Sarah Marie

Sensory Deprivation Tanks

25 posts in this topic

@Falk Things I did wrong on my first float (don't repeat)

  • Forgot to switch of mobile (had to get out of the tank and switch it off after 30 min)
  • Didn't eat. Was hungry in the tank...
  • Listened to music on the way there..  the music was still playing in my head for the duration of the float 

My second float was amazing, very cleansing and relaxing. 

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@Falk I think the clinic would tell you in advance but try to not eat heavy meal 2hrs before session, try to avoid drugs/alcohol a week before, and whichever position you find comfortable (mine is hands up) try to stick to it as long as you can. The more still your body, the juicier. Have a blast :) 


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Hmm...would love to try a deprivation tank but no dice-- none here near where I live.Although once I tried to simulate the conditions at home as much as possible:At midnight,I turned off all the lights,closed all the drapes and put my ear muffs on (used to work near airplanes).The thoughts were strange to say the least,and it was scary.

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I tried it last year. A friend of mine told me had an incredible experience. Said his mind went to an entirely different level of consciousness. I got nothin'. Not a damn thing except dosing off at the end. He meditates a lot, and it's possible he was high when he did it. I don't do do either of those things so maybe that's why we had different experiences.

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