
Convenient meat alternatives/protein sources

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Today i discovered "Tempeh" as a very nutricious and delicious protein source as an alternative to meat and fish. Its made from fermented soy, but tastes more like  buttery fried potatoe. It has about 20 grams of protein per 100 grams, which is important for me in order to grow some muscle. Its not cheap, but affordable. About 1,70€ for 100 grams. We are just so used to the cheap processed meat, so its hard for any new product to match these prices. 

There are also good meat alternatives, which are made out of bean protein. But its pretty regional, where these alternatives are sold. We are just at the beginning of the meat revolution. 

So please let me know, if you guys have other cool protein sources, which are healthy and affordable. The taste is not extremely important for me right now. Although if it tastes great like Tempeh, than its a must have for me.


Edited by Vynce

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Chashew nuts are also great to gain some weight, if you struggle to build muscle. Lots of protein and healthy fats.

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@Vynce Have you tried Vegan Protein Powders? some of them are really good. but if looking for a whole food, try beans and lentils.

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@FoolsGold have tried one vegan protein powder. I was not really convinced, because it didnt have that "milky" texture, which i like in protein powders. Can you recommend a specific one?

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@Vynce There are tons on the market, but try what's manufactured in your country. A good look on Amazon may be enough, And Might be cheaper in the long run. As for the taste, trust your own buds than mine haha.

oh and try Hemp Protein if you haven't tried. You can also have a whole Hemp powder, that includes some fat in it too.

Edited by FoolsGold

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Tofu would be another obvious one with some 12-15% per 100g 

I really like red and yellow lentils. Once cooked they kinda dissolve in this mushy substance so you can just add them to any meal without taking too much space. Dry lentils are about 25% pure protein and you can lose 1/2 a cup easily in a food. 

Natto is 20% protein but granted there is only so much of it you can consume and it can be kinda hard to find, 

If you want a tasty vegan protein powder then Vivo Life however it may be more pricy and harder to obtain than typical whey but its a price for the quality

I would personally stay away from things like seitan, processed vegan burgers (from shop) and all sorts of falafels filled with oils however if you can make plant based burgers yourself with food ingredients and control oil and salt, this can become very complete and tasty meal 

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@Michael569 Jesus Christ every post you make is a banger. I'd give you a testimonial just for these lol.

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7 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Jesus Christ every post you make is a banger. I'd give you a testimonial just for these lol.

He is the wisest primate I know that's for sure.


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There are soy products which are 100% pure soy, made from the flour - literally nothing else. Like soy granulate. I bought 6 kilos of Soy Schnetzel made from that just recently, this shit has 50g proteins per 100g! It's insane. And it tastes amazing, and also takes on the tastes of the food you cook it with quite well. 

Other than that, what @Michael569 says. Here in Germany we have clean mixtures for burgers to moisten and heat yourself made from ingredients of the highest quality organic standard we have here - if you find something similar, can be great. I eat beans and lentils a lot, too. 

11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Not sure how trustable his sources, but Anthony Williams talked about eggs in his latest book, it's the #1 food he advises against I think. Also heard other not so good things about eggs. I personally haven't eaten eggs in at least 5 years. Definitely not a top choice given the doubt, even though it still carries its reputation from the macro nutrient-focused view of foods. 

Edited by peanutspathtotruth

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@peanutspathtotruth if you buy those white eggs from walmart with the thin ass shell then yeah. Quality does matter. 

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2 hours ago, Rigel said:

@peanutspathtotruth if you buy those white eggs from walmart with the thin ass shell then yeah. Quality does matter. 

Sure that's a given. If I remember correctly though, what I read in the book ("Cleanse to Heal") was about the bacterial content of eggs which has a historical reason - again, I don't know the truth of that, just curious :) 

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