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What is attraction?

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Is attraction simply liking/loving things about others that you yourself lack love in? 

Is attraction simply liking/loving things about others that you yourself don't embody or struggle to embody? 

What is attraction? Spiritually, what does it mean to be attracted to something? I'm not necessarily asking only for the definition, but also WHY the definition is defined as it is? What is the cause of any attraction, without regards to the bias of the one experiencing attraction? 

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55 minutes ago, Zion said:

Is attraction simply liking/loving things about others that you yourself lack love in? 

You are attracted to things that you desire, but you lack. 

The attraction is not superficial, but deeply metaphysical. Meaning, you are not attracted to the outside appearance, but to the values that create the appearance. 

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From a distance the water in a desert seems actual. With a lessening of distance, the water is realized to be a mirage. 

From a distance the desert in love seems actual. With a lessening of distance, the desert is realized to be a mirage. 

Love is never the cause of the desert, the water, or the mirage. There are not these things, but thought makes it so. 

There is not thought, but love makes it so. 





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18 minutes ago, Nahm said:

There is not thought, but love makes it so.

@Nahm Can't describe how much "yes!!" I'm feeling rn? beautiful.

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