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Problem with nonduality

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@nistake I watched it. It was great. But the rest of his content was actually contributing in my nihilism lol. 

@Gesundheit2 I'd just ask you :how do you know? 

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24 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Nahm @ivankiss


Would you give me more practical advice. Like how do I go about getting out of this nihilistic phase.

Drop the resistance. “meaning” is emptying, it’s beautiful, allow it... don’t keep ‘spinning it’ into something bad, fearful or worrisome. Put down the weights you’ve been carrying, seize that opportunity.  As “meaning” empties, M-F-MEANING fills in… unless you resist, by refusing to express, to let it out, to let go of what doesn’t serve you, what doesn’t resonate. 

What you are capable of creating, what you can do, be, have etc, is AMAZING! These limiting beliefs, etc, not so much. So let em go. 

Untangle emotion and yourself. You are prior to emotion. Emotion is not ‘about you’, it is what you’re experiencing. Existential nightmares are made of ignorance in this sector. You are feeling the guidance that is feeling… but still focusing on thoughts & concepts about it. 

“How do I go about not putting my hand on the hot stove?”  Learn from the burn. Don’t put hand on stove. Put hand on wanted. 


Also how to  deal with solipsism specifically. 

How exactly would it be an issue, if you’d never heard of it?  Obviously it wouldn’t. It’s conceptual. An ism. A belief. Let it go by not solving it, by not continuing to focus on it… by focusing on anything else which feels good / is aligned with good feeling. 

Take the ‘sting’ out by taking the ‘unique to me out’, the ‘my problem’ factor. The emptying, if you will, is the same for every one. For some it’s religious dogma, for some it’s vanity / over inflation & reliance on self image. For some it’s walls of defensiveness protecting the traumatized inner child. For some it’s ‘being the knower’. For some it’s a propped up facade of gender inauthenticity vs being as they truly are without caring what anyone thinks. In all cases, it’s emptying it out, letting it go. 


I already decided to stop watching Leo. As his videos are so much loaded with concepts and it actually makes me more confused than ever. Is this the right move? 

That’s the beauty of freedom, spontaneity, conscious creating, presence… it’s up to you. Not sure if this clicks, but, when I was younger I didn’t care for horror movies. Was always like, why people wanna watch this troublesome crap? It’s terrible. Now I love it. The more gut wrenching & insufferable the better. A lion roars. ? “For everything, there is season”. What feels horrid now might be delightfully insightful and fun later. 



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@Nahm thank you man. Really appreciate it. ?❤️

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36 minutes ago, Someone here said:

how do you know? 

How do I know what? All I ever truly know is that I exist. Period.

The rest of what I say I hold loosely, because it's merely thoughts, and thoughts are subject to error and change.

In this case, it seems you're asking me how do I know that reality is not a dream? In other words, you're trying to figure out whether or not reality is a dream.

The answer to that inquiry is not intellectual. Rather, it comes from awareness. In practice, what you need to do is to simply go meta on the inquiry itself, and then ask yourself: Who is the one that is trying to know? Who is the one that is seeking more intellectual answers? What is the purpose of this knowledge in specific? And of knowledge in general? What roles does knowledge serve in everyday life? And how does it affect my state of consciousness? What if I don't really need to know? What is this "need" to know? Where did it come from? Can I let go of it and enjoy this experience? Can I appreciate being here and now for the sake of being here and now, and simply by being here and now? Why do some humans seek knowledge while others don't seem to care about it at all? What can I learn from those who seem to know how to enjoy life to the fullest? And for God's sake, if all the seeking doesn't bring me the comfort and relief that I long for and expect, then what the hell am I doing?! Wouldn't it be infinitely better to cut straight to the chase and feel the comfort and relief instead of looping round and round in circles? After all, isn't a better experience the whole point of all these questions? What do I really want deep inside? A better experience? Or more useless, uncertain models?

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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22 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

How do I know what? All I ever truly know is that I exist. Period.

The rest of what I say I hold loosely, because it's merely thoughts, and thoughts are subject to error and change.

In this case, it seems you're asking me how do I know that reality is not a dream? In other words, you're trying to figure out whether or not reality is a dream.

