Anton Rogachevski

The Story Of The Mysterious Awareness

5 posts in this topic

Awareness is the field of your perceptions.
Sight, hearing, sensations, taste, smell, thought and emotions flowing simultaneously, thus forming consciousness.
It all creates a sense of existing, being here present, perceiving reality.
So perceptions are really all you got.
They are in a sense reality, your personal reality.

When you think about reality you just tend to ignore this simple fact.
You look outwards and say "Here it's really there outside! I can see it!"
But it's in fact a picture formed by electrochemichal activity in your brain.

The idea above is what I would call an objective scientific look on what awareness is.

But we all know these things, and they don't appear to give us any real experiential understanding.

I want to take us deeper into the subjective experiential understanding that will help you better navigate your own self created reality.

Everything you'd ever known or experienced was inside the field of awareness.
And these so called things were manifestations of awareness, like waves in the ocean, except your mind looked at each one individually and gave it it's own name and description.
So really awareness is everything you'd ever known.

If Everything really is the whole field,
then what is Nothing?
Because anything that comes to mind will be a something and really a part of this weird "Everything".

So the true Nothing I would like to show you, is not an idea of a boring empty "nothing" like a sort of gap between things, it is really an unknown thing that is outside imagination.

But how could you call anything "awareness" if you can't really tell what it's not?
Because you know what black is by knowing white.
So when asked "What is black?" You could easily explain "That which isn't white".

Except for some reason when I say this magical word:
It looks like you really know what is meant by it.

What is outside awareness?
The real world?
But again how could you know it for sure if you can't see past your awareness?
So the so called "reality" is a story inside your awareness.
Isn't the idea of an "outside" ever existing is simply yet another tale?

So what's the point of talking about it?
To truly know it, you must first know what it's not.
It's nothing you had ever thought about because it's unthinkable.
Also thought is inside it and can't really see it from the outside.
What is a Thought, but a play of words.

To say that you know something,
a truth about this reality, 
really is another story about it 
that you truly believe in. 
So much so that you call it "true" or "fact".

Awareness is not an experience, not an object and not a thing at all, that is separete from another. All these are the illusory seperations.
It's simply nothing you could ever imagine it to be.
Except it's truly a fantastic nothing.
This emptiness is really the space that allows for everything to appear inside it.
It's the non-color of a mirror that reflects all colors.
The window through's which empty hole we experience reality.

You are really comprised of awareness, you are inseparable from it!
In your own subjective reality as seen from your point of view reality is you!
Don't forget we are not talking objectively, we are looking from the inside out.

But isn't this written article really another story inside your awareness?
Maybe so, but it tries to point somewhere ungraspable, to the mystery of the unknown Awareness.

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On 11/15/2016 at 4:40 AM, Anton Rogachevski said:

But isn't this written article really another story inside your awareness?

of course, every words and thoughts were all just pointers and maps. Your True Self the Awareness cannot be grasp through objects, because it is simply nothing in nature. If you are calm and peace, that peace is simply aware of it's own peace. Don't complicate it, is that simple.

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While it is true.

To have a proper framework unto which your mystical experience will land when you actually see it, is as important.

Because what's the use of going to the well of wisdom without buckets to try and bring the ever elusive water like wisdom?

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The new updated edition! 0.4a





The mysterious nature of Awareness



In order to understand the nature of Awareness we will examine it from two points of view, they are both legitimate in their own way.

Each has a function, but each can also be misunderstood and confused for the other. So from this point on we will try to separate them and make a very clear distinction between the two.

One purely subjective, and the other objective.


1. Abstracted Objective -

actual factual material reality.
The way science sees it while examining existence.



Here logic, language and rationality function properly and describing nature using linear thought, which means lines of text or equations.


A mostly conceptual construct that uses empirical and other methods of deduction to give the best possible explanation of what reality is actually, or rather the best guess.

Information is found in exoteric form which is understood and clear to any reader that knows the use of language.

An encyclopedia for example.

--Example from this point of view:

Now you are seeing a screen which is an object it has many words that have meaning. Combined they tell a whole story. A living human made of cells and minerals is sitting there holding a phone. There is an environment, a city, a country, an earth, a universe.
There are Time and Space as we are able to understand them.
So really we have a physical material, combined with abstract terms to signify aspects of it.

