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Hi guys. Anyobody here successfully stopped a porn and masturbation addiction? I first came across nofap 18 months ago and I've been trying to quit the whole time and I just keep failing. Willpower just doesn't seem to work. 

Anybody have any tips they would like to share? 

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1 hour ago, Joel3102 said:

I've been trying to quit the whole time and I just keep failing

Celibacy is not a discipline, it is a consequence. If your whole energy is needed, sex disappears automatically because you don’t have energy to waste. You put your total energy so you don’t have any energy... and it happens in ordinary life also. You can see a great painter: he forgets women completely. When he is painting there is no sex in his mind,because the whole energy is moving. You don’t have any extra energy. A great poet, a great singer, a dancer who is moving totally in his commitment, automatically becomes celibate. He has no discipline for it. Sex is superfluous energy; sex is a safety valve. When you have too much in you and you cannot do anything with it, the nature has made a safety valve; you can throw it out. You can release it, otherwise you will go mad or burst – explode. And if you try to suppress it, then too you will go mad, because suppressing it won’t help. It needs a transformation, and that transformation comes from total commitment. A warrior, if he is really a warrior – an impeccable warrior, will be beyond sex. His whole energy is moving.

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Porn too strong 

I have tried no fap and i can tell you its not really that helpful. Just fap when you want man, but if its really taking too much of the time that its becoming a problem then maybe you should try no fap.

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Make alot a new habits to help get rid of the addiction like meditation swimming running itll help alot and try to cultivate the mindset that pmo is not an option like its been taken from the world and can never be used again that helps me @Joel3102

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Porn too strong 

I have tried no fap and i can tell you its not really that helpful. Just fap when you want man, but if its really taking too much of the time that its becoming a problem then maybe you should try no fap.

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Well i like to think of it this way, i have a belief that using up your semen is a waste of spiritual energy, thus lowering your vibration thus steering you more away from complete awareness and self actualization.

Now i have read many things on this and i am not sure of its true or not but the belief helps stay away and i honestly feel calmer, more centered and less animalistic when i keep sex or masturbation away from my life and just like other addictions i feel if you can do more than 4-6weeks then the rest should be smooth scaling. Every now and then shouldn't be a problem but when it becomes a routine that's when its going to do damage one way or another. Just my 2 cents :)


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Thanks for the responses! I think getting my life priorities in order will help as well as raising my awareness, as it alone is curative, will be most helpful. 

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@Joel3102 Assuming porn is more of a problem then the jerking. You only watch porn when your horny, so a quick jerk in the shower every morning should make you less interested in porn.
Maybe not the best answer, but it works.

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5 hours ago, Bob84 said:

@Joel3102 "a quick jerk in the shower every morning"

Could you go into a bit more detail? I'm just starting my no fap journey.

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@Skrotus I am generalizing, and this is generally from the male perspective.
I don't see jerking off and cumming as a problem. Our biology in a sense creates sexual energy that either needs to be released or demands attention. If you spend a minute or two jerking off and cum than that energy is released and you have no interest in watching porn. Unless you have other problems.

Additionally you can do something what i call "jerk off meditation" (i know how that sounds xD, the ego has a strong opinion about this). Generally when we jerk off we look into our mind and play a nice movie and related to set sexual fantasy (same apply s to porn, except in a sense it requires less imagination). You imagine a hot woman giving you a BJ, etc. And ones you are done, well you are done. Its also possible to not think (imagine these things), and purely focus on the sensory experience. This focusing purely on the sensory experience and not on your mind is what i call the meditation part.

As this posts subject is Nofap, i am not suggesting anyone to start jerking off if your happy denying yourself. However, being honest, is your mind spending more time mentally masturbating about this subject since you stopped the fiscal masturbating?

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Similarly to @Schulzy and @Bob84, I think forcing yourself not to fap is more harm than good.

You are in your reproductive phase of life and going against biology may hurt you.
Ejaculating is a basic biological need, just like eating and sleeping.

Fap every time the need to fap dims your mind.
Don't celebrate it though with lengthy porn sessions or the likes - just do what you need to do and don't blame yourself.
This approach should help you overcome porn addiction.

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I reached day 44. Tip if you like. Persist. You are trying to get to the 90 days to quickly. For example someone tryingt o reach 90 after spending a week fapping daily is going to be alot harder than someone who has fapped at 30 to 40 day intervals. It takes ages to fully wene off, but try not to fall into cycles when you relapse

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Ive made it to 400 days in the past and I can tell you for sure my life changed as a result of it. I've been struggling off and on for the past year and a half, but I'm currently on my biggest stream since I started again, day 22. Please do it, it's a game changer. Sometimes you just have to ignore the more spiritual advice and just do the practical changes. I strongly recommend hard mode (no porn or orgasm). You will see the gains come significantly faster. 

If you struggle with nofap, then it's a sign that your addicted to either porn or orgasm, and that you need nofap even more

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I'm probably a good deal older than the average user here (I'm 38) so, gone are the days when I was amped-up almost 24/7 (phew!)  

Bearing this in mind, my only advice to you is this:  Don't force it - to release when you're all bottled up is a GOOD thing - it's very healthy, in fact.

I've been firing 'em off almost daily since 1989 (!) - so it had become urges had leveled out by my early 20s, so two weeks without was not a stretch at all.  I recently stopped for 30 days just to see what it would do...and in my case it gave me a welcome surge in libido (grrrr!) and testosterone - but I'm an older gentleman.

Listen to your body, Man - you young blokes probably don't need a break from routine just yet.  :-)

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