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Toxic Feminity Examples Mega-Thread

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I'm opening this topic so that we can talk about toxic behaviors to spot in some women. In order not to integrate them in our life.

I was often in toxic relationships because I am someone naive and needy, fortunately I worked on it and I continue.

So it would really help me to have a lot of common examples of toxicity in women so that I don't get fooled anymore.
I can spot narcissistic perverts very easily but that's it.


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Here is a counterintuitive example.

Incel ideology:

Reason: Because it's a basically a shadow feminie mechanism - the exact very same mechanism that woman who hate men have.

That's the reason why both hate eachother. They are both examples of toxic, shadow, unintegretad divine feminine.

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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I don't understand what you want to point.

I'm not interested in incel ideology and I love women

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@Gabith Toxicity doesn't have a gender. For example, Connor Murphy is the biggest attention whore.

Improve your boundaries, maximize your self-esteem, increase your consciousness, keep developing yourself in general, and you will be fine.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 hour ago, Gabith said:

I don't understand what you want to point.

I'm not interested in incel ideology and I love women

I never said that you was interested in Incel ideology. You asked for an example of toxic feminity and I gave you one

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Toxicity doesn't have a gender.



I'd urge caution with this thread, not because there isn't an issue worth talking about, but rather because the issue shares some common traits with toxic green, toxic protectionism, and faux-compassion.

That said, the maternal instinct becomes toxic when the desire to protect derives itself exclusively from the subjective at the expense of the objective.

AKA: Small fluffy animals, good. Lizards, spiders and toads, bad.

As with any form of toxicity, it's the failure to transcend (or quarantine) the neurochemical instinct.


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Are ya'll really that scared to post about toxic behavior in women?  Lmao.

OP, I'll spare you the cowardly 'tHoSe aRe tWo SiDeS oF tHe SaMe cOiN' and I'll give you an actual example:

Women that will string you along.  These are harder to spot because they use Nice Guy tactics but in the form of femininity and beauty.  They're like the Nice Guy version of a woman where they'll touch your arm, smile and laugh at your jokes to get something out of you, which isn't actual physical/emotional interest--which already has been laid out on the table that you're interested and not at all a secret to her.  She knows.  If you don't have much experience with women you're going to get absolutely destroyed with this.  Now, this is ONLY if you literally have a genuine interest in this person and aren't in it just to get your dick wet or you're a needy bitch.  This is when you like someone and that someone pretends to like you and you're eventually running errands for her like a fucking fool.  It's extremely toxic because you then think that something is wrong with you, you'll go on this forum and they'll say all women are angels and it's YOU who's at fault and to improve yourself by [insert cliche self improvement advice].  It's a never ending cycle.

I've got friends who jump through thousands of hoops and are a dancing monkeys to these chicks and don't even realize that they're doing it.  I call them out on it and they get mad.  Months later they're updating their social medias with sad memes and weirdo incel ideology posts about how women are trash or whatever.  It's stupid.

The kryptonite to this is to be an authentic, kind, asshole.  Just playfully be a dick.  Be yourself!  It weeds out any women who wants you to change the oil on her car or to get her stuff or just wants attention.  How do you do that?  Watch Leo's video about why women love assholes or something like that.  He's right on the money with it.  You're not changing who you are, you're becoming who you really are.  Don't be afraid to walk away or say no to shit you don't want to do or don't like.

I see you posted that you've got problems being needy.  That's a huge unattractive trait that women see in men.  The only way to get "rid" of it is to continue meditation daily and do the spiritual work to find out who "you" really are.  The neediness will slowly melt away until you realize you don't give a fuck in a good way.  You actually attain what the paragraph above this one says.  At this point, you'll realize how easy it is to spot toxicity & baggage but you won't judge them on it because we're all conditioned one way or another.  Just peel back the layers homie.


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12 minutes ago, hoodrow trillson said:

Are ya'll really that scared to post about toxic behavior in women?  Lmao.

