By WaveInTheOcean
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
So I just had a DMT trip where I experienced every human emotion possible. And it was overwhelmingly painful.
The Universe raped me.
It raped me by screaming to me: LET FULLY GO NOW!
And I realized that I had let go of everything -- was letting go of everything, could let go of everything -- except my breath.
I answered to the Soul of The Universe: "I'm letting go, look, I'm one with You already, but I'm gonna keep breathing through all this pain"
and The Universe replied (all my closest friends and familiy basically smiling and reaching their hands out to grab my soul out of my body (physically die, let go completely) and I answered that "I Love You, but I'm gonna keep breathing now, okay" .. and I kept breathing, and I didn't die.
And now I'm here. Shaken as fuck, but with a smile on my face.
This is peak "Faith/Meaningfullness" for me, right now, as I'm writing this.
Life has infinite meaning. Death has infinite meaning.
We will all die, so no rush, but I can say one thing with 100% confidence now:
Dead, as in real physical dead, will be the most meaningful experience in your life.
Or you could say: Your whole life will be the most meaningful experience you ever had, because you are going to die.
Imagine a painted beautiful colourful canvas -- a piece of absolute art -- with foreground and background.
It seems like -- to most people -- that LIFE 'is the foreground' and that DEATH 'is the background', but actually it's the other way around:
LIFE is the background, DEATH is the foreground.
Life IS suffering. Death is Bliss.
They imply each other -- arise simultaneously -- THEY ARE ONE.
Death = Life
Life = Death
Contrast you know. Fucking Contrast. God is a work of genius. Contrast. Play. Everything is frequency, Reality a symphony.
We are all going to die, though, so no rush.
And also, the secret is basically to die metaphysically before you die physically, so you can live the rest of your life fully and whole without doubt, but in faith.
Have faith. <3
I am lucky to be born in Denmark, I'm eternally grateful 'my soul' chose to be born here.
But even in arguably the best country in the world (from a ego-safety perspective) suffering is still widespread.
Life is suffering. Your job doing life is to transcend it.