Chrissy j

Law Of Attraction Tips

19 posts in this topic

How do you properly use the law of attraction? I always try to think about what I want but if something is actually bothering me I can't just think it away. I feel like setting a goal and pursuing what I want without this positive thinking would be more effective. I get the whole think about what you want with massive action. But living with what is and not pretending to be what I want seems to work better. Any tips for how to use the law of attraction properly and well? What am I missing? I feel like ignoring my emotions and trying to be positive doesn't help. Examples of how to use it would be nice too :) 

Edited by MochaSlap

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19 minutes ago, MochaSlap said:

how to use the law of attraction properly and well? What am I missing?

The Law of Attraction, became immensely popular feeding on people’s greed, you can attract whatever you want in your life – money, success, the perfect relationship, great house, car etc – simply by focusing on it with the positive intent to have it.

In other words, by using positive intention, or positive thinking, you can manifest whatever you want for your life.

Every ‘new’ formula for success based on positive thinking is always a hit – after all, who wouldn’t want an easy way to get rich? It appeals perfectly to the greedy, lazy age we live in.

Positive thinking cannot change anything because it is a way of avoiding looking at the unconscious mind, which is full of our negativity.…by your not seeing it, do you think it disappears? You are just befooling yourself. You cannot change reality. The night will still be there; you can think that it is daytime for twenty-four hours, but by your thinking it, it is not going to be light twenty-four hours a day. 

Positive thinking does not work, because it is done with the conscious mind. And the conscious mind is not what is running our lives. 

It means that we may consciously think we want more money, and focus on the visualization of a nice fat bank account of a few million, but if there is a belief in our unconscious mind that we don’t deserve to be rich, that we will never win the lottery, that it is something for other people not me, then guess what – no matter how much and for how long you visualize those millions, you will never get them!

First learn meditation and clean your unconscious mind.

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The original standardized way of describing the law of attraktion is basically: Whatever you think about, you attract. But it is really not that simple. If you think about something, money for instance, and do that from fear of going broke, you will attract being broke. Because whatever you resist persists. 

You need to adress the root cause for why you are in resistance to what you want and experience whatever comes up. Before then, you are basically stuck or regressing.

These fears and limiting beliefs are like chains that you need to free yourself from before something new can take its place :) 

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7 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

The Law of Attraction, became immensely popular feeding on people’s greed, you can attract whatever you want in your life – money, success, the perfect relationship, great house, car etc – simply by focusing on it with the positive intent to have it.

In other words, by using positive intention, or positive thinking, you can manifest whatever you want for your life.

Every ‘new’ formula for success based on positive thinking is always a hit – after all, who wouldn’t want an easy way to get rich? It appeals perfectly to the greedy, lazy age we live in.

Positive thinking cannot change anything because it is a way of avoiding looking at the unconscious mind, which is full of our negativity.…by your not seeing it, do you think it disappears? You are just befooling yourself. You cannot change reality. The night will still be there; you can think that it is daytime for twenty-four hours, but by your thinking it, it is not going to be light twenty-four hours a day. 

Positive thinking does not work, because it is done with the conscious mind. And the conscious mind is not what is running our lives. 

It means that we may consciously think we want more money, and focus on the visualization of a nice fat bank account of a few million, but if there is a belief in our unconscious mind that we don’t deserve to be rich, that we will never win the lottery, that it is something for other people not me, then guess what – no matter how much and for how long you visualize those millions, you will never get them!

First learn meditation and clean your unconscious mind.

This. Positive thoughts are a result of conscious living. Not the other way around.

@MochaSlap I would recommend this book if you're into this stuff.

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2 minutes ago, DoubleYou said:

Positive thoughts are a result of conscious living.

Positive thoughts may be the result of conscious mind, but success depends on total mind, larger part is unconscious. 

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You are right, setting a goal and persuing what you want is way more effective than just thinking about what you want. Its not like just thinking about something is going to make that something appear in front of you.

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Yes these are all perfect! The whole positive thinking thing doesn't seem to work too well if it conflicts with who you really are now. Cleaning up my beliefs some more and continued meditation will get me to where I want to be along with mainly lots of action.

