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So I just had a DMT trip where I experienced every human emotion possible. And it was overwhelmingly painful.

The Universe raped me.

It raped me by screaming to me: LET FULLY GO NOW!


And I realized that I had let go of everything -- was letting go of everything, could let go of everything -- except my breath.

I answered to the Soul of The Universe: "I'm letting go, look, I'm one with You already, but I'm gonna keep breathing through all this pain"

and The Universe replied (all my closest friends and familiy basically smiling and reaching their hands out to grab my soul out of my body (physically die, let go completely) and I answered that "I Love You, but I'm gonna keep breathing now, okay" .. and I kept breathing, and I didn't die.

And now I'm here. Shaken as fuck, but with a smile on my face.

This is peak "Faith/Meaningfullness" for me, right now, as I'm writing this.

Life has infinite meaning. Death has infinite meaning.

We will all die, so no rush, but I can say one thing with 100% confidence now:

Dead, as in real physical dead, will be the most meaningful experience in your life. 

Or you could say: Your whole life will be the most meaningful experience you ever had, because you are going to die.

Imagine a painted beautiful colourful canvas -- a piece of absolute art -- with foreground and background.

It seems like -- to most people -- that LIFE 'is the foreground' and that DEATH 'is the background', but actually it's the other way around:

LIFE is the background, DEATH is the foreground.

Life IS suffering. Death is Bliss.

They imply each other -- arise simultaneously -- THEY ARE ONE. 

Death = Life
Life = Death

Contrast you know. Fucking Contrast. God is a work of genius. Contrast. Play. Everything is frequency, Reality a symphony.

We are all going to die, though, so no rush.

And also, the secret is basically to die metaphysically before you die physically, so you can live the rest of your life fully and whole without doubt, but in faith.

Have faith. <3

I am lucky to be born in Denmark, I'm eternally grateful 'my soul' chose to be born here. 

But even in arguably the best country in the world (from a ego-safety perspective) suffering is still widespread.

Life is suffering. Your job doing life is to transcend it.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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I so wanted to join 'soul-land' (death, die), but I so much also wanted to keep living here on Earth even though the suffering - in life - is eternal (globally speaking).

You should let go of everything, but better keep breathing brethren. Until your soul is ready to die. I was teased by the universe, but on the inside my soul is not ready to die yet.

I imagine I will eventually, in my 60ies, 70ies or 80ies, consciously die by simply stopping breathing, either during meditation or during a dmt trip. Maybe before, maybe later, i got no clue what life got in store for me, and I love that. The unknown. It's exciting. All I know is that there is eternal meaning behind everything. Just look.

Psychedelic therapy, let's go. <3

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,

And Eternity in an hour.

A Robin Redbreast in a Cage

Puts all Heaven in a Rage.

A dove-house fill'd with Doves and Pigeons

Shudders Hell thro' all its regions.

A dog starv'd at his Master's Gate

Predicts the ruin of the State.

A Horse misus'd upon the Road

Calls to Heaven for Human blood.......




Be someone who listens.. and you will be heard.

Be someone who cares.. and you will be loved.

Be someone who gives.. and you will be blessed.

Be someone who comforts.. and you shall know peace.

Be someone who genuinely seeks to understand.. and you will be wise.

Be someone who is kind.. be someone who is considerate.....and you will be admired

Be someone who values truth.. and you will be respected.

Be someone who takes action.. and you will move life forward.

Be someone who lifts others higher.. and your life will be rich.

Be someone who is filled with gratitude...and there will be no end for which you’ll be thankful.

Be someone who lives with joy and with purpose.

Be someone who shines brightly.

Be in every moment.. that special someone.. you were truly meant to be.

~  ~ Ralph Marston



I am the lonely child

Decided for the best

I can't deny the fate that's deep inside

Is on my own

I know all things must pass

White horses change the tides

Can I decide to turn away the lies

I left behind

And I do look up

And I see it all needs questioning

I still look back

And I lose myself in memories

I do believe in what they say

No mans an island lost

Can I escape

These visions of the sea

That I have crossed

I see the only light

Disguised a lion heart

Like photographs against the city lights

I blur the lines

And I do look up

And I see it all needs questioning

I still look back

And lose my self in memories

I could be waiting, could be waiting too long

I could be waiting, could be waiting too long

Solomon - Miradors




“If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen.”