OP, I'll spare you the cowardly 'tHoSe aRe tWo SiDeS oF tHe SaMe cOiN' and I'll give you an actual example:

Women that will string you along.  These are harder to spot because they use Nice Guy tactics but in the form of femininity and beauty.  They're like the Nice Guy version of a woman where they'll touch your arm, smile and laugh at your jokes to get something out of you, which isn't actual physical/emotional interest--which already has been laid out on the table that you're interested and not at all a secret to her.  She knows.  If you don't have much experience with women you're going to get absolutely destroyed with this.  Now, this is ONLY if you literally have a genuine interest in this person and aren't in it just to get your dick wet or you're a needy bitch.  This is when you like someone and that someone pretends to like you and you're eventually running errands for her like a fucking fool.  It's extremely toxic because you then think that something is wrong with you, you'll go on this forum and they'll say all women are angels and it's YOU who's at fault and to improve yourself by [insert cliche self improvement advice].  It's a never ending cycle.

I've got friends who jump through thousands of hoops and are a dancing monkeys to these chicks and don't even realize that they're doing it.  I call them out on it and they get mad.  Months later they're updating their social medias with sad memes and weirdo incel ideology posts about how women are trash or whatever.  It's stupid.

The kryptonite to this is to be an authentic, kind, asshole.  Just playfully be a dick.  Be yourself!  It weeds out any women who wants you to change the oil on her car or to get her stuff or just wants attention.  How do you do that?  Watch Leo's video about why women love assholes or something like that.  He's right on the money with it.  You're not changing who you are, you're becoming who you really are.  Don't be afraid to walk away or say no to shit you don't want to do or don't like.

I see you posted that you've got problems being needy.  That's a huge unattractive trait that women see in men.  The only way to get "rid" of it is to continue meditation daily and do the spiritual work to find out who "you" really are.  The neediness will slowly melt away until you realize you don't give a fuck in a good way.  You actually attain what the paragraph above this one says.  At this point, you'll realize how easy it is to spot toxicity & baggage but you won't judge them on it because we're all conditioned one way or another.  Just peel back the layers homie.


Very solid points here. I have noticed that this is working and some people are attracted to me because of me being authentic and embracing who I am.

A few examples would be.

If there is somebody who is trying to guilt me into finding love and making children I will insist on the opposite. And I will highlight on the fact that I don't want to have children and it is ABSOLUTELY ok to not want children.

Or that I sometimes play video games and then I respond to any indirect shade about that topic with "I really love playing video games".

Or if it's me making weird music nobody gets then I will anyway try to make it happen. It really does attract the right people, for who you may need to say no also sometimes, but it filters all alot of the dangers regarding neediness.

You might have few confrontations, but those are worth your own authentic self expression which is far more than any number of insecure folks feelings.

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3 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

@hoodrow trillson @Applegarden8 is it that much of a problem to not be a push over? Seems like pretty basic shit to me. Failing at that is literaly like failing at point zero. It hasn't even begun for you lol

Nice gaslighting btw.

If you acctually look in to the issue, yes it is hard. Especially if you were abused in childhood. I acctually recommend reading @soos_mite_ah lastest yournal entry and see what am I talking about. I had some people being authorative and drunk parents so you will say yes to their bullshit for the greater good and not to start an argument that can potentially turn into violence, on a pretty recurring basis. It is really rich and somewhat arrogant to say what you said.

Btw it's not like failing to the point zero also and may I ask WHAT hasn't even begun?

May I ask what is the point zero even as I can't see it in my ever changing and complex value system that i am not even aware of for the most part and which is primarily guided by my emotional responses which include past traumas which explain the push over mentality.

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@Applegarden8 Sorry if I offended you or anyone else, of course if being overly agreeable is big issue stemming from some sort of trauma, then fair enough. Just seems to me like it's too much of a recurring pattern to see guys post about nice guy syndrome. Fortunatelly, I've had a decent parents, but I understand not everybody is that fortunate.

Point zero, meaning you can't really even think about achieving anything of significance in life. How are you going to do it if someone's opinion will stop you?

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16 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

@hoodrow trillson @Applegarden8 is it that much of a problem to not be a push over? Seems like pretty basic shit to me. Failing at that is literaly like failing at point zero. It hasn't even begun for you lol

Let's not jerk ourselves off here, but some people come in different shades of naive or depending on their upbringing--they've got good intentions but have been royally burned by manipulative people throughout their life and that becomes "normal" from their perspective.  Sometimes life pummels good people into a pulp.

