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John Paul

LP, Love, and SD

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I was thinking last night LP can be a career that is serving any stage and it's agenda as long as the individual is embodying love and promoting the healthy aspects of all stages. The fact that SD is just a model has come back to me and it feels so much less relevant than just being a loving and present being. 

Is it more important to pursue no-mind than to bother thinking about a model once we have a firm grasp on it? When I see a healthy or "beautiful" version of a color it makes me realize how lovable and centered around love they all are. And I think that unhealthy versus healthy aspects are arising from no love versus love. So it feels like the model has just become irrelevant because there's just no time in the present moment, living my life to think about SD rather than merge with whatever consciousness that is around me while being subconsciously aware of the spiral and knowing that I'm living for love and progression... Just give it up until it's relevant I guess; kinda made a thought form out of SD, went a little crazy over it haha

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You can connect to everything and when it feels right think in spiral dynamics. Doesn't need to be a continuous obsession.


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feel like the most practical use of spiral dynamics model is to more easily see how the world actually is perfect and Beautiful...fuck man

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