- Alan Watts


everything frequency universe becomes a symphony.jpg

Spiritual Partner.jpg

If You Ever Doubted Yourself.jpg


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Death is imaginary.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 0:32 AM, Leo Gura said:

Death is imaginary.

Why does the "x is imaginary" distinction have meaningful implications?

If everything in life were made out of let's say, legos, but so tiny you can't really discern this truth and everything looks normal, why do we need to even focus on this fact? If my entire life is derived from a metaphysical form of imagination there needs to be further specifics in order for it to have meaningful implications. When you say imaginary, are you saying it's not real? Well even that statements needs further specifics in order for it to actually matter. When you say "x is not real", what exactly is it that x lacks? If you say other people are imaginary, or unreal, but you also say consciousness will eventually experience the life of all other people, what is the point of calling it unreal or imaginary?

@WaveInTheOcean Deserves more attention. Fascinating. 

Edited by NOTintoxicated

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  On 7/1/2021 at 1:47 AM, NOTintoxicated said:

what is the point of calling it unreal or imaginary?

The point is infinite.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 0:32 AM, Leo Gura said:

Death is imaginary.

No it isn't, just the ideas we have about death are imaginary.

There's a difference between saying death is imaginary or "death is beyond our imagination".

Eternity may be beyond time, and death might be beyond life, but one day life will end in some way. That's what orange and upwards refers to as death. Even if the ideas about it don't reflect reality, it still is going to happen. The IDEAS about it are imaginary, but death itself is not imo.


What do you define as imaginary.


@WaveInTheOcean I will go through mahasamadi once I am old and have no desire to live anymore. I guess that once I am able to reach it, it's probably okay to do it. I've been through "eternity+suffering", I don't think that it leads anywhere. I would have to do my research, but I still have about 50 years to do so.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 2:39 AM, Endangered-EGO said:

but death itself is not

Death itself is imaginary.

You are Eternal.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 3:06 AM, Leo Gura said:

Death itself is imaginary.

This forum is imaginary. Why are you wasting your time? Obviously this is a frustratingly unsubstantiated response, but I suppose that's what you're going for.

I hope the next time you try picking some enlightened guru's brain or whatever that they just brush off your sincere inquiries with nauseatingly dismissive non-responses that serve no purpose other than gratifying their own egoic perception of superior understanding. ??

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@NOTintoxicated It's all been explained in my videos. If you can't get it there, then nothing I say here will help you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura so basically Nietzsche's eternal recurrence, and of course not in materialusm but idealism.


That doesn't sound very comforting haha.


I would love to know of the objects of experience end after physical death, but I assume the answe is not communic-able.


Am I looking into the right direction?

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@Endangered-EGO From the lens of materialism you could look at it like this; when metal rusts, would you say the metal died or changed? Of course, you would say that it changed. But what is the "it"? The "it" is experience. That's the constant in the change. Why would this be any different for you? If you pay close attention to the current belief of death (everything "goes black"), you notice that it assumes the metaphysics of the soul being inside of the body ironically, when in fact, the soul is the body. You don't die; you change form, therefore, death is impossible. 

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@WaveInTheOcean i don’t think it was mahasamadhi calling you, but sahaja…

iif there is someone being asked to let go, that is the ego, not the body.

i must keep breathing is the ego talking.

not to take anything away from the magnificence of your experience, but i had the “same” experience as you, and i did the same thing as you…

it’s hard to let go, but if you do, you will be truly free.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 3:20 AM, NOTintoxicated said:

This forum is imaginary. Why are you wasting your time? Obviously this is a frustratingly unsubstantiated response, but I suppose that's what you're going for.

I hope the next time you try picking some enlightened guru's brain or whatever that they just brush off your sincere inquiries with nauseatingly dismissive non-responses that serve no purpose other than gratifying their own egoic perception of superior understanding. ??

hoping he doesn’t get satisfied with an answer is a very egoic and close minded approach.

He made a point, you apparently didn’t get it. and decided to argue.

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It's freedom in the sense that there's nothing that needs to done and simultaneously the sense that something needs to be done is that exact same freedom disguised as something other than freedom.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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  On 7/1/2021 at 4:10 AM, Haribo said:

He made a point, you apparently didn’t get it. and decided to argue.

