
How to deal with sexual urges

29 posts in this topic


"Some studies have shown that meals high in fat can drop testosterone levels by anywhere from 15 to 40%. Similarly, high carbohydrate meals can drop levels from 10 to 30% for anywhere from 3 to 8 hours. Even consuming a drink that has about 75 grams of glucose (about what you'd get in one of those "Rockstar" energy drinks) is enough to chop testosterone levels down by jaw slackening 47%."

However, my point is that LOW testosterone can cause surges of sexual desire. The solution might not be dropping testosterone levels--on the contrary. Sometimes HIGHER testosterone can help to normalize sexual urges.

Edited by RobertZ

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@RobertZ @RobertZ 

I suffer from adrenal insufficiency and I have lifelong adrenal issues. 

So I suffer bone density,low memory and mood swings and low testosterone. 

That can cause a spike in sexual urges although my libido is generally low but I experience spikes and surges.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 28/06/2021 at 5:23 PM, Preety_India said:

I also drink soy milk. Before drinking soy milk this never happened. After drinking soy milk, I have begun to experience some changes like breast softness and feeling weird sexually, like a bit stronger sexually than usual. I also saw that the more sugars I eat, these urges intensify that month 

 When I eat less sugars, that month it's a bit low. But taking away sugar completely feels like a nightmare of body weaknesses.

I have gotten such strong urges this month that I have been looking at random men and feeling sexual just looking at them which has caused me to Shame myself for feeling so sexual around men and wanting them so bad.

I have begun to feel feelings of intense shame whenever I feel sexual. 

I have never slept around, except strictly in context of solid relationships and I just don't want my moral integrity to be compromised in any way.

These days the new trend for me is that whenever I see male chest hair I get turned on really quickly and I feel very ashamed about it because it could be any random male whose shirt is slightly unbuttoned and that turns me on and then I begin to guilt myself later for feeling horny about it. 

@Preety_India Couple loose ideas here:

  • Soy milk is easily replacable with almond milk or any other nut milk
  • Cutting out sugar should be fine after a few days of weakness. Especially with enough fruit and maybe a little honey.
  • This might be an opportunity to explore and integrate your casual sex shadow
    Let me explain. I think it's great that you now have the self respect and self esteem necessary to hold off on sex until you feel respected. I want to congratulate you on that.
    At the same time, a woman can decide to have casual sex in an empowered way, where she decides when to do it, who with, and that she may not want any contact after. She can be in control the entire time, taking care of her needs and desires, and respecting herself all the way through.
    These things can exist in harmony, even though they seem paradoxical.
    I understand that you have (inherited?) many judgments around that, and I'm not suggesting to change your beliefs. Just perhaps explore the other side, the 'forbidden' thing, enough to loosen up on some of the judgments and integrate the shadow a bit. You don't have to make it a new lifestyle.
    Only if you feel ready.


I wish you health and serenity and hope that whatever you choose works out for you.

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5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

@RobertZ @RobertZ 

I suffer from adrenal insufficiency and I have lifelong adrenal issues. 

Just curious, have you ever had any of your hormones tested? Adrenal fatigue is being thrown around a lot by naturopaths but I am becoming more and more sceptical of this being a real thing. It is possible to get your cortisol tested as well as your sex hormones. Best test for testosterone is serum (blood) and best test for cortisol is salivary - taken in several doses (usually up to 6 samples a day). 

5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

So I suffer bone density,low memory and mood swings and low testosterone. 

Do you mean osteopenia (progressive bone loss)? Have you had a DEXA scan to confirm you are losing bone density? Are you dealing with it or treating it with anyway? If bone loss is confirmed, I would really suggest do your best to put stop to it. It is VERY hard to regain bone mass and if untreated puts you at severe risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis not to mention heart problems. Not meaning to be a fearmonger but bone loss is not something I'd ignore. But I may be jumping to conclusion here so apologies if that's the case. 

Sorry for invasive comments and please feel free to ignore me but if any of these are the case, there are treatments (medical or non-medical) and ideally it is best caught while you are young, the older we get generally, the more difficult it is to deal with our health problems 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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3 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Just curious, have you ever had any of your hormones tested? Adrenal fatigue is being thrown around a lot by naturopaths but I am becoming more and more sceptical of this being a real thing. It is possible to get your cortisol tested as well as your sex hormones. Best test for testosterone is serum (blood) and best test for cortisol is salivary - taken in several doses (usually up to 6 samples a day). 

Do you mean osteopenia? Have you had a dexa scan to confirm you are losing bone density? Are you dealing with it or treating it with any way? 

Sorry for invasive comments and please feel free to ignore me but if any of these are the case, there are treatments (medical or non-medical) and ideally it is best caught while you are young, the older we get generally, the more difficult it is to deal with our health problems 

@RobertZ tagged accidentally.

