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Nothing is external because there is only infinity and perception

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The unmanifest and the manifest...

If you take a piece of paper and draw on the paper what you believe is out there independent of mind, you will find yourself drawing icons. In other words you are drawing perceptions.

To say that any perception like sight is accurate to what is out there is to remove seeing from seen. Which cannot be done.

There is ONLY infinity and perception. The world we call home is merely a dream. Brains are made of what we call matter, so are eyes. Brains and eyes are part of the dream, fundamentally they are icons, we might draw a brain or eye but you see they cannot really be out there in the way we draw them for seeing is part of seen. The brain and eyes are essentially nothing, as is absolutely everything. There is only experience. If you nuke the brain you do not destroy what you would call "out there", you simply erase an experience.

If you imagine ANOTHER human's brain it is easier. When they die, the world does not vanish. This is of course obvious. But that is what I mean, see, the dream goes nowhere. The dreamer is emptiness... Nothingness... You cannot destroy nothingness because it is nothingness. There is nothing to destroy. Something is merely a manifestation of nothing.

Everything happens within that emptiness. That is why there is nothing external, because all somethings are fundamentally one. Everything is "imagined" from nothing.

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3 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

Everything happens within that emptiness. That is why there is nothing external, because all somethings are fundamentally one. Everything is "imagined" from nothing.

Yes, however there isn’t really a why or even a how. There’s nothing outside of the appearance that is timeless everything, and the nature of that is unconditional love.

The more you embody unconditional love, the more sovereignty you have as God in this timeless creation of God. Never give up your authority... or do give it up — there’s no choice in the matter.

The reality is like this: it’s like the entire universe exists for this moment of sitting on a chair looking at a screen... although it’s not “for” that but you know what I mean — no separation.

i.e. “Without a history, how could there be sitting on a chair?”

What you really are is so conscious it can experience simplicity, while simultaneously creating the entire universe — ingenious perfection.

If you look closely... This very experience of simplicity IS itself the creation of the entire universe! It seems like it would have to be God getting out an infinite toolkit and painstakingly creating a perfect universe... but... it’s literally simply unconditional love appearing ??  ? 

You could say nothing is external, but I would say: there’s nothing internal (no inner world) when the infinite is realized.

For most, I’d be willing to bet the quickest way to enlightenment is to simply actually realize: Everything you don’t love about yourself (every thought about yourself that you don’t love), is precisely what isn’t true, for you. It can actually be that simple... with an open enough mind — which psychedelics can act as a catalyst for.

Edited by The0Self

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34 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Yes, however there isn’t really a why or even a how. There’s nothing outside of the appearance that is timeless everything, and the nature of that is unconditional love.

The more you embody unconditional love, the more sovereignty you have as God in this timeless creation of God. Never give up your authority... or do give it up — there’s no choice in the matter.

The reality is like this: it’s like the entire universe exists for this moment of sitting on a chair looking at a screen... although it’s not “for” that but you know what I mean — no separation.

i.e. “Without a history, how could there be sitting on a chair?”

What you really are is so conscious it can experience simplicity, while simultaneously creating the entire universe — ingenious perfection.

If you look closely... This very experience of simplicity IS itself the creation of the entire universe! It seems like it would have to be God getting out an infinite toolkit and painstakingly creating a perfect universe... but... it’s literally simply unconditional love appearing ??  ? 

You could say nothing is external, but I would say: there’s nothing internal (no inner world) when the infinite is realized.

For most, I’d be willing to bet the quickest way to enlightenment is to simply actually realize: Everything you don’t love about yourself (every thought about yourself that you don’t love), is precisely what isn’t true, for you. It can actually be that simple... with an open enough mind — which psychedelics can act as a catalyst for.

I feel a sense of love more when imagining God's awareness as separate and in a dual framework, even if it's not true. Like, my head being filled with awareness made of and by God, feels like a divine kiss on the forehead.

On this topic that I posted originally, there is an automatic refutation of how a physicalist would react, because they too propose a magical conjuring trick AKA "emergence". All nonduality is doing is saying that brains are part OF this magical "emergence" thing.

There is nothing at all but unmanifest infinite potentiality, and manifest perception. All manifest is one, all unmanifest exists in nothing, and both added together = reality = the Tao = absolute Oneness.

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@RMQualtrough Yeah. The most accurate way I could describe it is to simply say there’s literally no separation between anything that appears — for any “one” so to speak, but there’s no real one. That’s why it is said that the absolute cannot distinguish between pleasure and pain and apparently (but not actually) forgetting this absolute unconditional love what “allows,” so to speak, for the multitude of experiences and individuals.

And about your experience with love and God... That’s perfectly okay. You must access and identify with God mind before you can dis-identify with it — so too with witnessing before that, and emptiness after that, then all are transcended and included in enlightenment, which is the end of mystical experiences.

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