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My theory on it is to trick to mind to believe it. The more you tell yourself or say it, the more the mind gets used to the idea/thought and eventually starts to really believe it and when manifestation occurs then its no longer a belief but a knowing, once it becomes a knowing then its automatic from there. There is no going back.

Doubt kills most of our abilities but meditation and spiritual conscious work and connecting with nature, traveling helps remove doubts.

I used be able to change the weather when i was a child because of a belief i was given as a younger child, as years went by it became a knowing and worked every single time but then i got lost in society, school, culture, media ect.. and forgot my ways and learnt things and learnt doubt and now it no longer works every time but if i focus more on it it starts happening more often again. Hope this helps and gives you ideas.

Here' is a negative example that i noticed with my aunty. Now she was sick often but most of the time she was just making excuses and didn't want to work and she kept saying im sick, my arm, my leg, not feeling well, i got kidney stones ect.. now we all knew 90% of the time she was making it all up but as years went by she actually starting becoming sick all the time and all the things she said about her arm, leg, and even the kidney stones manifested into reality. She pretty much created her own problems with her own un-educated mind. Now she's sick almost all the time cause of her continues words and thoughts and illusionary beliefs. 

Words are energy, use them wisely. There is a reason they call it spelling, Words casts spells :P



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I think generally you just want to accept negative thoughts. You often attract what you deny

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tbh I feel like the "law of attraction" side of personal development just stinks with greed and the need to rely on external circumstances for happiness. Funny enough is though that you will grow out of this phase if you keep growing. Then be one of the wiser ones and rush through this phase, see beyond its flaws! :-)

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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The secret to the law of attraction is to gain acces to the subconscious mind. The conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper to the subconscious.  The conscious mind will reject ideas that don't make sense or that it judges as untrue, bullshit, etc...But the gatekeeper can be bypassed, with basically three techniques. 

  1. Brute force : keep repeating something long and often enough and the conscious mind will get tired rejecting it and allows it to enter the subconscious. This is why affirmations work.
  2. Hypnosis. The conscious mind gets distracted and suggestions can slip by it, entering the subconscious directly.
  3. Visualization. The subconscious mind can't differentiate between something that really happened and something imagined. If you have a vivid imagination, and you put feeling and emotion in your visualizations, this is a great way to acces the subconscious.

Our minds get bombarded every day with a shitload of negativity. The major 'undercurrent' of society is negative. It is a real challenge to withstand that and to guard your mind against that. It requires constant vigilance towards your own thoughts but also external influence. Images, conversation... It's remarkable how easy it is to get drawn back into negative thinking, complaining...

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On 17 November 2016 at 4:04 AM, MochaSlap said:

... if something is actually bothering me I can't just think it away. I feel like setting a goal and pursuing what I want without this positive thinking would be more effective. I get the whole think about what you want with massive action. But living with what is and not pretending to be what I want seems to work better... 

If something is bothering you, it's because you're not perceiving it accurately. When this Law of Attraction stuff talks about seeing things 'positively', it's referring to having a more accurate perception of reality, to raise the quality of your consciousness, because when you do that, you realise there is only everything to be grateful for and joyful about, so it's trying to get us to perceive this way, because our quality of consciousness determines what we reap in life 

someone who is consumed with negative emotions may eventually commit suicide, so like does attract like 

the essence is to raise your quality of consciousness, at least that's my understanding of it, you may have seen the video about consciousness on 

you don't have to pretend to be what you're not, but focusing on certain principles such as gratitude, and of functioning on a creative plane rather than on a competitive one, to give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value (hence generosity and giving), instead of thinking about scarcity, you realise there is only abundance, and you take action from such a place. Poverty, scarcity, fear, disease - they're all appearances, let go of your focus on false appearances, and they stop concerning you(:

every thought creates our reality because there is no objective reality, it's all our perceptions basically 

It may help to record your emotions every hour to get a better understanding of your state of consciousness

All the spiritual books on success etc. draw these parallels, of creativity, giving, gratitude, removing fear, taking responsibility, faith and persistence, consciousness, sometimes indirectly, so read a few and you'll get an overall sense 

hope that helps! 