I don't think these tests and scans are available in my country. But my doctor many years ago had suggested that I might be having adrenal problems (something that my father suffered as well ) on the basis of my blood reports.

The bone density thing is my conjectures because I suffer weakness in bones/joints. Mood swings are present which are severe during pms.

I looked up online regarding low testosterone and saw that many of the symptoms kinda match.

Also I show the following symptoms of high estrogen.

-swelling and tenderness in your breasts.

-irregular menstrual periods.

-increased symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

-mood swings.


So I think there is an estrogen testosterone imbalance and this could be due to adrenals.

Again this is just my conjecture.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

The bone density thing is my conjectures because I suffer weakness in bones/joints.

I am sure DEXA scan is available in India. It is a fairly standard medical test used for people with bone issues. I think it would be worth your time getting this done to confirm. If your Z-score is fine, at least you know that it is something else :)

10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

swelling and tenderness in your breasts.

-irregular menstrual periods.

-increased symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

-mood swings.

Some blood work done by endocrinologists would reveal any potential deficiencies or excesses. I think it is best to test rather than guessing with Dr Google. Oestrogen dominance can be quite common in women but there are ways to deal with it, test should be the first otherwise it is easy to fall pretty to stage purple medicines and remedies. Get a test and once this is confirmed then you could decide the next steps. But at least you will have something clear on the paper. 

10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

o I think there is an estrogen testosterone imbalance and this could be due to adrenals.

In women, your sex hormones are made in ovaries and so any deficiency or excess would be due to the hormonal loop between hypothalamus -pituitary-ovaries (HPO axis). Again, this can be tested. The hormones usually tested are called: GnRH, LH, FSH, Oestradiol, Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, Progesterone and sometimes they also test SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). Maybe you can ask doctor via email if they would be willing to run your hormonal panel and DEXA for bone density? I would also add to that a test called Full Blood Count + Iron + Vitamin D. 

I think that would be a good start and would give you some base of what to do next. 

And if you get results and don't want to take any drugs you can always post it here and maybe we can help with some directions. 

Good luck!!

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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25 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

I am sure DEXA scan is available in India. It is a fairly standard medical test used for people with bone issues. I think it would be worth your time getting this done to confirm. If your Z-score is fine, at least you know that it is something else :)

Some blood work done by endocrinologists would reveal any potential deficiencies or excesses. I think it is best to test rather than guessing with Dr Google. Oestrogen dominance can be quite common in women but there are ways to deal with it, test should be the first otherwise it is easy to fall pretty to stage purple medicines and remedies. Get a test and once this is confirmed then you could decide the next steps. But at least you will have something clear on the paper. 

In women, your sex hormones are made in ovaries and so any deficiency or excess would be due to the hormonal loop between hypothalamus -pituitary-ovaries (HPO axis). Again, this can be tested. The hormones usually tested are called: GnRH, LH, FSH, Oestradiol, Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, Progesterone and sometimes they also test SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). Maybe you can ask doctor via email if they would be willing to run your hormonal panel and DEXA for bone density? I would also add to that a test called Full Blood Count + Iron + Vitamin D. 

I think that would be a good start and would give you some base of what to do next. 

And if you get results and don't want to take any drugs you can always post it here and maybe we can help with some directions. 

Good luck!!

This would be a huge investment for me. I have done plenty of blood tests before.

And these hormonal tests are pretty expensive. 

I don't think I'll do those.

Even if there is a bit of sexual hormonal imbalance, I don't care about it unless I'm planning to get pregnant.

I think I need solutions on controlling the sexual surges I get.

And I'm sure there must be tons of naturopathic solutions for my sexual issues and I wouldn't need to do these tests.

Anyways I'm not going to be doing any kind of professional hormonal replacement or any of that bullshit. Not to mention those kind of things are Mega expensive. I can't afford all that hormone bullshit therapy.

I need easy and natural solutions for my sexual problems without having to go through complex medical things that would need a lot of headache.

I don't think my issues are this major.. maybe slight imbalance in hormones which is natural and found in plenty women.

The PMS symptoms are a bit strong and these urges are normally high during those times.

It's quite understandable and no rocket science that PMS times are correlated to rise in estrogen in blood.

Now I read this.




So it could be that I'm having spikes in testosterone just before my menses. And that could be triggering my sex drive.

Having a strong sex drive cannot be considered a health problem 

In fact having a low sex drive is a health problem.

I'm not having sex so there is some room for sexual frustration which is normal and that can explain my sexual agitations.

Anyways I just want some easy home remedies to control my sexual agitations and frustrations.

It's obviously due to hormones acting up but if I learn some basic strategies , the problem can be handled.


I don't see this as a significant health issue.

Regarding the adrenals, there is not much that can be done about it according to my doctors..


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Hope you'll find the answers you're looking for ?

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@Marcel thank you for understanding my struggles. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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