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How to pick an impact statement?

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I've generated loads of impact statements with the life purpose course exercise. The problem is I can't choose one to go with and I don't know if it's the most meaningful impact I could have. How do you go about navigating this, narrowing down potential impact statements to find the most authentic and inspiring answer?


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50 minutes ago, -Rowan said:

The problem is I can't choose one to go with and I don't know if it's the most meaningful impact I could have. How do you go about navigating this, narrowing down potential impact statements to find the most authentic and inspiring answer?


Maybe you just need to have more experiences in life.  As opposed to trying to think your way there. 

Not saying not to contemplate and feel it. 

One thing I've tried is a technique where I'd ask "What is the most meaningful thing to me/or impact I could have?".  Then, instead of trying to think my way there, I focused no the feeling of meaningfulness that I felt.  Then I'd try to bring that feeling up into my head and from that feeling I'd see images of things that are meaningful to me.  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Thanks for the reply. I'm thinking of doing a psychedelic session to contemplate on this. I really think I've exhausted the brainstorming and thinking side of the life purpose course and I'm getting pretty frustrated, I've invested so many hours deeply thinking and answering the questions, but I think I need a different source of intelligence to help me answer it.

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