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On 11/16/2016 at 9:34 PM, Prabhaker said:

The Law of Attraction, became immensely popular feeding on people’s greed, you can attract whatever you want in your life – money, success, the perfect relationship, great house, car etc – simply by focusing on it with the positive intent to have it.

In other words, by using positive intention, or positive thinking, you can manifest whatever you want for your life.

Every ‘new’ formula for success based on positive thinking is always a hit – after all, who wouldn’t want an easy way to get rich? It appeals perfectly to the greedy, lazy age we live in.

Positive thinking cannot change anything because it is a way of avoiding looking at the unconscious mind, which is full of our negativity.…by your not seeing it, do you think it disappears? You are just befooling yourself. You cannot change reality. The night will still be there; you can think that it is daytime for twenty-four hours, but by your thinking it, it is not going to be light twenty-four hours a day. 

Positive thinking does not work, because it is done with the conscious mind. And the conscious mind is not what is running our lives. 

It means that we may consciously think we want more money, and focus on the visualization of a nice fat bank account of a few million, but if there is a belief in our unconscious mind that we don’t deserve to be rich, that we will never win the lottery, that it is something for other people not me, then guess what – no matter how much and for how long you visualize those millions, you will never get them!

First learn meditation and clean your unconscious mind.

with persistence positive thinking will seep into your subconscious mind. i don't know how effective "just thinking" is because i mix in meditation and action taking as well. but i have in fact manifested things simply by thinking of them and taking no conscious action towards manifesting them. 

like @LightParticle said this is magick. it goes far deeper than just repeating a phrase over and over. 


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Develop greater awareness and understanding of the various levels of mind, thought and energy and you will be better equipped achieving desired results.

All thoughts and feelings have their own magnetic fields that are determining your experience.

At the surface level of mind we have the thoughts that bubble up. We can consciously choose our thoughts, words and behaviors and it will have effect on our reality. Although it is important to consciously choose your thoughts and thereby make decisions to support your growth, it should also be understood that trying to micromanage conscious thoughts alone has limited effectiveness. 

Choosing and activating thoughts is usually the focus of much shallow self help material. Don't get me wrong, It is a useful and beautiful tool but without proper understanding of the energetic dynamics of belief and 'creation', it can cause one to demonize 'lower vibrational energies' and leave one straining so often to keep a high vibration that you'll give yourself hemorrhoids. It's much more effective and much more fun to be used in conjunction with deeper levels of work. 

One level deeper than surface level thoughts is the subconscious, where we harbor the thoughts and belief systems that give birth to the many surface level thoughts. Your subconscious beliefs are magnetized just like conscious thoughts, but instead of being activated every now and then when 'we are in a mood to create', they are instead constantly emitting their signal like a record spinning on loop. Therefore it is of limited use to repeat "I am not afraid" to oneself in the mirror when there is an orchestra in the gut beating the opposite drum. Instead, it would be more effective to look into the deeper held beliefs on the subject and work with them in that way. This is the realm of psychoanalysis and authors like Tony Robbins. By resolving and releasing thoughts and beliefs held at the subconscious, you are automatically doing a tremendous level of house cleaning for the mind, because many of the negative thoughts you were thinking won't occur anymore. This is because most thoughts are automatic emanations of subconscious belief systems. 

It is interesting to note that once limiting beliefs are resolved, it is not necessary to imprint the opposite energy or belief. For example lets say that Julia wants to manifest more friendly people into her experience. She is going through life and find that people are cold, distant and don't respond when she says hello or waves. By choosing to look at the deeper levels of what is going on and how she feels on the subject, she discovers that she has suppressed guilt and shame that are causing her to feel as though she is at fault and not worthy of love. By recognition of this alone, the subject becomes far less heavy, and this allows her to work with her beliefs that she is unworthy, that there is something wrong with her, or that she is not a person that people should like. 