The answer to that inquiry is not intellectual. Rather, it comes from awareness. In practice, what you need to do is to simply go meta on the inquiry itself, and then ask yourself: Who is the one that is trying to know? Who is the one that is seeking more intellectual answers? What is the purpose of this knowledge in specific? And of knowledge in general? What roles does knowledge serve in everyday life? And how does it affect my state of consciousness? What if I don't really need to know? What is this "need" to know? Where did it come from? Can I let go of it and enjoy this experience? Can I appreciate being here and now for the sake of being here and now, and simply by being here and now? Why do some humans seek knowledge while others don't seem to care about it at all? What can I learn from those who seem to know how to enjoy life to the fullest? And for God's sake, if all the seeking doesn't bring me the comfort and relief that I long for and expect, then what the hell am I doing?! Wouldn't it be infinitely better to cut straight to the chase and feel the comfort and relief instead of looping round and round in circles? After all, isn't a better experience the whole point of all these questions? What do I really want deep inside? A better experience? Or more useless, uncertain models?

Good questions and certainly opens my eyes to see a new perspective. 

Thanks mate, 

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@Someone here your feelings and emotions aren't you either. Let me know if you need me to explain the reference. 1, the other and especially in combination is people's biggest hurdle, and you're right. It's so scary for people, I have memories coming to my mind now in my early twenties stuck in this loop of neuro-electrical ignorance, a cocktail of noise making because I thought the alcoholism in the form of thoughtism was truly taking me somewhere meaningful, somewhere beyond the imaginary edge of cognitive relativism that explains all differences in perception across time within and between individuals. Don't be a cliff hanger is one reference I could make up, let go, embrace the chaos. These are all just pies in the form of thoughts we're just throwing in some imaginary space we're trying to call advice giving that is meant to be meaningful, you are the meaning though that's being constructed within yourself. That's the departure via awareness not meaning that needs to be deconstructed again via awareness alone. The tree of life, as symbolic as it is is simultaneously the symbol for the identity structure that's built within the psyche that we mistake as the territory, this is why the saying, "the map is not the territory" is the same as saying "non duality", its the same as saying "don't make assumptions", its the same as saying "love", they're all analogous and isomorphic simultaneously because at their raw essence they're all pointing to the same enlightenment to be derived within their felt experiential perceptual structure. 

@Noone Here was already taken I guess.

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4 hours ago, Someone here said:


I think the most terrifying thing is looking out into space and realising that that for the most part.. is reality - this yawning near-void filled with things that would kill you. Here we are.. little fragile Flatlanders hugging the increasingly disordered surface of one planet.. with the yawning hungry cosmos poised to take us all back.

Lol. Don't be such a drama queen.

And it's all a fantasy, too. 

There's no universe!!!


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@Someone here Definitely sounds like a big breakthrough. If I were to guess where a next step is for you (could be totally wrong), it would be another recognition of what this emptiness-manifestation is: unconditional love. Eventually the final “step” — that there truly is no separation of any kind. This can perhaps be accelerated by realizing in each apparent moment that any thought about yourself that you don’t love, is not true, for you... Literally! Believe it or not... As unconditional love is all there is already; it’s just blindly and perfectly appearing as everything and can’t do otherwise because it’s absolute.

And that’s the deeply hidden but most real fear: you’re afraid of the responsibility that you feel you’d have if you were unconditionally and perfectly loving. But as it turns out, there’s nothing to worry about, because ultimate responsibility is actually no responsibility. And it’s already the case.

Edited by The0Self

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perhaps go from philo-sophy to sophia-philos

from lover of knowing

to knower of loving


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@Someone here Try learning more about inner child work and how to reparent yourself and love yourself.

I think you will keep a hitting a wall with non-duality/meditation until you resolve some of the underlying traumas that are driving your fear, unhappiness etc.

Learn how how to accept and love every part of yourself.

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Lol. Don't be such a drama queen.

And it's all a fantasy, too. 

There's no universe!!!



The entire universe is your visual field, which is filled with colors, feelings and sounds. That's it. 

The "physical" universe is content appearing in the screen that is you.

Go one level higher in your reality and you will quickly realize you are IT.

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I have the same experiences you've had especially after my first several LSD trips. I saw non-duality everywhere.

My partner was my self, my parents were like me and even more so, were me. Everything become equalized and transparent, nothing had solidity. I was staring at a mirror all the time and it felt kind of empty - void.

I really contemplated the meaning while living a 'typical' life; I was school trying to achieve good grades, maintain a relationship, and not appear weird to friends. and even then, I still didn't really know what IT is, which is why I was so confused about the meaning of meaninglessness or why everything is a mirror to me.

