
Are my family and friends thinking?

24 posts in this topic

49 minutes ago, Flim said:

@allislove I have to admit that I am a bit confused. A month or so ago I read a thread on here where they were dicussing how when "I" experience "my" pov, the "people" that "I" interact with are not because all that exists in the present is the one pov, but "their" pov will also be experienced, but when it does, "my" pov won't be happening. Their pov and my pov are really the same pov experiencing at a different "time" (I don't know how else to describe it)

Today is the day of analogies from me, hope you don't mind :D 


You can read something on the forum, you can think: "Reality is like this or that.". All the thinking is happening on the plane... So, the best what you can see from the plane is a circle. A circle represents that there is an authentic openness to the ideas like "there is only one source", "everything is you", "all is love", etc. The concepts like "solipsism" is also happening on the plane, but it's completely off from the circle shape. How to know what is closer to the circle and what is not? By listening to your feelings. If the spiritual idea feels terrible to you, makes you afraid - it's "safe" to forget about it - to switch the attention on something else. The goal of the game is to see the sphere, for that we need to find out what the source of thinking - "who are you". Any thinking that happens on the plane doesn't really help to see the sphere. Once the circle is seen, so you are open for the idea of oneness, you may try living like that, also the spiritual practices like deep-breath meditation may help. Good luck.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@allislove Thank you for so much for this! I appreciate the analogies, they were very, very helpful. 


Good luck.

Thank you :) <3

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On 4.7.2021 at 11:15 AM, Flim said:

Or am I just imagining that they're thinking?

Of course you are imagning that they think and have feelings.

Just as you as 'yourself' imagine that you think and feel.

In truth you have never thought a thought or felt a feeling.

You have *experienced* thoughts and feelings, and to believe that you were responsible for these thoughts and feelings, well that is completely and utter illusion; and the ego's job (deception).

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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