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Should I break the illusion? Do I have any choice?

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If this infinite film reel analogy is correct, then I'm not sure if I'd want to discover this truth for myself. It wouldn't be the first time I'd discovered it, because it was always me. But I feel like I have 1 foot in the dream and 1 foot out. If I have no free will then this would have always been written. Honestly, I think I'm just interested in enlightenment because it might change my life for the better, but isn't this an illusion too? Jim Newman says whatever this is is already complete. Then I realize Jim Newman is just another dream character so why would I take his advice? And the reason is, I believe him. The way my life has gone is not indicative of someone with their own free will, it's hard to break free of my programming. I'm already a hardcore loner, finding out this is 100% a dream won't exactly help that matter. It's like all I want to do is find dream characters who can express the truth in a smarter way than my own thoughts, because then I can atleast believe that there's others out there.

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If a character in a story realizes that he is not the character but actually the author, does it matter to the character?

Does it matter to the author?

Does it make any difference to the maker/creator of differences?  

The bottom line is that with this realization you are free to let go of perspectives that hold you apart from anyone else, free to let go of any fears of judgement, and can life for joy and love fully for the first time. You don't have to. But you probably want to. Everything else that doesn't feel like the thrill of being or the peace of being, or the love of being not separate from anyone or all else is just a perspective that you can let go of. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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3 hours ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

If this infinite film reel analogy is correct

Is it though?

Some of us seem to be drawn to creating our own thought prisons: no free will, solipsism, no self, illusion of reality etc.  We get a melancholic thrill from it. And we use it to stop ourselves going any further into the scary unknown.

57% paranoid

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Bro I don't even know I'm just going around in circles. Maybe therapy is a better option. I was born to stay a normie.

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The normie force is strong within you.

Only your thoughts are going round in circles. Why not aim to escape from the prison of your thoughts? Meditate regularly. Walk in nature. Learn to play an instrument. Have sex. Do something out of the ordinary.

Therapy probably won't help, it's just more thoughts. But I'm no therapist.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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9 hours ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

It's like all I want to do is find dream characters who can express the truth in a smarter way than my own thoughts, because then I can atleast believe that there's others out there.

No one else can answer this for you.  Awakening is literally taking back your authority- so how would you awaken as God if you are still putting your authority into a guru?   Ultimately the choice is yours.  In fact there need not be a choice.   Don't get too caught up in the free will debate or forcing spirituality...just do what makes you happy.   If that includes spirituality fine - if not fine too.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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