Once this is released, then one might assume that the next step is to create beliefs like "I am worthy, I am loved. People are very friendly towards me" - but this is not necessary. In fact Julia finds that alongside the expanded sense of self esteem, love and worthiness that she is feeling as a result of having understood and released old beliefs - suddenly she is noticing very friendly people. Everyone seems much more amiable. With the bank clerk, she finds herself more expressive than usual, spontaneously complimenting the clerk (which would typically be something very out of the ordinary for her) and getting a warm "Thank you so much, you're the first person to notice!" in return. Has she gone around all day thinking "people are nice to me... people are nice to me..."? - No, but she doesn't need to, because the default energetic state of our nature is that of love, abundance and wellbeing. This means that when the limiting belief is cleared, its equal opposite expression flows into our experience effortlessly. 

One level even deeper than the subconscious is that of energy. This is the realm of yoga and various practices that use unconditional presence, acceptance or non-dual awareness. Some practices like EFT may be a combination of working with energy and subconscious. Words like chakras and meridians come to mind. Much energy is held in the body and mind in the form of suspended emotions that have been resisted and suppressed. These emotions are the foundations upon which most subconscious beliefs are held. These suspended energies limit ones expression and ability to be open, joyful and loving greatly. They also limit our energy and effectiveness. This level is very effective to work at, and much simpler than the more intellectual approach of looking at beliefs. In fact at this level, looking at our beliefs and experiences can possibly be a distraction from the work. From this level, the method is to allow the energies to arise and allowing them unconditionally. It is not necessary to do, or know anything else. So working at this level, if anger was to suddenly arise, instead of asking "where is this anger coming from? or "what beliefs do I have that have made me feel like this?" we instead opt to accept the feeling unconditionally and simply let it be. This allows for its release, which creates a cascading effect through the subconscious, into the rest of your experience. 

So my suggestion is to start to work with the levels of subconscious and levels of energy which are available to you through visceral feelings. When these understandings are applied and used in conjunction with choosing your thoughts, or shifting personalities and the endless variety of exercises, then you will have a lot more success and you will find yourself becoming much happier and more free. 

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@Saarah Yes I totally agree with the raising of awareness. Been doing a lot of Neti Neti lately and it is working nicely. That along with all the other personal development stuff like working towards and becoming and embodying my goals and desires, radical action, learning about life purpose is doing me well and seems to be "attracting" more of what I want in life.

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8 hours ago, David1 said:

The secret to the law of attraction is to gain acces to the subconscious mind. The conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper to the subconscious.  The conscious mind will reject ideas that don't make sense or that it judges as untrue, bullshit, etc...But the gatekeeper can be bypassed, with basically three techniques. 

  1. Brute force : keep repeating something long and often enough and the conscious mind will get tired rejecting it and allows it to enter the subconscious. This is why affirmations work.
  2. Hypnosis. The conscious mind gets distracted and suggestions can slip by it, entering the subconscious directly.
  3. Visualization. The subconscious mind can't differentiate between something that really happened and something imagined. If you have a vivid imagination, and you put feeling and emotion in your visualizations, this is a great way to acces the subconscious.

Our minds get bombarded every day with a shitload of negativity. The major 'undercurrent' of society is negative. It is a real challenge to withstand that and to guard your mind against that. It requires constant vigilance towards your own thoughts but also external influence. Images, conversation... It's remarkable how easy it is to get drawn back into negative thinking, complaining...

Very well said, that made me think of how Telievision alters our subconscious because of the repetitive adds and negatively-based news and alerts we see every day which is where a most of racism and unaware hate comes from these days and artificial screens put our mind in Alpha-state where things sneak into the subconscious easier if i remember correctly.

Edited by pluto


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I also saw a video a while back explaining how assertions work more effectively then affirmations.

Instead of "i am wealthy, i am healthy, i am wise"

you would say.. "why am i healthy? Why does this happen to me? Why am i wealthy? Why am i happy?

These have a stronger universal magnetism then affirmations and do notice when people always wonder why something happens to them usually always attracts more and more of that. 2 cents

Edited by pluto


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