
Why do Buddhists say there can be freedom from the cycle of birth and death?

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There isn't a limitless conscious Self that's a fairy tale produced by the ego which thinks it's important.

There's no separation because there isn't a separate self period.

Not a higher or a lower self, no self at all in any term whatsoever.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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11 minutes ago, Karas said:

@VeganAwakewhat happens after death ?

There really is no death. That’s what you imagine happens if you also imagine you were born.

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@The0Selfeither you say there is nothing or you say there is death and birth . You didn't answer my question 

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5 hours ago, Karas said:

@VeganAwakewhat happens after death ?

I'd say that happens the same that is happening now. The question is: what is really happening now?

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When TRUE oneness is realized, it transcends everything and anyone and includes it in itself. 

There is nothing but the Absolute and thats what you are, it all leds back to YOU as PURE EXISTENCE. 

We can make up a trillion storys of how and why, but there is no why to existence, existence includes questions like why and how, you see it is doomed to failure if you try to rationalize it.

It is everything but simultanously not.

There is no escaping this fact.

It is just a play of semantics if you hold some teachings higher then others, it is bla bla.

When existence truly recognizes itself all answers are answered and all knowing happens instantly!

There is such a radical realization.

There just is no other thing than this and it is not two.

Non existence is not possible.

Not when existence realizes that it is the only thing there is.

There is no time and nothing happening, there is sincerely a "relative" domain of name and form but then there is the Absolute and if someone trys to deny it, then they have not come full circle. 

You are GOD.

Reality is God and you are IT.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Realization that life/death are just imaginary concepts within you. They are not True for the very nature of the self is immortality. This realization comes from unrealizing our self-limiting beliefs. To believe we are human, a soul, some type of light being, a resurrection of some deity, or any other form is limiting compared to our infinite nature. But, just believing you are immortal without trying understanding it from a holistic perspective would be delusion.

"I have heard that the one who knows how to live can wander through the land without encountering the rhinoceros or the tiger. He passes the battlefield without being struck by weapons. In him, the rhinoceros finds no opening for its horn. The tiger finds no opening for its claws. The soldiers find no opening for their blades. Why is that so? Death has no place in him."

[Tao Te Ching chapter 50]

"'Never was there a time when you did not exist.

Never will there come a time when you cease to be."

~Juliet Carter - The Worldbringer

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1 hour ago, Karas said:

@BreakingthewallLife is happening  but where does it leads to  idk

the point is that the life that seems happening is basically a mental process. imagine that you take a substance that completely eliminates the faculty of memory. what would the perception be like? no change would be perceived since you could not compare now with before. there would only be now, immutable because you could not create the mutation with your mind. You would basically be a sensory receptor, which when damaged would be replaced by another. a receiver for what? I try to see that but I, so the memories, hide the vision

Edited by Breakingthewall

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  Yeah you are god  but soul evolution is a thing I think 

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5 hours ago, Karas said:

@The0Selfeither you say there is nothing or you say there is death and birth . You didn't answer my question 

If one is dead and knows it, then no one is dead. If one is dead and doesn’t know it, then no one is dead.

If you mean after death of the body? This assumes time is real. It isn’t. In the dream of time in a very concession oriented way you could say there’s apparent reincarnation, but not separate from this — even that’s not strictly true though. This is already everything — separation of any kind is an illusion.

One thing is for sure: you have nothing to worry about. The purpose of everything is literally what you are.

Edited by The0Self

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9 hours ago, Karas said:

@VeganAwakewhat happens after death ?

You as God become God - full stop.  It is usually a series of glimpses followed by full on awakenings...Becoming conscious that you are God is the death of the idea or illusion that you are a human.   That was just an idea and you as the ego are an idea being imagined by you - God or Infinity.  So what dies or falls away is the idea that you were this character you currently believe you are.  The Absolute cannot die.

Now you will remain in human form until all attachments to this world are truly dropped.   So the Awakened One is one who has awakened from the dream and has fallen back asleep but is now lucid.  Yet they are still attached to this dream.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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27 minutes ago, Karas said:

  Yeah you are god  but soul evolution is a thing I think 

I'm not sure, the I need those ideas of evolution, movement, but I would say that the reality is simpler. We are all the same reality, when you body dies (apparently) the reality that you are will remain the same, the separation between you and me is apparent, or between you and a chair. when your body disappears the fiction of separation that you maintain will disappear. The i that is thinking and writing will dissapear, but it's not real now, is a mental construction

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I'm not sure, the I need those ideas of evolution, movement, but I would say that the reality is simpler. We are all the same reality, when you body dies (apparently) the reality that you are will remain the same, the separation between you and me is apparent, or between you and a chair. when your body disappears the fiction of separation that you maintain will disappear. The i that is thinking and writing will dissapear, but it's not real now, is a mental construction

Love you man.  ? 

Your wisdom is appreciated on this forum.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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16 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Love you man.  ? 

Your wisdom is appreciated on this forum.

@Breakingthewall @Inliytened1 i love you both for your wisdom boys ?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@The0Self I love you to man for giving really good answers too even tho this subject is almost impossible to speak about in a good way ?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Why do Buddhists say there can be freedom from the cycle of birth and death?

Freedom from the cycle of birth and death doesn't mean the end of experience.

It's only the end of a separate experiencer.

Experience doesn't stop with enlightenment; there's no reason to believe it will stop once the physical body goes. But once you fully remove the ignorance, you're done. They say, ignorance has not beginning, but it does have an end.

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21 hours ago, Karas said:

@VeganAwakewhat happens after death ?

Who is asking?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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