light it with full awareness. Enjoy every act, small act, and divide it into as many small acts as possible, so you can become more and more aware.

Then have the first puff: God in the form of smoke. Hindus say,' Food is God.' Why not smoke? All is God. Fill your lungs deeply -- this is a pranayam. I am giving you the new yoga for the new age! Then release the smoke, relax, another puff... and go very slowly.

If you can do it, you will be surprised, soon you will see the whole stupidity of it. Not because others have said that it is stupid, not because others have said that it is bad: you will see it. And the seeing will not be just intellectual. It will be from your total being, it will be a vision of your totality. And then, one day, if it drops, it drops; if it continues, it continues. You need not worry about it.

This is the secret,: de-automatize.

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LoL this is first time i read about smoking meditation but it looks like it could work. 

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become more and more aware of the act of smoking, including all the negative and positive thoughts that follow the routine. feel your body, feel and taste the smoke in your mouth, feel your lungs, feel the headache that may or may not be arising, and just basically savor the shit out of the cigarette with out JUDGING it. and even when you do judge it be aware of the judging and dont take it seriously. Mindfulness and awareness is key to quitting. i would know im in the process of quitting rn and i barely smoke now, only when im drunk or high, basically when im unaware 

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@cheng chi man awww we all feel the same don't try to fill it with smoke cause it will never fill like that .... fill it with life .... don't use the void as an excuse to smoke ... 

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Try this: Anytime you feel the desire to smoke put on you shoes and go run around the block. It doesn't even have to be far, just run around the block, some short distance. Do it as many times a day as you need. Once your heart rate goes up and you break a sweat you really don't want to smoke. Since it's so contradicting to workout and smoke. 

The void is a great thing, because it seems like you got all that extra time, well great right? Imagine how you can use all that time for more productive things. 

Edited by STC

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If you want to quit smoking, you will. You'll reach the point where you realize that you're not actually enjoying it anymore. But if you want to quit because you feel like that's what you should be doing, then don't bother. You may as well just keep smoking.

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