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What other aspects of my life should I focus on to build my dream life?

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I am trying to build my dream life and I already know two things should be included in that like my life purpose and a great relationship. However, I am trying to figure out what other things should be included if a person is trying to build their dream life? What other aspects of a person's life or material things should a person focus on in they are trying to build their dream life? I recently saw a story about Justin Bieber who built his dream car which was a Custom Futuristic Rolls Royce. I am wondering if material things like this should be focused on to build my dream life? Also, what other aspects of a person's life should someone focus on to build their dream life?

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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  1. Freud suggested a person can gain insight into his/her subconscious desires by writing down their dreams upon waking and considering where they saw similar images in the previous 48 hours.
  2. Some people criticize the interpretation of dreams as bringing too many assumptions to the association, suggesting that a person can equally validly use any images at all (I.e., images not from from dreams) to build associations and project assumptions about a person's desires. 
  3. Whatever roles dreams might play, I think you are asking about the relative priority of what you want or need. 
  4. For example, one author gives an example of his interest in carving wooden boats. Through the ups and downs of business, his hobby of canoe and boat-making grounded his life. People often take up apparently obscure interests, like model trains, martial arts, new languages, private devotions, or volunteer involvement to develop on the side. I'm not sure why people try or and develop hobbies or interests--maybe life circumstances, socialization, intelligences, psychology, and hormones play significant roles.
  5. Sometimes businesses use special 'bonuses' to drive labour. For example, after involving an unspecified number of employees in a network marketing pyramid, a business might promises a white BMW. This 'dream' of winning a white BMW could drive a person through years of undercompensated networking. Material image--like building a certain vehicle--can be a powerful motivator for people in some circumstances. 
  6. Consider what interests you already have. Maybe it's not the "best" interest--but it is still a current interest. Is there any way you could develop that interest?
  7. You might also use models for classifying values or life activities. For example, the values of spiral dynamics, or some other categories, like (a) physical health, (b) intellectual growth, (c) community engagement, and (d) spiritual development. Maybe you want to set a goal and some acheivable objectives to develop a strength or weakness? 

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You are already living your dream life :x


I'd encourage you to hone your creative skills. And also not focus on material things but rather experiences and feelings you want to dive into.

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