
How Do You (as Awareness) Know That You Are Self-aware?

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Whenever i ask myself if i am aware, i get the distant inner visualisation of a shining point circling nothingness,  as if my mind is saying: thats the closest you can come to seeing yourself. 

Its like my very question is the light that starts circling around "me", the undefined that im trying to see and define.. Trying to shine on me, from every angle. Looks like an atom to me.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Vercingetorix just a good standart to how fast you should be noticing flickering sensations. If you can/want to do it faster (like 40 per second) its even better 

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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