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Ego Backlash or Dark Night of the Soul

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After realizing no-self and oneness I thought my mind-body was revolting by sending me into an intense ego backlash. But now I am thinking I might be in the abyss. It may seem like an obvious and intense distinction but when you're in it the lines seem blurry. Am I exaggerating this ego backlash? How long has this been happening? I haven't been paying attention to time. I am not just sliding into bad habits I am living them. I feel bored, pointless, shame, loneliness, deep sadness. My reality is full of nothing– no people, no things, no desires (that one is really killing me). Sometimes, I don't care at all. Other times I want to join a club or meetup or something but my body has broken down. Yesterday I couldn't even walk. The other night I woke up around 3 am suffering badly from the emotions that surfaced in my dream. I am doing things about these issues here and there. Little by little as I can. But I am not sure if I should just completely let go or pull myself out of it. Partly because I am unsure if it is an ego backlash or dark night.

What do you guys think? What are your guys' experiences with the dark night of the soul? 

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My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Gianna After the awakening comes a blissful phase (honeymoon phase) and after that a dark night. This is the time where all past trauma you've been hiding from resurface. 

It's not a question if you will experience one but when. From what you're describing it sounds like you are.

The best in my experience is to let things resurface and let things happen by itself. By trying to pull your way out of it you are resisting it and thereby it persists for a longer time then if you instead were to surrender to it.


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