Haha when did I argue? I was half joking, my dude.

I'll be patient with your undiscerning interpretation here, since I'd imagine it's difficult to conjure an unbiased response with the taste of Leo's ejaculate engrained into memory as thoroughly as it must be for someone who would respond this way. ??

  On 7/1/2021 at 4:10 AM, Haribo said:

hoping he doesn’t get satisfied with an answer is a very egoic and close minded approach.

Again, it was a facetious quip attempt rather than a sincere wish of mine. Haha if I ever become this blindly deferential to some internet guru I think it'd be about time to Mahasamadhi myself. ????

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  On 7/1/2021 at 3:06 AM, Leo Gura said:

Death itself is imaginary.

You are Eternal.

Death is about as imaginary as deep sleep. You can talk about it, but good luck ever being it. To be at all is to be “alive.” 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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  On 7/1/2021 at 0:32 AM, Leo Gura said:

Death is imaginary.

Yup, as the mystics before me pointed out:

"Death is 'a stripping away' of 'all' that is 'not-you'. The secret of life is 'to die before you die' and realize there is no death".

I already knew that before my last DMT trip -- and not 'knew' as 'in belief', but as in: I have directly died many times already, i.e. transitioned from 'selfish states of consciousness' to states of 'Eternal Love, Empty Consciousness, God, Infinite Imagination, Absolute Goodness, Pure Being.'

There is no death for 'that which you truly are' (God, Consciousness, Love, The Now, Soul, Infinity, Eternity, w/e you wanna call The Self-Less Self), since it is already simultaneously both dead and alive; or even more accurate: it is neither of them, it simple is what is: THIS: *plays a note on the piano*, and we won't give it a name.

The thing is, nothing we can say with words about 'Absolute Truth' ... 'is it.'

Everytime we say a sentence, we are limiting Infinity to something finite our ego can grasp onto.

So even saying 'death is imaginary, you are eternal' is a limitation.

Everything is. Yet everything is also IT.

'Death is imaginary' is a fantastic pointer to towards Truth, though.

Life is also imaginary. My life as Thomas, your life as Leo, is also imaginary.

The essence of 'every experience' is that it is part of the Infinity of Imagination.

Absolutely EVERYTHING is imaginary, which means that EVERYTHING is also real.

The only 'thing' -- we could say -- that is 'not imaginary' is Infinity (God, Consciousness, Love), but again: all language is limiting.

What I'm saying hardly makes any sense to those who have close to no experience with ego-death.

To be able to communicate pointers of truth clearly and accurately even to those who are deeply asleep is an art form: a task of immense complexity.

The Essence of Reality (Infinity) is so infinitely meaningless, that whatever is then 'imagined' must - per definition - be infinitely meaningful.

From the perspective of me as a human being who "needs to":

breathe, eat, love, have sex, sleep, pee, shit, drink water, feel that life is meaningful...

- death is *not* imaginary. (Absolutely speaking it is, but follow me here, please).

I can die any time. I could have stopped breathing during my DMT trip.

I can get killed by a car on the road in 30 minutes.

I will die. Waveintheocean/Thomas will die eventually. That is as true as Truth can get with words. Leo will die.

Not ego-death -- not some kind of 'imaginary' 5-MeO-DMT-trip-ego-death -- but as in real physical death.

Yet, what I *really am* can of course not die, cos it wasn't even born to begin with, I am Infinite & Eternal, as you say, sure, I know that, that's not at all what I'm talking about here.

I'm talking about real physical death. Just forget all the fancy spiritual talk, I'm talking totally down to earth: I will die. That's as certain as the Sun will rise tomorrow. I will die. You will die.

This is simply a fact we can ALL agree on. You can run away from 'yourself/truth/death' all life, but you will still die.

Now, what is physical death, then?

It's imaginary of course.

But my whole life, your whole life, *IS* already *imaginary*...

Death isn't different in that way.

It's Infinite Imagination. And there is infinite meaning behind your life and behind your eventual physical death.

What I got a taste of during my DMT-trip was just what awaited me after my imaginary physical death. 

It was bliss beyond all human imaginations of what bliss is.

I can try to describe it, but words fail.


Life, as in down to earth life here on Earth, is mystical, enigmatic and ineffable...just like death.

But it's also rather obvious that it is filled with so so so much suffering.