We see a clear separation between ourselves and others.

We think we start at birth and end at death.

--It's function:

It is a very useful dimension that allows navigation and setting schedule together.
To measure and to build complex systems.

--It's danger:

It's really dictated upon circumstances in which place, culture, time we are born in, what our parents and other role models indoctrinated us with.
The language, the way of thinking of the social circle we are in.
So we might end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and have our innocent mind filled with garbage and delusion.


2. Sensual Subjective -

personal mind-generated look from the inside.
Personal individual experience.

Pure sensual data before rational or logical interpretation.

--Example of this point of view:

Appears a picture comprised of some sort of data that's witnessed before thinking about it. It is a smear of lights and colors and it's undivided into objects, and this because we are looking through a prior lens, before knowledge allowed us to glue names and meanings onto it.

The screen appears like this bright thing with black dots in rows.

Even colors, light, and dark these are all words that are used to describe this phenomenal extraordinary experience. So really there are no words to describe what we see.
It's reality experienced without knowing words, or meaning or any way to understand it intellectually.

“Reality” by the way is also a word, which to many ancient and modern philosophers is still a mystery.


So things aren’t as obvious as you might think in this subjective reality.

Like a newborn sees it before it gets bamboozled by knowledge.

A miraculous show appears before us.
There are no such understandings as I or You or It. It's all combined into one wonderful blur.

Time and space only exist as concepts here.
So there is an eternal infinity and we are inseparable from it all.
We have no beginnings or endings.


Information on this prism of experience is found in esoteric form. (understood only through personal inward investigation and continuous questioning and skeptical observation)

--It's function:

It helps in uniting us, because we see no boundaries between ourselves and others, we seek to be together united as our primordial mind sees us, as part of the whole.
We are all the universe and the universe is us, for all we know.

We experience emotions and get a very clear intuition on what we ought to do, without hesitation.

This mind is spontaneous, emotional and free of concepts.

3. The dynamics of living with both perspectives:

It's important to make a very clear distinction between the two.
Because if we confuse them, things may appear to contradict each other.
Both are fundamental and important for our existence. And we can use both at the same time safely, only after we've understood that they are different.

What if for example, I took the first objective as the only reality? It would lack the primordial intelligence and fun of the second natural and spontaneous side.


On the other hand, if I mistakenly took the reality of the subjective mind and had thought I am reality and everyone, I might assume I am the son of god, or god almighty himself.

I really live inside my reality and not some objective one, and the level of correct perspective on both really allows them to sync properly and function smoothly.


So if I realize that the objective mind is just a useful tool and not my subjective reality I will be able to detach from it emotionally, and this in turn will allow the proper use of the gift of knowledge.

Conventional understanding states that the objective, cancels out the illogical irrational subjective, and is superior to it.

So it unfortunately denies it's primordial reality, which is really best integrated when accepted and realized by the self.


It takes a good look to distinguish the two. And it is done by questioning the rational mind constantly, never believing that we’ve reached a “fact” about reality. Or that our beliefs are absolutely true.


Knowledge is in fact comprised of many beliefs which are taken as basic assumption, which are, unfortunately, very rarely questioned.


Knowledge is a useful tool, and not in any way “true” or absolutely real.


4. The best course of action:

It's about integration of the basic ground, with the layer of knowledge upon it, in a gentle and correct way that holds them both significant.

This new knowledge includes the original view, and it humbly directs us in a way that is allowing for us to see it's own abstract nature.


Humble knowledge -
Never stating that it's the only real thing, but simply a humble servant and a set of tools for humanity.




5. An Objective look upon Awareness


Awareness is the field of your perceptions.
Sight, hearing, sensations, taste, smell, thoughts and emotions flowing simultaneously, thus forming consciousness.
It all creates a sense of existing, being here present, perceiving reality, and being this miraculous conscious creature.

So perceptions are really all you got.
They are in a sense, reality as you perceive it, your personal mind generated sense of existence.

When you think about what's real you just tend to ignore this simple fact.
You look outwards and say "Here it's really there outside! I can see it!"
But it is in fact a picture formed by electrophysiological activity in your brain. So it's reality as interpreted by you, and not as it really is!

