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So it seems like Ivermectin usability against covid 19 is being suppressed due to the good old pharma money interests. 

I just want to leave this here because when covid returns in winter and you happen to be in danger, ivermectin might save your ass.


I don't wanna get into it here too much, I just appreciate that this forum is still relatively free speech.

Ivermectin is from the 1970s, has billions of doses taken already by humans, shows in vivo and vitro help against covid viruses and is off-patent, so no one can make money from it.


Please visit this website for study data: 



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Yeah, I heard of this last year. I have family in Zimbabwe/South Africa that used it. My uncle has had covid TWICE and survived after taking ivermectin he bought from a veterinarian over there. He's not a model of health, given that he drinks a bottle of whiskey per day, and partied through his infections with his shirt off and gut out vibing to Chuck Berry. My Aunt in Australia also caught covid and survived, she took ivermectin without medical approval and she believes it saved her life. Only anecdotal evidence of course, but I remember a decent interview I watched earlier this year.

Medicine is kind of the wild west out there, so doctors just do what they can and conduct research in a way that probably horrifies your typical first world doctor.


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Hell, you could even sign up to be in the test group for it although you'd probably need to move to Argentina. 


10 hours ago, UDT said:

when covid returns in winter and you happen to be in danger, ivermectin might save your ass.

yeah, unfortunately, this seems like a very realistic scenario. 

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@MuadDib It's not the case. Click on the link there is in vivo patient data from 20k patients for ivermectin.

You can not get it in the U.S or Europe, doctors who use it will loose their license and get sued.

It's not FDA approved, even though its being taken since 40 years for all sorts of stuff. 


The golden line is, there are billions to be made with covid treatment, and ivermectin is almost free. 

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8 minutes ago, UDT said:

The golden line is, there are billions to be made with covid treatment, and ivermectin is almost free.  

They are worth more than a trillion. 

So how many billions? Because if it's just few its nothing. 

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@Opo  alot alot alot alot alot of money over years yes

Too much to let it slip because some stupid anti parasiticum from 1970 works right ;)

So yea welcome to 2021 - where people continue to die bcs of money interests, even in "first world healthcare" 


Please visit, and share this website: http://www.ivmmeta.com

Its an amazing job, all the data on one page.

And spread the word please!

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During my researches I've found this:

https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Abstract/9000/Ivermectin_for_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.98040.aspx (article)

https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-317485/v1 (pre-print, with more data and explanations)

https://assets.researchsquare.com/files/rs-317485/v1/0696442e-24ca-49b1-9655-a3aa500bba04.pdf (PDF file, which is slightly better formatted)

All three links link to a single Ivermectin meta-analysis and systematic review, which if I'm correct is one of the highest levels of analysis.


Trying to find again the three links I posted I've also casually found this:


but I don't know the quality of this research.



I've found the meta-analysis thanks to Bret Weinstein Podcast. In one episode, the podcast hosts Dr. Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch, and one of the two talks about that meta-analysis, saying he was eager to see it published.

The podcast here:


Edited by Superfluo

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42 minutes ago, UDT said:

@Opo  alot alot alot alot alot of money over years yes

Too much to let it slip because some stupid anti parasiticum from 1970 works right ;)

Feels like you want to believe this. 

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No, if you have other arguments write them

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14 hours ago, UDT said:

@MuadDib It's not the case. Click on the link there is in vivo patient data from 20k patients for ivermectin.

You can not get it in the U.S or Europe, doctors who use it will loose their license and get sued.

It's not FDA approved, even though its being taken since 40 years for all sorts of stuff. 


The golden line is, there are billions to be made with covid treatment, and ivermectin is almost free. 

Yes, I read the webpage. 

My point is the use of ivermectin started in Africa using very aggressive treatment strategies that are culturally accepted within African medicine, but not so much in the first world, as the doctor in the interview discussed. They have to treat a wide variety of dangerous viruses like HIV and malaria which we don't see much of in first world countries.

