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First sober non dual glimpse

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Yesterday I had a weird silent mind during the whole afternoon, at one point I was walking downtown, and I suddenly stop believing that other people walking down the street were real, but rather a very intense feeling that they were being created by Consciousness in that precise moment.

At his time it was NOT a belief of "I am alone and I'm the only thing real and those people are being created by me" = > Solipsism train of thought.

It was a feeling that everybody was looking through my eyes, because there wasn't a personal "I" but a universal "I" sonfor the first time I didn't felt alone like I had been feeling when thinking about non duality conceptually. (In my last topic for example)

I don't quite understand what this experience means but I'm grateful I have been to able to experience, and I wanted to share it here. Peace ?


Edited by Javfly33

Fear is just a thought

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@Javfly33 Very powerful, thank you! Do you have an idea what let to this experience? Your previous psychedelic experiences?

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@Javfly33 Very powerful, thank you! Do you have an idea what let to this experience? Your previous psychedelic experiences?

Yeah, all my previous life Lol haha.

Yeah, I've done some psychs here and there of course.

It's very nice to see that my state of consciousness it's higher and it gets maintained even when one is sober, this definetely proves that psychedelics can actually be useful, I think also it's been fundamental that I have stopped being physical dependent on Kratom, my baseline state of consciousness has raised automatically since I stop having to take that mud daily ??. Even though it wasn't getting me high anymore, the fact I had to take it to not feel restless, dead-tired, etc, was impacting in my state of consciousness by numbning it subtly.

Fear is just a thought

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I think it meaning that your mind is opening, the work pays off. Two days ago I also had the strongest sober opening ever. I was sitting on the subway thinking: then, if memory were zero, how would the perception of reality be? Obviously, time would not be perceived, and ..... suddenly,  the collapse. I saw with absolute clarity the illusion that my mind was creating, the projection in all directions of ideas, memories, and their phantasmality. my nonexistence as an individual, and that of everyone else. what else? what individual? all are projections and under those projections the obvious shines. I got out of the subway and the blue sky was perfect, pure art, and the green of the trees was made of goodness, it was overwhelming and I cried. I sat down and the realization came to me that things do not happen in steps, there was no beginning, no big bang. will it be like this? I don't know, but at that moment things went wrong. I thought: why all this? this scam. why this deception? a sense of evil appeared, and my mind lost most of its openness, but since then my feeling is to live surrounded by brilliant beauty. The work works

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Sober or not sober is going to merge, yes, congrats! :) 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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