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Is the easiest path to understanding in purely pre-rational thought?

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That is direct experience without ANY assumption:

I have never known anything outside of experience.

I have never known anything but one mind.

I have never experienced space or matter, ONLY perceptions.

I have never experienced being unconscious.

I have never experienced not existing.

I have never experienced any moment but the present - memories are recalled in the present which is the moment I am always in.

If I perceive something it is real because there is only perception.


How far can that take you to just outright 100% accuracy? It sounds solipsistic but of course the idea of "other people" is based on rational thought of physical space which is a rationalization of perceptions. You do not experience others as "over there" or separate when in pure being as they appear.

You can argue your ego self did not exist at some point but it seems "mind has never not existed" is still a correct conclusion.

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