One thing is the suffering in my own 'egoic limited selfish life'   'as Thomas'... - Hah, that's only one drop in the ocean of the bottomless suffering human beings 'have and are and will' endur-ed/-ing/-e.......

Life is painful as fuck. We can transcend our own suffering, and thus help others transcend theirs, yet it's still filled with suffering.

You and I, Leo, are lucky, lucky souls who can smoke DMT in their apartment in a relatively safe country like USA/Denmark.

But let's look around on the globe shall we: it's beyond belief, it's too much, it's literally painful and mesmerizing simultaneously to see how much suffering the average man & woman endures in their lives on Earth.

I went through what felt like every single possible human emotion ever felt on Earth during my DMT-trip, from heavenly highs to contentment to the most terrifying painful lows down in the deepest parts of hell.

It was clear to me, that relatively speaking, the sum of all these 'emotions' was (still): pain, suffering.

That's just the nature of the human ego/condition: to be in pain, to suffer.

And it was just lucidly clear to me that there was a deep, deep meaning & purpose behind all of it.

And while you always have an invitation (here on Earth) to wake the fuck up and actually transcend all your own suffering (transcend ego), globally speaking it's just a tiny tiny drop of suffering that's being transcended in a vast ocean of suffering.

Life IS suffering.

Death IS bliss.

Yet I'm not saying you should strive to die, i.e. begin getting suicidal ideations.

Suicide is an imaginary external solution to an imaginary inner problem.

Suicide literally will just make your soul reincarnate instantly back into Earth one way or the other (it's infinite, remember), because you haven't finished the lesson yet.

What is life? It's a long, long, long, thorough lesson in accepting pain, transcending suffering, saying no to ego, saying no to devilry, no to cravings, no to being asleep, and instead: yes to liberation, yes to being awake, yes to selflessness, yes to Love.

That's what it is.

It's basically about becoming a professional at 'breathing through all the pain of life'. When you have become pro enough, you can consciously die - Mahasamadhi - and join the rest of the pro-breathers in the afterlife.

Consciously dying = Afterlife = Bliss

Unconsciously dying = reincarnation = still some suffering left to transcend:-).

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 4:01 AM, Depersonilized said:

@Endangered-EGO , when in fact, the soul is the body. You don't die; you change form, therefore, death is impossible. 

  On 7/1/2021 at 0:32 AM, Leo Gura said:


The body 'is in' Consciousness / Soul.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 4:08 AM, Haribo said:

@WaveInTheOcean i don’t think it was mahasamadhi calling you, but sahaja…

iif there is someone being asked to let go, that is the ego, not the body.

i must keep breathing is the ego talking.

not to take anything away from the magnificence of your experience, but i had the “same” experience as you, and i did the same thing as you…

it’s hard to let go, but if you do, you will be truly free.

Thank you for your response.

I let go as much as I could, but I love life, have big plans, so I wouldn't let go of breathing, yet.

I gotta say that I have had less profound trips before where I simply forgot breathing, forgot being human, like totally lost all sense of being human. 

During those trips I still breathed of course. I just wasn't conscious of it.

My DMT trips as of late are way more holistic than the way the 'normal DMT breakthrough trip' is described on Reddit.

I don't lose consciousness of my body or my breathing anymore. Not because I can't let go, but more so - I believe - because I'm starting to integrate the spiritual and earthly into One.

During this DMT trip it felt like I let go of absolutely everything, except the last part of my ego that kept me breathing. If I let go of that I would physically die, not conceptual imaginary ego death, but real physical death (yet also imaginary, just a different level of imagination, 'lower level', *source code") .

I know I will die anyway, so what's the rush ... -- as long as I find eternal meaning and joy and peace in this life of suffering (globally speaking).

This DMT trip was scary in the sense that it really, really felt like 'the end of the road of letting go' ....

It was like I was having a conversation with Myself (projected as my soul speaking to The Universe/Infinity):

Universe/Infinity: "Wauw, dude, you think you are really good at letting go huh? You are pretty good obviously, but good enough to also let go of life, as in totally, totally letting completely go? Hah, let Us show you what's in store!"

Me: "Oh shit, no no, chillax, I'm not gonna physically die yet bro, let me breathe through all of this (life, suffering)."

Breathe, breathe, breathe. Remember to breathe ???????


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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