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Loch Kelly - Mahamudra Nondual Meditation

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Does anyone have experience with Loch Kellys effortless mindfulness? I've been reading his books and did a few of his guided meditations. But I still don't get it.  I've heard nothing but good things about his practices, which are basically Tibetan Mahamudra pointing. I just don't seem to be getting it.


If someone here has experience with those practices can you please share your experience. 

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damn, really? no one here has experience with Mahamudra

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I have experience with his teachings, I don't get it perfectly but I think I have a good understanding of the practice.

What specific practice are you doing, and what are you struggling with?


Edited by Raptorsin7

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Haven’t followed Loch Kelly much but I have some experience with mahamudra. Though I wasn’t really calling it mahamudra at the time, it was almost certainly what the word refers to. Essentially, dissolving the separation between inside/outside and foreground/background.

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15 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I have experience with his teachings, I don't get it perfectly but I think I have a good understanding of the practice.

What specific practice are you doing, and what are you struggling with?


It feels just like self inquiry to me. How is it different?

I trust that there’s something to this technique though. Many high level teachers such as Dan Brown & Dustin Diperna talk about it. But I still struggle with it. I guess I’ll spend more time on it. If you got any advice I’d appreciate it.

Edited by herghly

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@herghly I don't think it's different. The goal of the non dual teachings is to point you to the awareness you are. 

Loch just uses many different pointers to try and get people to realize the shift In perception.

What is it specifically you are struggling with?

Can you notice the difference between thinking and believing you are the thinker in your head AND noticing the already aware presence that is aware of experience. 

Check out his video on youtube 

It provides many different pointers to try.

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