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Is Leo Gura a dream character?

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10 hours ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

If reality is an infinite film reel with 1 awareness, then there must exist a time where I live as Leo.

You're trying to conceptualize / build a thought-story / build a certain "kind" of reality or structure of that which is beyond stories, conceptualization and structure.

Reality being an infinite film reel is a pointer, not the actual consciousness in which this pointer takes place.

"If reality X, then it must Y"  <--  this is rational language conceptualization. Look for that which is aware of and being this thought-story / logical deduction.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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7 hours ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

From 1:37:30 it gets really creepy. First he's saying he is me, and he really drives the point home. But then he said he's bored and he's making these videos for nobody because there's nothing else to do... even though he doesn't have his own consciousness... what?? Is Leo stuck in some dimension. Look, apparently I'm God and I can't take the hint, but is Leo just being cryptic to drag out my dream for as long as possible (or maybe he's giving me the option of going back to sleep if I want by being extremely vague and contradictory). I'm not gonna lie though, if my life is just a movie for god's entertainment then I give it 10/10 on IMDb

Huge problems are caused when people imagine consciousness as being inside of them, as something they own.

You need to reverse this view. Your self-you is something inside of consciousness. You belong to IT and it experiences YOU (the self-you).

God, AKA real you, is experiencing all things at once. Literally you are typing this post and you will read this post, you will reply to it perhaps and you will from this end read that reply. You are looking at my bedroom right now. Real you is.

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At 1:46:30 Leo talks about the hardest insight that he had to accept, and that is the fact that You don't exist. You were simply a figment in his imagination? Ask yourself, is that True in your Experience? What is True in your direct experience? 

The problem with listening to Leo is that you acquire a lot of beliefs, but all beliefs are false. In essence, everything that Leo has ever said that You don't have a direct experience of is False. 

Try this: Imagine Leo telling you that he is real, that he was lying about everything the whole time, there is no God, no Truth, no Goodness. Imagine the opposite of everything he has ever said... What will then be True in your direct experience? 


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Bro for me it's heaven. If I get rid of science, atheism everything. All is left is the present moment and memories of my life. There is no chance it happened randomly. Everything I wanted I got in some form or another.

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18 hours ago, iboughtleosbooklist said:

In the advanced god realization video Leo says I'm dreaming up all gurus, science, politics, everything including him.

If reality is an infinite film reel with 1 awareness, then there must exist a time where I live as Leo.

So in a way he does exist.

Also I am also a dream character, so it doesn't really make any difference ? he's just as real as me.

But when I live Leo's life, it'll still be this awareness. Must be a lot of work making those videos, thank god this ego I currently have won't survive because I'd be way too lazy to make videos like his.

If I'm making a misunderstanding please let me know. Cheers!

we are one with soul but we are different in sprit. you aren't Leo as a self, but you are one with Leo in soul, your soul and every infinite beings soul is fetched out from same light ocean. so soul doesn't experience realities. 

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Is Leo a dream character? More like a nightmare character! Amirite?

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The idea of it being hollow - undefined.   Being is just "it" - it's not nothing or everything, it just fucking "is"'s outside of language and everything else.

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Thanks for trying guys ❤️ hopefully the ayhuasca I have coming enlightens me or confirms my suspicions ?

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This  area of his teaching I think is dangerous and could be an ego game.

From MY perspective, he has no consciousness. That is true. But the same goes for everyone else. 

I mean, we can't all be the only awareness bubble. Then again, we could. 

This goes beyond my understanding and I am curious about all of this.

Can't we all have our own awareness and be God? This seems arbitrary. 

Leo doesn't exist, but he chased pleasure in the past? 

I admit I am imagining everything outside of my present experience.

I am not following Leo's logic in the God realization video. The entire thing doesn't really make sense to me.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I take it to mean a unified field of oneness, idk how it would work any other way.

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9 hours ago, Thought Art said:

This  area of his teaching I think is dangerous and could be an ego game.

From MY perspective, he has no consciousness. That is true. But the same goes for everyone else. 

I mean, we can't all be the only awareness bubble. Then again, we could. 

This goes beyond my understanding and I am curious about all of this.

Can't we all have our own awareness and be God? This seems arbitrary. 

Leo doesn't exist, but he chased pleasure in the past? 

I admit I am imagining everything outside of my present experience.

I am not following Leo's logic in the God realization video. The entire thing doesn't really make sense to me.

Instead of seeing you as something which is filled with awareness, mentally reverse this. You are an appearance inside the one singular awareness. This appearance that you know as whatever-your-name-is, is a brain. Awareness experiences the dream known as the material universe through something inside the dream of the material universe which is a brain. That is self-you. Self-you is an illusory plaything inside infinite nothingness/somethingness (the Tao, Brahman, w.e.), you see?

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