What will happen if you keep going is you will transcend this and integrate it. you will let go of non-dual stance, the thoughts surrounding it and what will happen is you will just BE. and that Being will be who you are meant to be on earth.

Not too long after of feeling the meaninglessness of life, I kept trekking on and I still didn't really know God, or rather, I could not differentiate God, I felt like what I was living was a disguise and Truth is purging of all my ego. 

Is God pure illusion? Is it a cruel joke? Are all creatures to suffer in illusion, until they realize it is? and then what, drop out? as in give up and die?

Then I had a mushroom trip where I contemplated God and realized God is nothingness - the experience of no thoughts, and open awareness to what is. - Note this is different seeing non-duality via a neurotic point of view. I completely let go of trying to figure it out. I had a guitar in my hand and without any thoughts, I played what came to me, I completely let go, and there I found myself.

Who I am in the light of God, who I am as a human; making sounds, vibrations, and ultimately I am fullness, I am love. I am nothing to my mind, but everything to God. I am experience; the suffering, the longing to know, the ache of being alive.

What I didn't realize before was what IT was, what non-duality is, I saw it, but I didn't know what IT is made of and its made of love. So what I want is for you to keep on going until you realize that this meaninglessness you are feeling is actually the fullness of Consciousness, God and Love. To be full and whole is to be have a wholesome ego resting in the light of God. When I played that guitar, I had no idea who I was, but I was.

That's the best way I can explain at the moment. but just keep going, please do not do something drastic until you are feeling whole. 



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@The0Self how to awaken to unconditional love? 

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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

@The0Self how to awaken to unconditional love? 

I’m not sure but I can sort of tell you how the process apparently went for me.

Death was recognized as being merely disguised as death of the body, because that’s when you are quite sure all your beliefs will fall away because the brain is assumed to be associated with them and your brain ceases to function when the body dies... However, death is merely the falling away of any belief structure of separation, at any time (so to speak, but there is no real time), regardless of the supposed death of the body.

This is everything. The imagination of something else seems to hide that. When the imagination or belief in something else falls away, it ceases to cover over the eternal infinite nature of this seemingly simple appearance. There are no separate things. There isn’t even one thing appearing that isn’t dependent on the entire universe for its existence. Take a wooden bed frame for example — it’s not separate from the imagination of billions of years of evolution of biology, humans loving and fearing one another and eventually ingeniously figuring out ways to make their lives and their loved ones’ lives easier, and eventually they learned to cut down trees and shape them into a bed frame. And it’s clearly endless beyond that; you could go on for weeks just describing where that bed frame came from and you’d be no closer to actually explaining it, as with everything else.


Its actually the case that you already are a perfect manifestation of unconditional love. Everything you ever do is not separate from the entire force and will of the universe, so to speak. It’s happening by utterly immeasurable, infinite, unstoppable, un-hinder-able force, even while appearing subtle.

Edited by The0Self

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16 minutes ago, The0Self said:

I’m not sure but I can sort of tell you how the process apparently went for me.

Death was recognized as being merely disguised as death of the body, because that’s when you are quite sure all your beliefs will fall away because the brain is assumed to be associated with them and your brain ceases to function when the body dies... However, death is merely the falling away of any belief structure of separation, at any time (so to speak, but there is no real time), regardless of the supposed death of the body.

This is everything. The imagination of something else seems to hide that. When the imagination or belief in something else falls away, it ceases to cover over the eternal infinite nature of this seemingly simple appearance. There are no separate things. There isn’t even one thing appearing that isn’t dependent on the entire universe for its existence. Take a wooden bed frame for example — it’s not separate from the imagination of billions of years of evolution of biology, humans loving and fearing one another and eventually ingeniously figuring out ways to make their lives and their loved ones’ lives easier, and eventually they learned to cut down trees and shape them into a bed frame. And it’s clearly endless beyond that; you could go on for weeks just describing where that bed frame came from and you’d be no closer to actually explaining it, as with everything else.


Its actually the case that you already are a perfect manifestation of unconditional love. Everything you ever do is not separate from the entire force and will of the universe, so to speak. It’s happening by utterly immeasurable, infinite, unstoppable, un-hinder-able force, even while appearing subtle.

Beautiful bro ?

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