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Vibration During Sleep Force To Wake Up

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hello! dont know if this is the right section to post this but lets try.  Some nights when I am asleep I can  feel my throat vibrate.  Or - its not my throat but the vibration happens around that area. It almost feels like I am air and I can feel the vibration physically - It gets so intense that I need to force myself to wake up because It feels like I run out of breath - when I wake up its normal - No panic attacks or out of air.  My gf next to me dont report any snooring or stuff like that - One night I feelt like I was the air in my room - My only description I can think of - Then I lose my body and its like I see myself sleep but then I also feel the presense that someone is with me and that its superior to me - That time was so scary that I almost cried and had to physically force myself back to my body - I don't take drugs - Never used any pharmaceutical in my life and my blood test is top notch - I only meditate for an hour before bed. - OBE?

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Man i experienced simmilar thing. I was sleeping and suddenly became aware that i am asleep. I could hear myself breath but i couldnt open my eyes or move (because i am still sleep paralysed) it was really scary experience but after awhile i just got used to it and understood that i am not in danger, paralyzation will go away after a minute.


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It's transitioning between REM sleep and wakefulness. Vibrations, sounds, visions etc are common. It's harmless, but generally happens when you're sleeping pretty light, either in an uncomfortable environment (like a couch) or when you're oversleeping (10 hours, 12 hours). So maybe your sleep quality isn't the best. Maybe.

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Sounds sort of like semi-astral projection, this sometimes happens on DMT release as well where it feels like you lose breath as the vibrational body is rising and the physical body is becoming paralyzed. Its really hard to explain but i have sorta experienced these things my whole life, they frighten me from time to time but its becoming normal nowadays.

They say if we raise our vibration high enough, we can rise into higher dimensions and this is exactly what it feels like is happening on DMT, deep meditation trances or powerful vivid dreams I've had. Similar to a tuning fork, if you hit it, its vibrating but you don't see it until it slows down.

What happens in sleep is when the body is fully relaxed and the mind thinks its asleep it rises to its energy bodies(if you will) and many times you can trick to body to falling asleep while keeping the mind awake which is probably the cause of your situation(in an accidental sense) and the only reason we get frightened because we are used to falling asleep and ending up in a dream not leaving our body, rising in vibration and watching the shift between realities take place whilst awake.

Just my 2 cents


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