Not to say that there isn't actually something outside your personal field of awareness, but simply, that what you perceive is an interpretation, and not at all the real material thing.

Any technical information only helps the scientist to understand how your brain works, looking at it objectively.
But it won't help your process of realization!

We must look within and realize the abstract ethereal nature of knowledge.

By looking at it closely and for very long we see it's true nature:

A grand story.

A miraculous illusion.

6. What can we do?

To really complete this picture, we must find another layer beneath our grand knowledge of the physiological nature of the body.
A layer we have long forgotten we had.

A wisdom that requires no studying, but only a simple quiet observation, underneath labels, ideas and things.

I want to take you deeper into the subjective experiential understanding.

This will help you better navigate your own self created reality.
Because only you can look for the answers there, in your own micro-universe of nerves.

I invite you to explore your pure sensual experience without trying to explain anything.

7. Awareness Subjectively

Everything you'd ever known or experienced was inside this field of awareness.

And all the "things" you thought about and noticed “outside” were manifestations of your own internal awareness, like waves in the ocean of brain activity.

Except your mind looked at each one individually and gave it its own name and description.

So really awareness is everything you'd ever known, and it's true nature is undivided and consecutive.

It's the whole field of “reality” as you experience it personally.


Your own private cosmos of mind computed pure sensual data.

8. The nature of nothingness


So can we find Awareness?


I want to introduce you to a new way of exploring the nature of awareness.

I will use a tool that will shed all the stories from the concept of “Individual experiencer” You or I that are separate from everything.


We will try to find the experiencer of the experience by looking for the experiencer (You) inside your experience.


Can we experience the experiencer? I guess not.

Because anything experienced, will be an experience and not the experiencer by definition.

So is the experiencer “Nothing”?   

If Everything really is the whole field known to us, then what is “Nothing”?
Because anything that comes to mind will be “something” and therefore a part of the all encompassing Everything.

So why are we talking about something we can't really grasp with our mind?
The true Nothing I would like to show you, is not an idea of a boring empty "nothing," like a sort of gap between things, because you are aware of it, and once you are aware of anything it becomes an object of knowledge.

By definition anything you know, can’t be nothing, because if it really was "nothing" you wouldn't had been able to put your finger on it.

The real Nothing is really an unknown thing that is outside of imagination.

Nonetheless it's truly a fantastic nothing.
This emptiness is really the space that allows for everything to appear inside it.
It's the non-color of a mirror that reflects all colors.
The window through which we experience reality, thanks to its empty nature.


A little experiment:

Try an experiment with me,
Try to think of anything that isn't part of Everything.

You couldn't, right?
Because the moment you think about it becomes something.

And another:

Ok now look closely at you field of vision.
Try to see past the outer boundaries of vision. What is there? if you don't think about it, but only try to look for it.

You can't really see it, right?

So that's the kind of nothing we are talking about.

It isn't black and it feels even darker like a vacuum of sort.


Imagine a dark room and a flashlight.
The flashlight only shines outwards and can't shine on itself.
That's like your conscious attention trying to find itself.





9. Knowing



In subjective reality there are no facts!
Just pure experience.

Awareness is not an object and not a thing at all, that is separate from another.

“Objects” are the illusory separations made surgically by the operation of the focused attention, that can only notice one “object” at a time.


The mind is helping us to navigate reality with these symbols, or rather ideas of things, places, people and ideologies.

From a subjective personal perspective there is just an unspeakable experience and there are no “objects” in it whatsoever.

In here even the word “Awareness” itself, means nothing.

“Awareness” can’t possibly be an object of knowledge.

In fact it’s the complete other way around:

Knowledge is a manifestation inside of awareness.

10. What's my part in all this wiggly experience?


You are really comprised of awareness, you are inseparable from it!
In your own subjective reality as seen from your point of view, reality is you!
Don't forget we are not talking objectively, we are looking from the inside out.

Awareness is my reality,
My experience is my only reality,
Experience is a manifestation of awareness.
I am experience!
I am Awareness!
I am subjective reality!


11. But isn't this written article really another story inside my awareness?


Maybe so, but it tries to point to somewhere ungraspable, to the mystery of the unspeakable Awareness.
The mystery of I.


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