I came from a loving family, I've always received love, had an amazing childhood, great public school life--I got out unscathed and easy.  But I noticed with some friends that they didn't have this, so I pointed it out to them in a friendly way without gas lighting them to not 'let so and so walk all over you' and to do what they wanted to do, and they slowly began to understand what I was pointing at.

It's like a mechanic telling someone that doesn't know shit about cars that they're an idiot for not changing their own oil, brakes, coolant, spark plugs, coil packs, etc because it's basic shit--and it is but that person never had a father that showed them how to do it on the weekends growing up!

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6 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

@hoodrow trillson yeah you're right, was pretty ignorant of me lol. I mean, not everybody's learning curve is the same.

Nah dude I got what you were trying to say lol but you might be more of a tough love type of person and that also works too even if it comes off as crude to some people.

And @Applegarden8 that's awesome that you made progress like that and you're right on the money.  It gets even better because it's kind of contagious because others start opening up to you and becoming comfortable with who they really are around you, since they see that you're being authentic and saying fuck it.  It's weird how that works, like Leo says life is counter intuitive lol

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25 minutes ago, Peter Miklis said:

@Applegarden8 Sorry if I offended you or anyone else, of course if being overly agreeable is big issue stemming from some sort of trauma, then fair enough. Just seems to me like it's too much of a recurring pattern to see guys post about nice guy syndrome. Fortunatelly, I've had a decent parents, but I understand not everybody is that fortunate.

Point zero, meaning you can't really even think about achieving anything of significance in life. How are you going to do it if someone's opinion will stop you?

I didn't think of a nice guy syndrome. It is always stemming from trauma, no? Even the manipulative kindness or playing good. Acctually the guy is being needy. But that's a different point.

About point zero, untrue. Everybody has somekind of fragmented bottom lines in different areas. If you have a purpose, people may walk all over you, till you get somewhere else or do it in secret and you achieve it.

It is unlikely you will stop, i didn't, I evolved some of my response mechanisms and adapted to the situation, or cheesed it.

Edited by Applegarden8

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1 hour ago, hoodrow trillson said:

Are ya'll really that scared to post about toxic behavior in women?  Lmao.

OP, I'll spare you the cowardly 'tHoSe aRe tWo SiDeS oF tHe SaMe cOiN' and I'll give you an actual example:

@hoodrow trillson  Dude thanks for bringing some sense into this. This gender thing will end up costing us our society if it goes on like this omg

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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13 minutes ago, hoodrow trillson said:

Nah dude I got what you were trying to say lol but you might be more of a tough love type of person and that also works too even if it comes off as crude to some people.

And @Applegarden8 that's awesome that you made progress like that and you're right on the money.  It gets even better because it's kind of contagious because others start opening up to you and becoming comfortable with who they really are around you, since they see that you're being authentic and saying fuck it.  It's weird how that works, like Leo says life is counter intuitive lol

Thanks man, it is weird indeed. People are so complicated, including me. xD

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Toxic traits that can be recognized as a pattern in a sizable minority of women...

- Practicing social ostracism toward women they perceive as lower or higher status than them

- Ganging up on women they perceive as lower or higher status than them

- Underhanded compliments (Oh wow! You look so amazing. WhO dOeS yOuR mAkEuP?)

- Constant competition for male attention 

- Passive aggressiveness

- Fretfulness

- Neediness

- Jealousy 

- Getting together in a group and playing psychological mind games

- Internalized misogyny (ex. I only hang out with guys because there’s less drama.)

- Leaning too heavily on others for emotional support 

- Social drama = peak entertainment 

- Sourness toward service industry workers 

- Holding grudges

- Lack of accountability for actions 

- Seeking partnership for materialistic/image related reasons (aka gold digging, status seeking, fitting societal expectations)

- Focus towards appearances and materialism

- Expecting that happiness emerges from having the perfect relationship 

- Crippling self-esteem issues that translate to total self-absorption 

- Conspiratorial thinking (everyone’s out to get them, so they’re out to get everyone else)

- pettiness 

- Lack of ambition 

- Super strong disgust, fear, or anger reaction to anything even slightly unusual or unpleasant. Zero tolerance for discomfort.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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what is toxic feminity? How are we defining it?


Edited by Jacob Morres

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31 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Practicing social ostracism toward women they perceive as lower or higher status than them

Would you say that is done through character assasination? Or is it more commonly just shunning someone?

57% paranoid

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