So when first world doctors initially caught wind of the cowboys having great success with high doses of what is essentially an insecticide, they probably would have thought... yeah that's cool, don't want to cramp your style but we're gonna keep looking for other solutions.

The evidence is more robust now, and while big pharma money is a factor, this could also have contributed to slow adoption and scepticism as well.

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4 hours ago, MuadDib said:

the use of ivermectin started in Africa using very aggressive treatment strategies that are culturally accepted

I can relate this with my Country case. Here in Lima-Peru Ivermectin was broadly use as a treatment rather than prophylaxis (where research is more supportive). At the beginning of the pandemic, medical doctors started to notice that it seems to be a shift in deaths with ivermectin treatment, later this affirmation was not too supported by the local academia-media since there were no significant deaths differences between hospitals that used ivermectin and the others which not. Later, due to the collapse of the medical system covid patients started to self-prescribe ivermectin on 2-4 leaks per kg and maybe more... The drug ended restringed for the authorities (based on WHO) since patients got high amounts of doses and go to hospitals with advanced symptoms because they really believed ivermectin will help.

My opinion is that more research is needed on this drug with a focus on dosage, use-cases, and consequences. It's not a topic to be conspirative about, everyone wants the pandemic over. Personally, I trust Bret Weinstein and got surprised by his thinking on this, then re-considered this drug as preventive but still feel skeptical about it. I've seen many people with bad and irresponsible behavior, treating this as a miracle drug. As a third-world country, we didn't have the tools to make more research and the big-academia didn't pay attention to this earlier. 

Ps. There were a lot of people using ivermectin as prophylaxis too, that couldn't stop us from being the highest COVID-19 mortality rate in the world: https://www.msf.org/peru-covid-situation-remains-critical-worst-hit-country 

More research and discussion are necessary. 

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@PBen534  I like the discussion, but its very clear benefits outweigh risks. There have been over 30 randomized controlled double blind studies by now. 

The safety of IVM is well studied. Way better than most drugs tbh. 

Here, check this study from 2002: They gave patients up to 120mg single dose.

Most studies play with 12-36mg

Its against all ethics to not at least give people the choice of taking ivermectin in early treatment. 
You have to be "lucky" enough to end up in an FLCC Protocol Hospital.. Its ridiculous. 

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6 hours ago, UDT said:

Its against all ethics to not at least give people the choice

Check Nuremberg Code on google

Edited by Superfluo

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@Superfluo What´s your point? NC is about trials, we already have over 60 trials.

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@UDT Didn't know if you were aware of NC

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I was shocked to see that about Ivermetin.

Before the patent for Ivermectin expired I switched my method for deworming cattle to mixing diatomaceous earth in with their minerals. Had great success with it also. At the time I think the cost was around $7.00/head per treatment with Ivermectin to about  about .30 cents/per head with diatomaceous earth.

Its too bad diatomaceous earth couldn’t be as effective against COVID as it was for deworming and delousing cattle. 

The thought crosses my mind about the placebo effect maybe contributing to the success of Ivermectin against COVID ????

Any thought? Excuse me if this has already been discussed. If so, I just overlooked it.




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On 10/07/2021 at 9:28 AM, Zigzag Idiot said:

The thought crosses my mind about the placebo effect maybe contributing to the success of Ivermectin against COVID ????

@Zigzag Idiot  Sure, that´s why scientists undertake control group studies in which under random selection, participants of the study either receive a sugar pill, or the medicine (Ivermectin) - and then the outcome for the patients is compared against the ones who were given the "placebo". 

In other words, If the medicine does not work, scientist see no clear difference in healing between the sugar pill and the medicine. 
Participants of course do not know if they were given the drug or a sugar pill. 

Over 32 such studies have been conducted on ivermectin, as you can see on the website Ive posted or the screenshot. 

Basically we both see in vitro (so ivermectin vs. virus in the lab) and in vivo (ivermectin vs. virus in a human) results indicating great benefits of early stage ivermectin treatment.

Late stage results are poorer because c19 causes massive inflammation, which ivermectin can only partially does help with.

Hope that cleared some of your questions up !

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