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"Highly likely human civilization comes to an end by 2050"

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@Blackhawk Some Christian fundamentalists have predicted the end of the world every year for thousands of years, but civilization and the world are still here...

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The selfishness of humanity is what brought this about. The extinction of species, the tons of of pollutants of various kinds disrupting various parts of natural cycles, the ever-looming threat of nuclear obliteration if someone in possession of a nuclear device doesn’t care about the consequences anymore, and the massive backlash against life-saving measures to slow the spread of a very contagious virus. The ease with which information is spread means that all these issues are not caused by ignorance, but by apathy. But at the same time, misinformation spreads just as easily. A “doom and gloom” outlook is definitely unappealing, but arguably necessary to slow the increase of negative effects that the selfishness of humanity has brought about. 

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10 hours ago, Tim R said:

Lol. The Yugas aren't "real", they are metaphors for the ups and downs of every dynamic system - especially the human psyche. There is no such thing as the Kali Yuga, don't let Shunyamurti scare you?

No, it's actually good news. It should be quite obvious that the ego age is coming to an end. Either we evolve or we self destruct. Plus we have this idea that change is always going to take a very long time. I don't agree with Leo on that one. Covid is already an example of an event which caused a speeding up of awakening on this planet. And there are more to come. We are the lucky ones who are waking up consciously. The rest of the planet will literally be forced. That this planet is evolving from 3d to 5d is not just New Age speak. Let's say there are 50 super enlightened beings on this planet right now. Imagine if that number went to 500 000 or a million. Can you imagine the ripple effect on society. And if you look at the number of people who have literally been doing this work on themselves over the past 10 to 15 years, it's not an impossibility. It's foolish to think that it's business as usual for planet earth. We really are living in extraordinary times, and it's a good thing. 

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